Holy Saturday At the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter

“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
SATURDAY, April 16th Job 33:21-22 Word of God: “His flesh is wasted so that it cannot be seen, and his bones, once invisible, appear; His soul draws near to the pit, his life to the place of the dead.”
The Mystics tell us that Mary relived the Passion of Christ on Holy Saturday. Let us walk the Via Dolorosa with Mary and meditate on the fifth of the Seven Sorrows of Mary.
This Fifth Sorrow of Mary is witnessing with her own eyes and her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart the death of her beloved Son. His death which Mary witnessed with her eyes and in the depths of her heart was the most cruel. Jesus was crucified, nailed to the cross.
1. BE THERE WITH MARY. In your prayerful meditation be present with Mary as she witnesses Jesus’ torment. Our Lady sees the soldiers roughly thrust His Sacred Body to the ground. Mary sees them extend the hand of Jesus, that He used to bless children and heal the sick, and nail it to the wood of the cross. Blood comes trickling forth—the Precious Blood that Mary gave to Jesus. Then they extend His other hand. Gibson’s film shows His shoulder brutally and mercilessly pulled out of the joint as Jesus writhes in pain. Our Lady witnesses this and a sword of sorrow pierces her heart.
2. JESUS’ FEET. Then they nail the feet of the man who went about bringing Good Tidings to the poor, the sick, the abandoned, the lepers and the rejected of society. The feet that Mary watched taking their first steps when Jesus was a little Babe are now fastened tightly to the cross with nails as He is crucified. His Sacred Blood comes gushing forth to forgive our sins and attain for us eternal salvation. Thank Mary for giving to Jesus His Sacred Humanity that He now offers as a holocaust for our salvation!
3. THE CROSS LIFTED UP. Be with Our Lady as the cross is elevated on high and then roughly thrust into the ground, racking Jesus Body with more pain. All this time Our Lady watches with her eyes and contemplates in her Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart Jesus’ redemptive suffering and death.
4. JESUS’ WORDS: MARY LISTENS ATTENTIVELY TO JESUS’ LAST WORDS. With Our Lady, let us stand underneath the cross and contemplate Jesus with our eyes and heart. Furthermore, let us listen to the words that Jesus pronounces as He ends His earthly life. Jesus ascends the pulpit for the last time and delivers His most eloquent sermon. With Mary, we are there to listen to His words attentively. The Gospel highlights the attitude of Mary: “For her part, Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.” (Lk 2:19). Our Lady can teach us to pray and to ponder the Word of God in our hearts as well. Jesus reminds us: “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” (Mt 4:4)
5. THE SEVEN LAST WORDS OF JESUS: Now with Mary, let us listen to the last words of Jesus and derive much spiritual fruit.
“Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.”
“I thirst.”
“‘Woman behold thy son; son behold thy Mother.’ From that moment the beloved disciple received Mary into his home.”
“My God, My God, why have you abandoned me?”
“Amen, amen I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
“Into your hands I commend my spirit.”
“It is finished.”
6. THREE PATHS OF LIFE—UNDERNEATH THE CROSS. Venerable Fulton J. Sheen states that beneath the cross we encounter three PATHS of life. SAINT MARY MAGDALENE. Once a public sinner, she was converted by the love of Jesus and the loving presence of Mary. Jesus actually cast seven devils from her. The Magdalene is symbolic of PENITENCE—a truly penitent sinner, with tears of sorrow and firm purpose of amendment of life.
7. SAINT JOHN. He was the Beloved disciple who laid his head on the most Sacred Heart of Jesus at the Last Supper. Saint John represents PRIESTHOOD. Furthermore, in the person of Saint John we have all of humanity. Why? Because when Jesus was giving Our Lady as Mother to Saint John, He was giving Mary to all of humanity and to each one of us individually as our universal Mother! John took Mary into his home. The spiritual meaning of this is that Saint John was also taking Our Lady into the very depths of his heart. We are invited to do the same.
