Memorial of Saint Philip Neri, Priest

“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
THURSDAY, May 26th Lk 16: 16-20 “Amen, amen, I say to you, you will weep and mourn, while the world rejoices, you will grieve, but your grief will become joy.”
Jesus is indeed our Joy in all times and all places, for after the trials and sufferings of this life, there is a Resurrection!
The winter snows melt and spring flowers blossom emanating their beautiful fragrance. The sharp thorns fade and the red rose sprouts with exquisite beauty. These are merely analogies in nature of the greatest of all events: the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Of greater value by far, a hardened sinner moved by grace, renouncing sin, reforming his life, and falling in love with the Person of Jesus the Lord becomes a great saint. This is only possible through the power of grace communicated through the Paschal mystery—the Passion, death and Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Such saints knew that Jesus indeed died, but He rose from the dead on the third day. He rose never to die again. This reality of the Resurrection has a huge impact on the whole of humanity, and on each and every one of us in particular.
We shall look at ten of the graces that flow from the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
1. Life in Abundance
Death is not the last word, but beyond the grave there is life and life in abundance. The atheist, or agnostic lives a life of hopeless despair. Not the believer— Eternal life, life to the fullest awaits the true followers of Christ.
2. Hope
Despite all of the trials, afflictions, tribulations, contradictions in life, the belief in Jesus’ Risen life fills us with hope!
3. Heaven
The reason for an abounding hope is the firm belief in heaven that is right around the corner. Jesus promised heaven to all believers and doers of His word. “I go now to prepare a place for you so that where I am you might also be. In my Fathers’ home there are many mansions. If it were not so, I would not tell you so.” (Jn 14:3)
4. Joy
St. Ignatius, in the Spiritual Exercises of the fourth week, brings us into contact with the Risen Jesus, and Ignatius insists that we beg not only for Joy, but for the most Intense Joy. Joy is a powerful motivation to carry out great apostolic endeavors for the Lord!
5. A Family Reunion
The Risen Lord promises His faithful followers heaven and that means that we will be reunited with our loved ones and the saints who have preceded us. It will be an endless banquet of the best of friends meeting and enjoying each other’s company for all eternity!
6. Suffering
Human nature recoils from suffering! However, in the light of the Risen Lord, not only does suffering have meaning but it also has eternal value. That said, suffering has value only inasmuch as it is united to the suffering, Passion, death and Resurrection of Jesus. If united to Christ’s suffering, our suffering purifies, humbles, exalts, sanctifies, and prepares us for eternal glory. As Christians we must follow Christ, the whole way, from the hill of Calvary to the glory of the Risen Lord! Jesus revealed to St. Faustina that the angels experience a holy envy for the human person and for two reasons: we can receive Holy Communion and we can suffer—meaning we can reap abundant fruit by uniting our suffering with the sufferings of Jesus—for our salvation and the salvation of many others!
7. Life and Eternal Life
The impact of the Lord’s Resurrection shows us how ephemeral, transitory and fleeting the human condition can be. It also shows us the eternity of Heaven and our life with the Risen Lord. Even the greatest and longest sufferings cannot be compared to eternal life with Our Lord. St. Paul expresses this beautifully: “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it entered into the mind of man the wonderful things that God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor 2:9)
8. Self Control in Dignity
Life in the light of the Risen Lord challenges us to live a life of sobriety, self-restraint, and self-control. Why? Our bodies are destined to be united with the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the angels and the saints. Therefore, we must live according to our dignity, our destiny, and our definition as persons—temples of the Holy Trinity by the grace of the Resurrection and our Baptism.
9. The Eucharist and the Bread of Life Discourse (John 6:25-71)
Never can we separate the meaning of the Risen Lord Jesus from the reality of Jesus truly and substantially present in every Holy Mass, in every Consecration, and in every Holy Communion. In this sacrifice, we remember Jesus’ promise of heaven related to Holy Communion, the Bread of life. Listen and meditate upon Jesus’ sublime and awesome words and promise: “I am the Bread of Life, whoever eats my body and drinks my blood, will have eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day.”
10. Mary & the Risen Christ
The Blessed Virgin Mary, through her prayers and intercession, illuminates the Mystery of Easter. Crestfallen, crushed, overwhelmed by sorrow, forlorn and despairing—these words serve to express the interior attitude of the Apostles and disciples of Jesus when confronted with the reality of the Crucifixion of Jesus on that first Good Friday. In other words, their hopes in Jesus were totally shattered! In spite of all of this, there was one who did not give into despair: it was the Blessed Virgin Mary. Beyond a doubt, her suffering was incomparable to any other—save that of Jesus the Lord. However, hope reigned supreme in the sorrowful, Immaculate and trusting Heart of Mary. For this reason, St. Ignatius of Loyola, in the Spiritual Exercises, has Jesus appearing first to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary, the Mother of the Risen Lord, was indeed the first to contemplate the Risen Lord Jesus in all His glory!
Therefore, in our contemplation of the mystery of the Risen Lord Jesus, we must lift up our eyes to Mary and beg her for the grace to penetrate with greater depth the reality of this supreme and sublime mystery. Therein lies our Hope and our Joy for all eternity!