Tuesday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time

“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
Tuesday, October 12th Lk. 11: 37-41 “As to what is within, give alms, and behold; everything will be clean for you.”
Today’s meditation is on almsgiving through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass… so that as Christ promises in the Gospel today, “Everything will be clean for you.”
God’s graces indeed are infinite…
One of the most clear, interesting and exciting explanations of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is presented in the movie: THE GREATEST MIRACLE. Relatively short—only about 70 minutes—Claymation, with attractive scenes, melodious, joyful and uplifting music, all Catholics should view it!
Even though of the greatest simplicity, the dynamic cinema masterpiece, addresses and responds to one of the most important philosophical and theological questions and yearnings: the universal call to happiness. How true, in all times, all places, all circumstances, and all persons, there is a great desire to be happy. If you like, you can term it: the universal call to happiness.
We will never meet an individual who will say, point blank: “Well today is Monday; it is my day to be sad, but then Tuesday, I will go back to being happy!” Absurdity! In all times and places, all of us want to attain a state of happiness, and even though many do not realize it, especially eternal happiness in Heaven.
Addressing the topic of happiness and its contrary, the movie THE GREATEST MIRACLE manifests how three individuals move from a state of sadness and desolation to a state of exuberant joy and consolation. The transformation is both profound and rapid.
The three major protagonists of the movie, two widows and a bus-driver with a son dying of terminal cancer, move on with their lives without any set goal until they meet up with their Guardian Angel. This inconspicuous friend of God (the Guardian Angel) knows exactly where and how this sadness can be transformed into radiant joy. Quite simply: Holy, Mass, Holy Communion, and living out the Mass as an offering to God.
In the middle of the movie, the Guardian Angel makes a very poignant comment as he watches a couple come in late for Holy Mass, distracted and not paying attention. In essence the Angel says that this couple—as well as many people—get little out of Mass because they do not pay attention to Holy Mass. They do not really participate in Holy Mass.
Holy Mass has infinite value; indeed, it is THE GREATEST MIRACLE! However, Sacramental Theology teaches with a penetrating clarity that the graces one receives are in direct proportion to the disposition of one’s soul. This is called the Theology of Dispositive Grace. In a word, the better the preparation and the more active and intense the participation, the more abundant the graces received from God, the author of all graces. The Dogmatic Constitution, from the Documents of Vatican II, states unequivocally that in Mass the laity should strive to participate fully, actively, and consciously.
PRIESTHOOD. Vatican II also points out the two forms of the priesthood: the Ministerial priesthood—that is to say, the person who has received the Sacrament of Holy Orders, and then the Common priesthood of the faithful—every baptized Catholic.
OFFERTORY AND HOLY MASS. One of the most important manners in which the Laity can live out their Common priesthood is by living out Holy Mass, by participating to the max in this greatest of all prayers—the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
GUARDIAN ANGEL AND THE OFFERTORY. In the movie The Greatest Miracle, the Guardian Angel insists that everybody should participate in Holy Mass with their own personal offerings. True, the Parish priest may have a specific offering/intention for that Mass. However, that does not exclude private intentions. You can offer as many intentions as your heart desires.
Therefore, we would like to help all to derive more abundant fruit from every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The remaining part of our conversation will be to offer various suggestions to motivate all to make a concerted effort to live out to the max the Mass by living out the Offertory. By this we mean, before Mass make sure that you offer your own intention, better said, your own many intentions! The more intentions you bring to God, the happier God is. As expressed in the Diary of Saint Faustina: “Ask with BOLD CONFIDENCE!!!”
Jesus Himself ordered us: “Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.” (Mt. 7:7) The intentions can be as many and as varied as your imagination brings to mind!
1. THE SOULS IN PURGATORY. These poor, suffering souls are saved because they died in the state of sanctifying grace. However, the Book of Revelation speaks clearly that nothing impure can enter the Kingdom of God. The movie THE GREATEST MIRACLE has a scene where the elderly widow, Dona Cata, a very pure soul, receives Holy Communion and the Guardian Angel immediately enters Purgatory and brings a soul detained there to Heaven. The souls in Purgatory yearn for the Precious Blood of Jesus to wash away their sins so that they can take flight to Heaven. We can never go wrong by praying and offering our Mass and Holy Communion for the souls in Purgatory! It is a huge act of charity!
2. CONVERSION OF FAMILY MEMBERS. All of us are surrounded by family members who are heading in the wrong direction, and some of them at an accelerated pace. Some might even be very close to the precipice ready to plunge into the eternal flames. This being the sad state of affairs, offer your Mass and Holy Communion for their conversion to the love of God and for their eternal salvation. Many of your family members depend upon your Mass and Holy Communion!
3. CONVERSION OF DEATH-BED SINNERS. Of even greater importance in the offering of your Mass and Holy Communion, is to pray for those who are on their deathbed, about to leave this world and go before the judgment seat of God. Once again, in the Diary of St. Faustina, Jesus insists that prayers be offered in a most special way for the dying. To overcome suffering, desolation, or even more important, to renounce mortal sin in this most critical time of life, special graces are exceedingly necessary. No more abundant graces flow through the Sacred Heart of Jesus than those offered to the Eternal Father in Holy Mass!
4. VOCATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD AND RELIGIOUS LIFE. On one occasion Jesus, looking out at people who were like sheep without a Shepherd, expressed with a heavy heart: “The harvest is rich, but the laborers are few. Beg the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers.” (Mt 9:37-38) Therefore, a very important intention for which you can offer your Mass offering would be that of praying for vocations—more vocations, and most important, holy vocations to the priesthood and Religious Life. How true and how sad, the harvest is rich but the laborers all too few.
5. THE SANCTIFICATION OF THE PRIESTHOOD AND RELIGIOUS LIFE. As a sequel or follow up to the fervent offering for future vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life should be the offering of Mass and Holy Communion for priests and Religious already ordained and consecrated. How important it is to pray for the perseverance of both priests and Religious. Even more, we must pray that priests, Bishops and Religious strive to become great saints. Many souls depend upon the holiness of both priests and Religious!
6. IN REPARATION FOR THE VAST DELUGE OF SINS. Our Lady of Fatima, through the Guardian Angel, invited the three little Shepherd children, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta to receive Holy Communion, but a Communion of Reparation for the many sins that offend God so much. There is no more powerful and efficacious means to offer due reparation to God than the offering of Jesus, the spotless Victim on the altar, in reparation for the many sins of the world, a real deluge of sins.
7. YOUR OWN PERSONAL SINS. On a personal note, we all have our own personal moral failures; we call these personal sins. By far, there is no more efficacious means by which we can offer due reparation for our own sins than by offering Mass and Holy Communion. Indeed, one Mass and Holy Communion is sufficient to repair for all the sins of the world, including our own many failures. “Eternal Father, I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of your only begotten Son in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.” What a great penance this would be from the priest to repair for our many sins!
8. A PERSONAL HEART-TRANSPLANT. As a result of Original Sin, we all struggle with our own sinfulness, our own bad habits, our own Kryptonite (our major weaknesses). In all truth, until the Lord calls us from this life to the next, our life is a struggle between the flesh and the spirit, the good and the bad, the dark and the light that are waging fierce battles within our souls. If we wage this battle wielding only our natural resources, then we are doomed to die. As Jesus reminds us: “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Mt 26:41) However, if we rely upon the Lord and His holiness, then the victory is ours because it is the Lord’s! “Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.” (Ps 124:8) Therefore, when we attend Holy Mass and receive Holy Communion, in all truth, we receive the Total Christ (Saint Augustine): His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. This of course includes His Sacred Heart.
Now all of the virtues in the highest degree are present in every Mass and every Holy Communion. So, we can beg the Lord to fill us with all the virtues, especially the virtue that we most need. Patience, obedience, meekness, purity, kindness, mortification, faith, trust, burning love, fortitude, intelligence, prayerfulness and many more are the virtues that are present in every Holy Communion well received because we truly receive the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This Sacred Heart of Jesus in Holy Communion is truly a burning furnace of charity that desires so much to consume all that is ignoble and sinful within us. Our goal in life should be that expressed by Saint Paul: “It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.” (Gal 2:20)
9. PRAYERS, SUPPLICATIONS, PETITIONS, INTERCESSIONS IN GENERAL… What the world needs now more than ever is prayer and Eucharistic prayer-warriors. As we prepare for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we can place on the altar the many prayer intentions that are related to international affairs, national affairs, Church affairs, local Church affairs, family matters and problems, the many friends or relatives who have asked for our prayers, the pandemic, the sick, the suffering, the poor, the lonely and abandoned, and once again the dying, as well as the souls in Purgatory. All should be prayed for with the perspective of God’s holy will, the salvation of souls and eternity. In other words, the intentions that we can deposit on the altar, on the paten and chalice of the priest, have no limits. Indeed, God is very pleased when, like little children, we constantly beg for what we and our world desperately need.
10. THE IMPORTANT ROLE OF MARY IN THE MASS AND OFFERTORY. In the fourth Joyful Mystery, we contemplate Mary offering Jesus in the Temple. As Simeon takes the Divine Child in His arms, he praises and thanks God. He also makes a prophecy of the future suffering of Jesus and Mary. Jesus would be a sign of contradiction and Mary would have her Heart pierced by a sword. Our Mass offerings and intentions will become all the more efficacious if we offer them through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Often the saintly Mother Teresa of Calcutta prepared for Holy Communion by asking Mary to lend her Mary’s Immaculate Heart so that she could love Jesus with Mary’s Heart. Saint Louis de Montfort, and many saints, agree that Mary is the shortest, quickest and most efficacious path to Jesus. Therefore, place of all your many intentions in the hands of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The results will be extraordinary!
In conclusion, my friends in Jesus and Mary, let us humbly beg for the grace to live out the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with the best disposition possible. Before Mass let us always offer our own special intentions. Let us not be timid or fearful in our offerings. Quite the contrary, let us offer as many intentions as possible and ask with bold confidence! How pleasing this is to God! And never forget to go to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Holy Communion, through the most pure and holy Immaculate Heart of Mary.