8. SPIRITUAL CHILDHOOD. You are present there in the person of the Beloved Disciple Saint John. In Mary given to John, Jesus was also giving Mary to you as your Spiritual Mother for all eternity. In the midst of these great sorrows we are called to rejoice because we are not orphans, and we will never be orphans, because Our Lady, the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church, the Mother of all of humanity, is truly our Mother too! See yourself as a little child in the arms of Mary. Jesus Himself reminds us: “Unless you become like a little child you cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven.” (Mt 18:3) Our Lady will teach us as she taught Saint Therese and Saint Faustina the importance of spiritual childhood. Indeed Our Lady’s love for all of us, and each and every one of us individually, far transcends what we could ever imagine! Saint Augustine expresses the reality of Mary’s spiritual maternity in these words: “If you were to put all the love, of all of the mothers, of all times and places together, then the love that Mary has for you is much greater!” Indeed how great is Our Lady’s love for God, and for you and me! Stop to reflect on this truth and talk to Mary about your great desire to be her son/daughter.
9. OUR LADY. Magdalene represents Penitence. John represents the Priesthood and Spiritual Childhood as Mary is our spiritual Mother. Finally, Our Lady represents INNOCENCE. Our Lady was conceived without the stain of Original Sin, and she lived a sinless life, never giving in to even the slightest sin during the whole course of her earthly life! As the poet Wordsworth expressed about Our Lady: “Woman! Above all women glorified, our tainted nature’s solitary boast.” Therefore, as we stand with the most pure, innocent, and sorrowful Mother at the foot of the cross, we want to sincerely beg her for the grace to recognize our sinfulness, as well as beg the most holy Mary for the grace to renounce all sin in our lives! “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”
10. MORAL STRUGGLES. In our temptations let us turn to Our Lady and beg for strength. In our falls and failures let us turn to Our Lady and beg for a true change and conversion of heart. From Our Lady let us beg for the grace to renounce our sins by having frequent recourse to the Sacrament of Confession, so that we can die to sin and rise up to new life in Christ Jesus!
11. REDEEMER. Jesus came into the world to give us life and life in abundance. The name Jesus, given to Him through the Archangel Gabriel at the Annunciation, means “Savior”. He came to save us from our sins and open wide the gates of heaven for us. Jesus as Redeemer and Savior of all of humanity is your personal Savior and mine. The gates of heaven that were closed due to the sin of Adam and Eve were opened through Jesus, the second Adam, with the collaboration of Mary, the second Eve.
12. CO-REDEEMER. Indeed, Jesus is the only Redeemer—saving us by His Precious Blood shed on Calvary. However, Mary as the Mother of the Redeemer, played a key role in the redemption of the human race and merits the title “Co-Redemptrix.” In concrete this means that Mary was associated intimately in the salvific work of Jesus in our redemption. Jesus is the only and unique Redeemer, but Mary collaborated with Jesus in the Redemption of the world. Jesus saved your soul and mine and opened up the gates of heaven for our entry. But Our Lady played a key role in the economy of salvation with her unconditional “Yes” to become the Mother of God in all times and places, even in associating herself with the bitter Passion of Jesus.
13. AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. Open up your heart and allow to flow freely abundant sentiments of gratitude towards Jesus and Mary, His Mother and your Mother, for opening up the gates of heaven and saving your soul. We can be saved and go to heaven because of the love and the intense suffering of both Jesus and Mary for you and me. Allow your heart to overflow with the deepest sentiments of gratitude. One day we trust we will be in heaven forever with Jesus, Mary, the angels and the saints because of all that Jesus and Mary did for me and for you. Talk often to Mary during the course of your day and during the course of your life. Beg for the grace to live a holy life, renouncing sin, and imitating Jesus and Mary so as to attain to eternal life.
14. SACRED HEART PIERCED WITH THE LANCE. It was Our Lady who gave to Jesus His Humanity—that includes His human body. The Heart of Jesus and the Blood that circulated through His veins were given to Jesus through Mary. Actually Mary formed the most Sacred Heart of Jesus within her womb. On earth there is no more intimate and closer union existing between two persons than that of a mother forming a baby within her womb. Moreover, both Jesus and Mary were sinless; their union was the closest we could ever imagine.
