Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary

“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
Thursday, October 7th Lk. 11: 5-13 “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
The Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit delight in granting the requests of the Blessed Virgin Mary—Mother of God, Mother of the Church, and Mother of each and every one of us!
The Rosary is a mighty weapon to wield in conquering the three formidable enemies of our salvation: the devil, the world, and our own weak flesh!
Our Lady identified herself as Our Lady of the Rosary when she appeared to the three children of Fatima and asked them to pray the rosary daily with small acts of penance for the salvation of souls falling into hell because there is no one to pray and offer sacrifices for them! Some of those souls could be our own family members!
Every year upon the arrival of October 7th the Church celebrates the FEAST of OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY. The reason for this Marian-Rosary Liturgical Feast is due to one of the most important Naval Victories in the History of the Church, in the History of the world!
THE BATTLE OF LEPANTO. The Battle of Lepanto took place at the end of the 16th century in the Gulf of Patras, Ionian Sea. The battle consisted of a naval fight at sea between Moslems and Catholics. The Islam battle formation was far superior and in all respects: preparation, number of ships, canons, guns, and manpower. In a very real sense, it was impossible for the few Catholics—indeed a rag-tag motley crew compared to the Moslems—to come out victorious!
THE MIRACULOUS VICTORY: OUR LADY OF THE MOST HOLY ROSARY. One of the most stupendous witnesses to the power of Almighty God, but through the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title Our Lady of the Rosary is the victory at Lepanto. To make a long story short, the battle broke out in the Gulf of Patras, near Lepanto. Having fewer ships, being less numerous in manpower, and less experienced in battle, at first the Catholic Christians were losing the battle. It appeared as if the victory would surely go to the Turkish fleet, that of the Moslems. But something happened that changed the tide and it came about in this manner. In that time period within the Church (the 16th Century) one of the reigning Pontiffs was Pope Pius V, now Saint Pope Pius V. Before being chosen to be Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church he belonged to the Order of Preachers, that is to say, the Dominicans. Their Founder, Saint Dominic wielded the most Holy Rosary and preached it fervently and faithfully against the heresy of Albigensiansim. As a result, this pernicious and erroneous Religious sect was conquered and many who were contaminated by its errors returned to the Catholic Church. Indeed, this was a Rosary miracle!
THE TACTIC OF SAINT POPE PIUS V. Therefore, even as Pope, being a faithful son of Saint Dominic and lover of the Rosary, Pope Pius V had a strong inspiration! Why not call for a Rosary crusade in Europe—that is to say, encourage the Catholics far and wide to pull out their spiritual weapon, their spiritual sword—none other than the Rosary—and use this as the weapon of victory. So it happened, led by Pope Pius V a huge number of Catholics began praying the Rosary non-stop for the Catholic naval fleet. Something curious happened; the winds changed in favor of the Catholics; they were able to capture the head General of the Moslems! This launched the Moslem fleet into total disarray and confusion. At which point, the Catholics, despite their paucity of boats, men, and experience—crushed the Moslems. From on high, Pope Pius V received an interior inspiration that the Catholics had won the battle. But in all truth, the victory was not due to any naval expertise on the part of Catholics, rather it was due to the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY! The enemy forces were powerful, menacing, and ruthless, but the Blessed Virgin Mary, through the fervent, humble, and faithful recitation of the Holy Rosary proved much more powerful. The victory was God’s through the intercession of His Most Holy Mother.
OCTOBER 7th—OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY. Therefore, to commemorate the Victory of the Catholic Christians over the Moslems, the Pope instituted a new Liturgical Memorial—OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY, which we celebrate every year in the Month of October, October 7th to be exact.
DAVID AND GOLIATH. The best comparison might be to recall the battle that took place in the Old Testament between David and Goliath. David was a mere youth with only a slingshot and some stones in hand; he had no experience in battle, no weapon, and no armor to wear! On the other hand, Goliath had it all! His stature was frighteningly enormous, his weapon a huge crescent sword, he wore a helmet, and his shield-bearer went ahead of him. Goliath was possibly one of the most dangerous and ferocious warriors in the world. His intention was to slaughter the little shepherd David, whom he mocked and sneered at, then throw his corpse to the birds of the field! We all know the end of the story! The glorious victory went to David; the catastrophic defeat to Goliath!
THE ROSARY: THE MODERN VICTORIOUS SLINGSHOT. More than ever before, we are surrounded by not one Goliath, but a multitude of ugly Goliaths, ugly monsters bent on seeking and pursuing us with the one purpose of ensnaring, enslaving, and destroying us.
IDENTIFYING THE MODERN GOLIATHS. If we want to defeat the modern Goliaths, then we first must identify them. The following are a few: Materialism, Consumerism, Hedonism, Rationalism, Agnosticism, Dogmatic as well as Practical Atheism. All of the above-mentioned are erroneous philosophical systems spreading like wildfire throughout the country and other parts of the world. Our Lady of Fatima had prophesied that Russia would spread its errors—that of atheism, the denial of the existence of God—throughout the world.
THE REMEDY: THE MODERN SPIRITUAL SLINGSHOT. If we want to win the battle in our country, our state, our city, our Church community, our family, and in our own personal lives against the many modern GOLIATHS that may be exterior or even interior, we must pull out the powerful weapon so pleasing to God, the recitation of the most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
OCTOBER: THE MONTH OF THE ROSARY. May is for Mary; June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; July we honor and praise the Precious Blood of Jesus. The month of October is the month dedicated to promoting, praying, and loving this great gift to the world—the most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Indeed, we are in mortal spiritual combat. However, with Jesus as our King and Mary as our Heavenly Queen we are sure to win the battle. So starting now, wield your Rosary; pray it faithfully and you will be able to conquer the many Goliaths that lurk around you seeking the destruction of your soul!!!