Optional Memorial of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs

“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita
MONDAY, March 7th Mt 25: 31-46 “Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”
We have meditated on the Corporal Works of Mercy, taken from Matthew 25. It is necessary to meet people’s basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter, welcoming the foreigner, visiting the sick and imprisoned. But then we must attend to their spiritual needs.
Today, Father Ed takes us through the beautiful Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy. We are composite beings of body and soul; so must we serve our neighbor in body and soul!
We are all encouraged by the Lord, especially by reading and meditating on Mt 25:31-46, to practice the Corporal Works of Mercy—to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to welcome the foreigner, and to visit both the sick and the imprisoned.
In sum, our Final Judgment will be based largely on love of God but manifested in our love for neighbor. Indeed, using the words of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta: “We must find Jesus present in the distressing disguise of the poor.” Saint Vincent de Paul, known for his great love for the poor, actually called the poor “his masters”.
Corporal works of mercy done with the most noble of intentions pleases the Heart of Jesus immensely. However, it is equally important to practice the Spiritual Works of Mercy. Jesus said point blank: “What would it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul in the process. What can a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mt 16:26) Pope Francis lamented that one of the most common and grave neglects is the failure to preach the Word of God to the poor. First, fill their hungry stomachs. But then, fill their souls with the Bread of the Word of God and the Bread of Life which is Holy Communion.
In this short essay we would like to go through the seven Spiritual Works of Mercy and give some ways we can implement these all important spiritual injunctions!
First of all, the Spiritual Works of Mercy are the following:
1) Admonish the sinner; 2) Instruct the ignorant; 3) Counsel the doubtful; 4) Comfort the sorrowful: 5) Bear wrongs patiently; 6) Forgive all injuries; 7) Pray for the living and the dead.
There we have the seven Spiritual Works of Mercy. Let us take them one at a time!
Easier said than done! Doing this can be extremely difficult but it is exceedingly necessary, now more than ever! Why is it so difficult? For the simple reason that we are born proud and do not desire to give up old and ingrained habits. If they are bad habits, they are called “vices”. We often cling to the evil, the ugly, the impure, the unhealthy, the sinful.
A common example merits our attention. Those who co-habit are living in sin and somebody should tell them, giving clear reasons why this is wrong. What might be the reasons to explain why it is wrong? Here are some. Premarital sex or fornication is a mortal sin. You deprive yourself of the Sacraments, both of Confession and the Holy Eucharist. You erode your conscience. You are giving public scandal, no matter how many others may be doing it. Might, meaning majority, does not make right in the eyes of God.
God so highly prizes admonishing the sinner and bringing him back on the right path that He promises salvation and the expiation of many of our personal sins by simply bringing back one straying sinner. Read the words of the Apostle Saint James):
“My brothers, if anyone among you should stray from the truth and someone bring him back, he should know that whoever brings back a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” (Jas 5:19-20)
We all have heard the proverb: “Charity begins at home.” This is true, especially in the formation of children and adolescents. By choosing the married state, a husband and wife profess to be open to life through procreation. That is the very first step!
Next, it is incumbent upon parents to teach their children all that refers to God—the Ten Commandments, the Sacraments, prayer, Marian devotion, and much more! The primary responsibility of parents bringing children into this world is to bring these children to heaven.
The school is not the first teacher, nor the catechism teacher, nor even the Pastor or priest. No! The first teachers must be Mom and Dad. This necessarily implies the process of ongoing or permanent formation on the part of the parents! Another proverb is worthy of injecting here: “You can’t give what you don’t have.”
One field that the parents must master in the realm of education, for themselves as well as their children, is that of sexual morality. Parents must strive to know the Biblical and Church’s teaching on purity, live it out in their own lives, and then teach it with the utmost clarity to their children!
Much can be said on this Spiritual Work of Mercy, but we will briefly mention one: the importance of solid spiritual direction. Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Faustina Kowalska, as well as Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, all were strongly dependent on spiritual direction so as to discern God’s will in their lives. They all are canonized saints and one of the reasons is that they humbly admitted that they were ignorant in many ways, had many doubts, and had to submit their judgments, inspirations and thoughts to a higher authority—their Confessor and Spiritual Director.
Given that there is a shortage of priests, as well as spiritual directors, still it is incumbent upon us to find some way to have periodic spiritual direction so as to expel the many doubts that can easily cloud our mind, blur our judgment, and corrupt our actions. Saint John of the Cross put it wryly: “He who has himself as spiritual director has an idiot as his directee!” In other words, we all have blind spots that can only be enlightened by proper spiritual direction.
This is extremely important! Saint Ignatius of Loyola, in his rules for Discernment of Spirits, outlines the strategy on how to act when we are in a state of desolation.
