Memorial of Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church

“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
MONDAY, June 13th Mt 5: 38-42 Alleluia Verse: “A lamp to my feet is your word; a light to my path.”
A Century ago, Spiritual Directors, writers, and the classic books would frequently encourage the practice of both spiritual reading, as well as Lectio Divina. Undoubtedly, these would be efficacious tools to robust one’s spiritual life.
Even more insistent on the importance of methodic and well-planned spiritual reading would be part and parcel of the Rule for most Religious Orders and Congregations. Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Venerable Bruno Lanteri (Founder of the Congregation of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary), not to mention the great woman Doctor of the Church, Saint Teresa of Avila, were all keenly aware of the importance of the practice of spiritual reading.
Even more poignantly, the conversion of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, obviously the work of God’s grace, came about at least partially through the reading of good books; in the case of Ignatius, the lives of the saints.
Now more than ever, we must take advantage of the present moment, the times in which we live and the tools at our disposal to advance and progress in our spiritual journey.
The practice of spiritual reading will persist as a perennial and efficacious practice until the Lord decides to call all to Judgment. However there are many sources of learning, growth and sanctification at our finger tips that we should not be ignorant of nor discard!
Without going into minute detail, let us present the multiple sources of spiritual enlightenment and nourishment that can indeed bolster our spiritual life from mediocrity to fervor and saintliness. Now is the day of our salvation and a chief enemy is that of procrastinating—putting off until tomorrow the good that we can and should carry out in the present moment. In a word, what we do not do now, will not be done tomorrow or perhaps ever! Here comes the list!
1. SPIRITUAL READING. Get in the habit of good spiritual reading, the classics. Read the Bible, the Fathers of the Church, the Doctors of the Church, the lives of the saints and their writings, as well as Encyclicals and Church Magisterial Teachings.
2. CATHOLIC RADIO PROGRAMS AND TALK SHOWS. Many of us find ourselves stranded in our cars, and at times for hours in a day. Instead of capitulating to frustration and anger, why not use that time to pray a Rosary or two, and then listen to some good Radio Programs. Suggestions? Relevant Radio or EWTN. Radio in Spanish—Radio Guadalupe or El Sembrador. If you choose the right Programs, this can serve for your ongoing Permanent formation.
3. PODCASTS. You are taking a walk in the park for half an hour and you want to relax and learn something new. Why not put on the headphones and listen to a 25 minute Podcast on some timely spiritual topic. Indeed, this will enrich your spiritual life and help you so that you can defend your Catholic faith more vigorously—like Saint Stephen in the Acts of the Apostles!
4. BLOG ARTICLES. One of my favorite past-times is to spend some quality time in silence composing a relatively short blog article, usually between 1,500 and 2,000 words. (Actually, that is what I am doing right now!!!) These articles are simple, spiritually sound, informative, easy to read and not time consuming. They can be read in ten minutes or even less. Then you can always go back to them for future consultation and formation.
5. YOUTUBE SEA OF INFORMATION. With respect to the YouTube world there is literally a world of information at our fingertips. Of course, there is much to be avoided like the plague. However, there are many recorded talks that can truly enrich our spiritual lives.
6. DVD’S. Even though many may consider DVD’s technology of the past, we should not deny the fact that in the past 30 years many DVD’s have presented marvelously the lives of the saints.
7. IMAGES/SPIRITUAL PAINTINGS. No matter the age or epoch that we find ourselves in, there are paintings, sculptures, Icons that have perennial value for spiritual edification. Images of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Images of Divine Mercy, paintings, statues or even icons of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus can help us immensely as a means to lift our mind, heart, and soul to God, the Creator of all authentic beauty.
8. TELEVISION. Once again, TV can be interpreted in the light of being a two-edged sword. Unfortunately, much filth is spewed out from the ugly mouth of the TV channels. However, there are channels and Programs that have done immense good and will continue to do immense good. Just to mention one: EWTN. Thanks to Mother Angelica’s genius, tenacity, perseverance and spiritual life, there exists today the most famous Catholic TV Network in the world—EWTN—ETERNAL WORD TELEVISION NETWORK. Graces in abundance and conversions have flowed from EWTN.
9. RETREATS/CONSECRATIONS. Over the past few years, Spiritual Retreats and programs of Consecration to Mary, to Saint Joseph, etc. have proven to be incredible spiritual skyrockets, catapulting many to a deeper spiritual life and commitment to a truly pure sanctity of life.
10. CONVERSATIONS. It is true that books, articles, YouTube videos, Podcasts, DVD Movies, TV, as well as Radio programs can be very efficacious tools to help us to grow more robust in our spiritual lives. However, the saints of the past have strongly recommended the real importance of being engaged in spiritual conversations. Imagine eavesdropping on a conversation between Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross. Try to picture yourself listening to Saint Margaret Mary Alaqoque talking to her Spiritual Director, Saint Claude de la Colombiere about her messages that she received from the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Try to imagine being present when Saint Faustina Kowalska opened her mind and heart to her spiritual director, Blessed Michael Sopocko. No doubt, once we are engaged in conversations on spiritual matters, our own spiritual life takes wing and starts to soar into a much more lofty spiritual atmosphere.
Friends in Jesus, Mary, and Saint Joseph, the angels and saints, let us picture our life as a journey and the end is our eternal Home. Let us utilize all of these expressive signposts to help point us on the sure and secure pathway to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Indeed these two will be our refuge in time and for all eternity.