15. DEATH AND HIS HEART PIERCED. Mary witnessed the death of Jesus on the cross that first Friday that we call Good Friday. Furthermore, Mary witnessed an event that would change the world and be honored in time and throughout all eternity. A soldier underneath the cross, very close to Our Lady as she stood and contemplated the Body of her dead Son, lifted up his sword/lance and thrust it into the side of Jesus. The lance passed through Jesus’ side and penetrated into the very Heart of Jesus causing blood and water to come forth, not trickling forth, but gushing forth from Jesus’ most Sacred Heart. Jesus did not feel the pain of this sword thrust for He had already breathed His last. But Our Lady of Sorrows experienced intense pain penetrating the very depths of her most tender heart and soul.
16. JESUS’ HEART PIERCED FOR LOVE OF YOU AND ME. The prophecy of Simeon (First Sorrow of Mary) announced when Jesus was only forty days of age became a reality when this sword passed through the most Sacred Heart of Jesus and then the heart and soul of Mary. “Behold this child shall be a sign of contradiction, and a sword of sorrow will pass through your heart so that the thoughts of many will be revealed.” (Lk 2:34-35)
17. ENTER THE HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY. Now it is your turn to contemplate the Heart of Jesus pierced with the lance and contemplate the blood and water that gushed forth in abundance. This was the price of our eternal salvation and redemption. Your soul was saved and redeemed by the Precious Blood of Jesus that was given to Him through the consent and person of Mary. Contemplate the pierced and open Heart of Jesus; contemplate the sentiments in the heart and soul of Mary. For this reason, Our Lady is actually called among many of her titles the “Queen of Martyrs”. Her body was not crucified, but the sword that pierced the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pierced her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.
18. REFUGE IN THE TWO HEARTS. In the midst of the struggles of our daily life, the temptations of the devil that assault us constantly, the flesh that seeks to rebel against the spirit, and the world that tries to lie to us, presenting seductive but sinful fashions, we must seek and find a true refuge. The secure refuge of our heart, mind and soul must be the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. These Hearts are secure refuges; these Hearts are harbors of safety; these Hearts are oases of peace; these hearts are secure and rock foundations! Lift up your gaze and open up your heart to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Even now, open up your heart and talk to the Heart of Mary with total confidence. Tell Our Lady who is your dear Mother, all that is going on in your life. Tell Our Lady your desires; tell Our Lady your dreams and aspirations. Speak to Our Lady about your fears, doubts and insecurities. Open up and unload your sorrows, sufferings, failures to Our Lady. She is the best of listeners. Do not be afraid! Tell Our Lady your moral struggles, your temptations, and even your sins. Our Lady is also known as the Refuge of Sinners. Undoubtedly, Our Lady will attain for you special graces of repentance, mercy and true conversion of heart. Our Lady is known as the “Full of Grace.” She can attain for you the most signal and special graces to overcome any obstacle, especially the moral obstacle of sin in your life. Fear not, trust in the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. She is your safe harbor and most secure refuge!
19. SACRED HEART OF JESUS. Our Lady will draw you to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Mary is the quickest and easiest pathway to the Heart of Jesus. Prayers to the Heart of Mary will often bring you to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus present in the most Blessed Sacrament where the Heart of Jesus is resting and waiting for you. Two friends want to meet through Mary—you and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Talk to Jesus, the Son of Mary, as your older Brother and as your best Friend. Pope Saint John Paul II stated that the living heartbeat of the Church is the most Blessed Sacrament, where Jesus is truly present in His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
20. HOLY COMMUNION AND THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS. Your final step through the intercession of Mary is to be present in Holy Mass participating fully, consciously and actively. The high point for you at Holy Mass is to receive Holy Communion—the Body and Blood of Jesus that was given to us through Mary. There is nothing in the world that brings greater joy to the Immaculate Heart of Mary than when you approach Jesus in the most Blessed Sacrament and receive Him with lively faith, limitless hope, and burning love. Our Lady gave us Jesus, but Our Lady most earnestly desires that we receive Jesus into our souls in Holy Communion. If done frequently, fervently and with the fire of divine love then He will receive us into Heaven, our eternal home with Jesus and Mary, the angels and saints for all eternity!!!