In desolation we may feel sad, worn down, exhausted and alone, as if nobody really cares about us, to the point that life seems useless and without meaning. We all go through this state at times; it is part of being human. When you are in a state of desolation, open up to your Spiritual Director, and if you don’t have one, to a Confessor familiar with the Spiritual Exercises. This is essential!
That being said, when you are aware of someone else going through this state of desolation, it is incumbent on you to do all that you can to be a source of encouragement for them. How???
First and foremost, pray for the person. Second, a warm smile can go a long way! Third, say a word or two of encouragement. Fourth, offer a compliment on some good quality the person has. Fifth, be willing to listen to them. Sometimes, just being able to speak their fears and doubts out loud dissipates them. This is very pleasing to God. We become like Simon of Cyrene who helped Jesus carry His cross.
Once again, easier said than done. In this we need grace and a lot of grace! Maybe at work we have been wronged by a boss or a co-worker. Both the boss and co-worker are not going anywhere. Changing jobs is unthinkable due to the economic situation. The most pleasing attitude in the eyes of God is simply to return to work with great humility and trust in Divine Providence.
Trust in God! He will be there with you to help you patiently carry the cross. Of immense help would be to meditate upon Jesus carrying His cross heading towards His crucifixion. Even though Jesus fell three times, He still got up again, with the weight of the all sins of the world on His weary, beaten and bloody shoulders.
We should always have Jesus before our eyes as our model and example. Indeed Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Ask Jesus to help you; He will be your Simon of Cyrene!
May God help us! We have arrived at the heart of mercy in our dealings with others. Mercy is a two-way street! If we want to receive mercy from God, then we must be merciful and forgive those who have done us wrong. Biblical verses on this topic are many, very many…
“Be merciful as your Heavenly Father is merciful.” (Lk 6:36)
“Do not take revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.’” (Rom 12:19)
“Do not let the sun go down on your anger.” (Eph 4:26)
“Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”(Mt 6:12 The Our Father)
“Lord, how many times shall I forgive? Up to seven times?”…”I tell you not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” (Mt 18:21-22)
“Leave your gift at the altar, and first go and be reconciled with your brother, then come and offer your gift.” (Mt 5:24)
Jesus from the cross: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.” (Lk 23: 34)
Jesus to the repentant thief on the cross. “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” (Lk 23: 43)
One hint in the area of forgiveness. Accept the fact that all of your life people will hurt you.
The most common place where we are wounded is in the context of our family, with family members. The key is this: forgive immediately! As soon as anybody hurts or wounds you, pray for that person and forgive them immediately. And as often as the hurt returns, pray for them and forgive them again! If done, you will have won a major victory over self, and shown God how much you love Him by practicing mercy!
Jesus told Saint Faustina that He desires that we practice at least one Act of Mercy every day. He specified that mercy can be carried out in one of three manners: 1) by kind words; 2) by kind deeds; 3) by prayer.
One of the greatest acts of charity that we can do in our lives is to simply pray for others, both the living and the dead.
With respect to the living, there should be a hierarchy of importance. If married and with a family, this should be the order: first spouse, then children, parents, brothers and sisters, relatives, friends, co-workers and associates, and we should also pray for those we do not like and even for our enemies!!!
Then, with respect to the dead, we should pray constantly for the dead. Saint Francis de Sales emphasizes the fact that this is one of the greatest acts of charity that we can do. Why? For this simple reason: they are totally dependent on the mercy of God and on our prayers, almsgiving or charity, as well as our sacrifices, in order to be released from Purgatory!
The Gregorian Mass of a month’s consecutive Masses for the dead came about because Saint Pope Gregory the Great had to pray thirty consecutive Masses so as to free his deceased friend from the fires of Purgatory.
A common error today is in funeral Masses, where the deceased person, despite their many moral failures, is being unofficially canonized in the funeral homily, as well as in the eulogy. True, we should be compassionate towards those who have lost their loved ones. Still, we should not canonize the deceased and assume they are saved. Only the Pope has the right to canonize anyone! The Bible teaches clearly and unequivocally that only the souls pure and without blemish can enter the Kingdom of God. Let us not leave our deceased loved ones and friends in the fires of Purgatory through our failure to pray for them! By God’s grace, we can make reparation for their sins with our prayers and sacrifices, and thereby shorten their time in Purgatory.
Ask yourself, in humble prayer, which of these Spiritual Works of Mercy do you believe the Holy Spirit is inspiring you to undertake right now? Look at your concrete living conditions and ask the Holy Spirit to pinpoint persons and areas where you will be able to implement with great generosity one or more of these Spiritual Works of Mercy. Never forget the inspiring and challenging words of Jesus: “Whatsoever you do the least of my brothers that you do unto me.” (Mt 25: 31-46)