Monday of the First Week in Ordinary Time

“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
MONDAY, JANUARY 10th Mk. 1: 14-20 “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Jesus spoke these few words to His first four Apostles, all fishermen: Simon and his brother Andrew; James and his brother John, sons of Zebedee. They all become fishers of men!
Jesus says these words to all His followers—to each and every one of us! Your Baptism, which you meditated upon yesterday, was your invitation to follow Jesus! This is the message of Baptism: “Come, follow Me!”
As the New Year begins, let us review and re-commit ourselves to answer the Call of the King! Don’t say, “I already know this”—are you putting it into practice??? Let this motivate us!
1. Not to be Deaf to the Call of the King.
2. To Know Jesus More Intimately, Love Him More Ardently, Follow Him More Closely.
We want to contemplate the Person of Jesus Christ so that we may fall in love with Him, which will lead us to imitate Him, and then follow Him.
MEDITATION (1 of 2): THE CALL OF AN EARTHLY KING (Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius #s 91-98)
91. THE CALL OF AN EARTHLY KING. This will help us to contemplate the life of the Eternal King.
First Prelude. This is a mental representation of the place. Here it will be to see in imagination the synagogues, villages, towns where Christ our Lord preached.
Second Prelude. I will ask for the grace I desire. Here it will be to ask of our Lord the grace not to be deaf to His call, but prompt and diligent to accomplish His most holy will.
92. First Point. This will be to place before my mind a human king, chosen by God our Lord Himself, to whom all Christian princes and people pay homage and obedience.
93. Second Point. This will be to consider the address this king makes to all his subjects, with the words: “It is my will to conquer all the lands of the infidel. Therefore, whoever wishes to join me in this enterprise must be content with the same food, drink, clothing, etc. as mine. So, too, he must work with me by day, and watch with me by night, etc., that as he has had a share in the toil with me, afterwards, he may share in the victory with me.”
94. Third Point. Consider what the answer of good subjects ought to be to a king so generous and noble-minded, and consequently, if anyone would refuse the invitation of such a king, how justly he would deserve to be condemned by the whole world, and looked upon as an ignoble knight.
95. The second part of this exercise will consist in applying the example of the earthly king mentioned above to Christ our Lord according to the following points:
First Point. If such a summons of an earthly king to his subjects deserves our attention, how much more worthy of consideration is Christ our Lord, the Eternal King, before whom is assembled the whole world. To all His summons goes forth, and to each one in particular He addresses the words: “It is my will to conquer the whole world and all my enemies, and thus to enter into the glory of my Father. Therefore, whoever wishes to join me in this enterprise must be willing to labor with me, that by following me in suffering, he may follow me in glory.”
96. Second Point. Consider that all persons who have judgment and reason will offer themselves entirely for this work.
97. Third Point. Those who wish to give greater proof of their love, and to distinguish themselves in whatever concerns the service of the Eternal King and the Lord of all, will not only offer themselves entirely for the work, but will act against their sensuality and carnal and worldly love, and make offerings of greater value and of more importance in words such as these:
Eternal Lord of all things, in the presence of Thy infinite goodness, and of Thy Glorious Mother, and of all the saints of Thy heavenly court, this is the offering of myself which I make with Thy favor and help. I protest that it is my earnest desire and my deliberate choice, provided only it is for Thy greater service and praise, to imitate Thee in bearing all wrongs and all abuse and all poverty, both actual and spiritual, should Thy most holy majesty deign to choose and admit me to such a state and way of life.
Blessed Mother Mary, help me to pray this prayer every day so that little by little my loving Lord Jesus may conform my heart, mind, body, and soul, my desires and intentions, to live in imitation of Him—Jesus Christ, my Eternal King. Amen!
MEDITATION (2 OF 2): Now that we have laid the groundwork with THE CALL OF THE KING what does this mean for you and for me???
1. ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. We should be eternally grateful for GOD’S MERCY that we have received abundantly through the Sacrament of Confession. Confession heals us, renews us, strengthens us, reinvigorates our soul to fight the good fight and run the good race so as to win the merited crown that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords has prepared for His faithful soldiers.
2. CALL OF THE KING. Let us beg humbly for the grace not to be DEAF to the Call of the King, Jesus Christ! He is calling each one of us and waiting for our response. Let us be like Samuel in the Temple… God was speaking to Samuel but he did not immediately recognize His voice. Finally, with the help of Eli, Samuel heard the voice of God and responded generously: “Speak, O Lord, for your servant is listening.” (1 Sam 3:10) May this be our response!
3. THE DYNAMIC. After learning the purpose of our existence by meditating on Principle and Foundation—we are called to Praise, Reverence, and Serve God and thereby save our immortal soul, and after purifying our soul through a General Confession, now we are ready to listen and respond to God’s call with great generosity!
4. PURPOSE OF THE CALL. Jesus is the Eternal King, much nobler and greater than any earthly king. He has this strong spiritual ambition—He wants to conquer the whole world to His most Sacred Heart. Unlike an earthly or temporal king who desires the conquest of worldly kingdoms, the Eternal King desires to conquer human hearts and souls for their eternal salvation. This enterprise of Jesus is very noble, and He wants to share this enterprise with us right now, if we are ready and willing. Are you ready??? Are you willing???
5. APOSTOLIC ZEAL. The essence of the Call of the Eternal King is the pursuit of the salvation of immortal souls. Saint Thomas Aquinas states that one soul is worth more than the whole created universe! Why? The reason is clear and unequivocal! Jesus, Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, came into the world as a man and suffered His most bitter Passion on the cross, shedding every drop of His most Precious Blood, for one reason: to wash our sins clean and save our immortal souls for all eternity!
6. GOD LOVES SOULS! If I truly and sincerely love God, then I should love what God loves. My heart should beat with the same love that beats in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus in His love for the salvation of immortal souls! BEG FOR THE GRACE!!!
7. BE PRACTICAL NOW! In prayer with the Lord Jesus Christ, your Lord and your King, ask Him what are some practical ways that you can work with Him in His vineyard to save souls??? You probably will not have to go to another part of the world to exercise an active and efficacious apostolate. Most likely, your apostolate is right under your nose! Remember: “Charity begins at home.”
8. THE DYNAMIC OF THE CALL OF THE KING. Remember the immortal words of Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen: “FIRST COME, AND THEN GO.” For us to be good shepherds, we must first be good sheep of the Good Shepherd; that means good friends with Jesus. Nobody can give what they do not have. Therefore, for us to exercise a successful apostolate, saving souls with Jesus, these three practices are essential:
1) Spend time daily with Jesus in prayer—our daily Holy Hour.
2) Fervent Sacramental life—frequent Confession (at least monthly), and frequent Mass and Holy Communion, daily when at all possible.
3) Presence and help of Mary, our Mother—pray the Rosary daily. If you are not accustomed to this, begin by praying one decade per day, but each week add one more decade per day, until you are praying the full Rosary! Our Lady will help you, and Jesus and Mary will be most pleased!
JESUS. Help me, Lord, to love you more and more each day, and to love what you love, the salvation of immortal souls!
MARY. Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope, help me to love Jesus with the most pure love in your Immaculate Heart!
End of Spiritual Exercises
What proposal can I make right now to do my part for the salvation of souls for all eternity in the coming year?
One idea, accept every suffering of whatever kind in silence, unite it to Jesus on the cross, and ask Him to use it to save souls. If it is a particularly hard suffering, you can speak to Him as little Jacinta did: “This will save a lot of souls, right Jesus? Because this one really hurts!” A prayer He will never fail to answer!