Saturday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH Mk 9: 2-13 “Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach them.”
For today’s meditation read and pray over very attentively the Biblical passage of the Transfiguration—the forth Luminous Mystery. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you in a very special way. Be docile, open and willing to listen to the Word of God. Our Lady pondered and meditated deeply the Word of God and she can help you to do the same!
Jesus willingly came to earth to share our human condition. Jesus has two natures: the Divine (He is God), and the Human (He is man). The union of the two natures is the Incarnation. It was through Our Lady’s “Yes” that Jesus came down from heaven to earth, and took on a human body. (Lk. 1:26-38) We’d like to offer some images for reflecting on this great mystery.
The Formation of Jesus’ Body. It was Our Lady, Mary most holy, who formed the Sacred Body of Jesus within her most pure womb during the course of nine months, giving to Him from her own body and substance—His blood, veins, arteries, lungs, arms and hands, legs and feet, eyes, nose and mouth.
Sacred Heart of Jesus. It was Our Lady who formed the most Sacred Heart of Jesus within her most pure womb. Turn to Our Lady and beg her to form your heart. Beg her to intercede for you with her most powerful prayers so as to purify and recreate your heart to become more like the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Until you can say with Saint Paul: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” (Gal. 2:20)
Friendship with Jesus. One of the many lessons that flows spontaneously from the Transfiguration of Jesus is that of human friendship. Jesus ardently desired to enter into deep friendship with the men whom He chose—especially Peter, James and John. These were the three who accompanied Jesus as He ascended the mount of the Transfiguration. At the Last Supper, Jesus will call all His Apostles friends!
Walk and Talk with Jesus. Just as Jesus walked and talked with His friends that day, Jesus wants to walk and talk with you right now. He wants to enter into a deep friendship with you. He wants to know the thoughts, desires, and concerns of your heart. Open up to Him, speak to Him.
Mary and Friendship with Jesus. There is no one on earth, nor even in heaven, aside from the Father and Holy Spirit, who had a deeper friendship with Jesus than did His Mother Mary, most holy.
Mary knew Jesus in the womb. No greater intimacy exists in this world, on a human level, than that of a baby being formed, nourished and growing in the womb of their mother.
Mary knew Jesus as a child. Jesus spent most of His life on earth with Saint Joseph and Mary in their home in Nazareth. Mary watched Jesus grow, she talked to Jesus, listened to Jesus, contemplated Jesus—His face and His eyes. This happened for thirty long years. Turn to Mary as you strive to enter into deeper friendship with Jesus and beg her to help you to know Jesus better. Stop and talk to Our Lady right now with total confidence in her desire to help you. She is your mother and you are her child.
Santa María del Camino (Our Lady of the Way). There is a very well-known song in both Italian and Spanish with the title: “Santa Maria del Camino”—Our Lady of the Way! As Jesus climbed the Mount of the Transfiguration and made His way to the top, to the summit, His Apostles Peter, James and John walked with Him. In your travels in life, beg Our Lady to accompany you, to be with you and to never abandon you, for Mary will always lead you to Jesus. Mary will help you to climb the summits with Jesus and enter into deep conversation and union with Him.
Calvary and Mary. Soon Jesus will climb not a mountain, but a hill—the hill of Calvary. Each of us has our own Calvary hill to climb. We should never presume to have the strength to carry our cross by ourselves. We want to call on Jesus and Mary to help us carry the cross every step of the way! Life without Jesus and Mary can leave us sad, depressed, and even bitter. That is why we cry out to Mary… “Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope!”
Pilgrim People. We are pilgrim people heading towards our eternal destiny. As we climb the mountain towards our eternal destiny—heaven, Mary can guide us, help us, encourage us, and comfort us. Spend some time now and talk to Mary about your past journey in life—the smooth and the rocky paths. Talk to Mary about your present journey in life, what has changed. Now talk to Mary about your future journey, your future pilgrimage in life towards your eternal home—your hopes, your desires, possibly your fears.
Mary, Star of the Sea. The great Marian Doctor of the Church, Saint Bernard, depicts this powerful image. A ship at sea is being assaulted by constant waves, the wind is beating mercilessly against its rudder, and the waters are starting to enter the ship. There is a real danger of losing the ship, of the ship capsizing and eventually sinking. All of a sudden a beautiful star breaks through the night clouds and glimmers forth. This star seems to be pointing towards the shore. The captain, with great confidence, looks intently and deeply at the star and decides to follow it. The waves subside, the storm calms down, the winds abate. With unspeakable peace and swiftness the ship arrives safely at the shore. The ship with its captain and crew are saved. Thanks to our Lady, the Star of the Sea!
In the midst of the tempests, storms, afflictions, trials, and temptations that are constantly present in our lives, we must lift our gaze to Our Lady, Star of the Sea. She will safely direct us to the port of salvation, to our eternal home which is heaven.
Mountain Top and the Shore. Both the mountain top of the Transfiguration, as well as the shore, are symbolic of heavenly rest at the end of our journey. Jesus wants to walk with us, talk with us, be with us and accompany us the whole way. Our Lady also wants to keep us close to her on this perilous journey.
Distractions and Temptations. It is all too easy to give up climbing a high and challenging mountain. It is all too easy to sink in the waves of our own sensuality and selfishness and give up the fight. For that reason, we want to call out to Mary, who will always lead us to Jesus. The devil has a mortal fear of Mary, even of her Holy Name. Why not in moments of temptation call upon the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary—they are our sure salvation!
The Transfiguration’s Many Messages. The mystery of the Transfiguration has many powerful and deeply spiritual messages. The one that we have chosen is friendship with Jesus and His mother, Mary to arrive at our eternal destination, Heaven!
Ignatian Note. The Virgin that Saint Ignatius of Loyola had special devotion to was “La Madonna de la Strada”—literally translated: “Our Lady of the street”, loosely translated: “Our Lady of the way.” In the Jesuit Mother House in Rome this beautiful image can be found.
In concluding your climb and your sea-journey with Jesus and Mary, spend some closing moments opening up your heart to its very depths and talk to Mary. Tell her all that is going on right now in your life. Ask her to be with you always, every step along the way until your reach heaven. Always remembering that the quickest path to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Copyright 2022 Oblates of the Virgin Mary / St. Peter Chanel Church, Hawaiian Gardens, CA
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