Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle

“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
TUESDAY, JANUARY 25th Mk 16:15-18 CONVERSION OF SAINT PAUL THE APOSTLE Alleluia Verse: “I chose you from the world, to go and bear fruit that will last, says the Lord.”
Today we honor the conversion of the great Saint Paul, formerly Saul. Perhaps we were formerly someone else, too, before we belonged to Christ. Today, Fr. Ed helps us honor our brother in Christ, Saint Paul, by exhorting us to persevere!
There is a fabulous scene in the movie-classic Chariots of Fire, where the hero of the film, Eric Liddell, is running the 400 against another three sprinters. Almost at the start of the race, the runner next to Liddell elbows him. Cascading to the ground, Liddle raises his gaze contemplating the runner’s kick up dust.
There are two options: either throw in the towel and call it quits, or spring to his feet, gun it, and go for the victory. Liddell chose the latter. With all the energy in every fiber of his strong athletic body, Liddell pours it on. Passing one, he then passes another, but the runner that knocked him to the ground stills has the lead. Not for long!
Eric Liddell gives it one last burst of tremendous effort and he breaks through the finish line, winning by a split-second, before collapsing and plunging to the ground. Panting and panting like a fish out of water, his opponent vanquished, the victory is won by Eric Liddell.
One trainer commented: “It was not the prettiest victory, but it was certainly the most valiant, the most courageous.” Against all odds, through sheer determination, willpower, and guts, Eric Liddell won the 400 and eventually would win the Gold Medal for the 400 in the Olympic Games in France at the beginning of the 20th Century.
Our Race for Salvation
Brought up and raised in the social milieu and cultural context of the Greek Olympic Games, Saint Paul with a certain frequency alludes to athletic feats or events related to sports competition. The two most common sports competitions mentioned by the Apostle to the Gentiles would first be that of boxing—we are called to fight the good fight; and then the race and marathon.
Saint Paul challenges us to run the good race and receive the merited crown awaiting the victor.
In another passage Paul encourages the followers of Christ to strive not for a crown that perishes, but the crown that will last for eternal life. Earthly victory and gain is like a laurel wreath placed on our head; it will soon dry up, wither and perish. Our eternal crown in heaven will never perish but will shine forever!
Theologian and Doctor of the Church, Saint Alphonsus Liguori, asserts: “The grace of all graces is to die in the state of grace.” If we can appreciate grace, live in the state of grace, grow in grace, and end our race on earth in the state of grace, then we shall be gifted with our eternal salvation.
Indeed, on a daily basis we should implore, beg, supplicate the Lord Jesus, His Heavenly Mother Mary, the angels and saints for the grace of all graces—to die in the state of grace. No greater grace exists in the world! We must beg this for ourselves, our family, our loved ones and for the whole world.
Lord, grant us this grace of all graces!
Therefore, we would like to warmly exhort each of you to undertake these five specific practices so that all can attain the grace of all graces—to die in the state of grace and attain eternal salvation!
1. Live Each Day As if It Were Your Last
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ never promised us another year, another month, another week, another day, another hour, nor even another second. The life we live and the moment we die is uncertain. We might live another 25 years, but we might live another 25 seconds. This depends on the mysterious designs of God.
2. Immediately Exit From Mortal Sin
If your house were on fire at night, obviously you would not wait until dawn to call the firefighters! In mortal sin, our spiritual house is on fire and we should extinguish the flames first by making a Perfect Act of Contrition immediately, and then by having recourse to Sacramental Confession as soon as possible. Do not play Russian-Roulette with your eternal salvation!
3. Fervent, Frequent and Fiery Communions
As often as possible attend Holy Mass. In the state of grace, receive Jesus in Holy Communion with great fervor. Receive the Eucharistic Lord Jesus as if it were your First Holy Communion, your Last Holy Communion, and your Only Holy Communion. The Lord wants fervor and love in your receptions!
4. Do What You Are Doing for God Alone
The secret of the saints is living out what we sometimes call The Sacrament of the Present Moment. Meaning this: live each day, hour and minute of your day intending to please God and praise God while you save and sanctify souls, your own and others. Purity of intention in all that we say and do is very important for God and for growing in holiness of life. Saint Paul asserts: “Whether you eat or drink, do all for the honor and glory of God.” (1 Cor. 10:31) Saint Ignatius’ theme is the four letters: A.M.D.G.—All for the greatest glory of God! St. Therese expresses this well: “Holiness does not depend on doing big things but on doing the ordinary things of daily life with extraordinary love.”
5. The Hail Mary and the Holy Rosary
Finally, as a sure anchor for our eternal salvation, we turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary. As we pray in the Memorare: “Never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection was left unaided.” The Hail Mary can be a prayer of untold value to attain the grace to die in the state of grace and attain our eternal salvation. Better yet, pray the Hail Mary fifty or more times; we call it the most Holy Rosary.
If we can pray this powerful weapon daily, praying fervently: “pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death”, no doubt the Blessed Virgin Mary will be present in our last and dying moments praying fervently for our soul and help us to repent of our sins, trust in God’s mercy, and end by loving God. Then Heaven will be ours—the grace of all graces will be ours!