Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Advent

“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 22nd Lk. 1:46-56 “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior, for he has looked with favor upon his lowly servant.”
Mary, greatest woman born of man, proclaims her lowliness, attributing all to God! This is your Mother and mine by grace! As you pray with this meditation, ask yourself, “Who is Mary to me?” Then spend time talking with Mary, listening to Mary, and loving Mary!
“Mirror of Justice”, “Seat of Wisdom”, “Cause of our Joy”, “Spiritual Vessel”, “Singular Vessel of Devotion”, “Mystical Rose”, “Tower of David”, “Tower of Ivory”, “House of Gold”, “Ark of the Covenant”, “Gate of Heaven”, “Morning Star”, “Daughter of God the Father”, “Mother of God the Son”, “Mystical Spouse of the Holy Spirit”, “Queen of all Hearts”, “Stella Maris” (Star of the Sea), “God’s Masterpiece of Creation” — all of these and many others are poetical as well as mystical names given to Mary, who is truly the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church, and our own dear Mother in the order of grace!!!
In this short essay we have as our purpose the presentation of ten rather short sayings or proverbs that saints have expressed in honor of Mary, the Mother of God, whom they loved so much in this life, and who are now present loving her in heaven, of course adoring and praising the Blessed Trinity. Mary will never prevent our drawing close to God, as many have asserted in the past and some maintain in the present. On the contrary, the more we get to know and love the Blessed Virgin Mary, then the more we get to know and love the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In fact, Our Lady, Mary most holy is intimately connected with the Blessed Trinity as pointed out by Saint Louis de Montfort. She is the Daughter of the Eternal Father, the Mother of the Incarnate Son, and she is the Mystical Spouse of the Holy Spirit.
The last words we have recorded of Our Lady in Sacred Scripture are found in the context of the Wedding Feast of Cana in Galilee in which she says: “Do whatever He tells you.” (Jn 2:5) This is actually the best advice in the world—if only the world would strive to put into practice these short but all important words!!! The world would be radically transformed for the better!!! In sum, Mary does not distance us from Jesus but draws us close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that she formed in her womb for nine months! Saint Louis de Montfort teaches us: “Our Lady is the shortest, easiest, and the most efficacious path to Jesus.” Said in one word, Our Lady is the SHORTCUT to God!!!
Therefore, let us read, meditate on and be inspired by the words of what ten saints have expressed in their overflowing love for the Blessed Virgin Mary whom we pray to as “our life, our sweetness, and our hope.” (Hail Holy Queen)
1. OUR LADY AND THE TRINITY—The Cure of Ars / Saint John Marie Vianney, Patron of parish priests and confessors:
“The Eternal Father delights in regarding the Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the masterpiece of His hands. The Son delights in it as the Heart of the Mother, the source from which He received the Blood that redeemed us. The Holy Spirit dwells in Mary as in a temple.”
“The Virgin Mother gave birth from her fruitful womb and inviolate body, to Him Who became visible for us, to Him by Whom she had been created. While conceiving, she was virgin; while giving birth, she was virgin; a virgin in her pregnancy, a virgin while carrying her son, a virgin forever.”
3. LIVING PERPETUALLY IN THE PRESENCE OF MARY— Saint Bernard, the Mellifluous Doctor:
“Let Mary never be far from your lips or heart. And to obtain the fruit of her prayers, do not forget the example of her life. With her support, you will never fall. Beneath her protection, you will never fear. Under her guidance you will never tire. And with her help, you will reach your heavenly goal.”
4. THE SECRET OF MARY AND GRACE — Saint Louis de Montfort, author of True Devotion to Mary:
“Happy are those to whom the Holy Spirit reveals the Secret of Mary in order that they may come to know her. Happy are those to whom He opens the “Enclosed Garden” that they may enter, and to whom He gives access to the “Sealed Fountain” that they may drink of the living waters of grace.”
5. GRACE OF BEING A SERVANT OF MARY — Saint John Damascene, Eastern Doctor of the Church:
“To serve Mary and to be her courtier is the greatest honor we can possibly possess. For to serve the Queen of Heaven is already to reign on high, and to live under her commands is a greater thing than to govern.”
6. MARY AS OUR SURE AND SECURE REFUGE—Saint Anthony of Padua, the Evangelical Doctor of the Church, also known as “The Hammer of Heretics”:
“Seek refuge in Mary because she is the city of refuge. We know that Moses set up three cities of refuge for anyone who inadvertently killed his neighbor. Now the Lord has established a refuge of mercy, even for those who deliberately commit evil. Mary provides refuge and strength for the sinner.”
7. MARY AS MODEL OF SPEECH AND CONVERSATION—Saint Athanasius, Eastern Doctor of the Church:
“Mary’s words were discreet, and her voice was measured. She did not shout and she was careful not to say anything bad about another person—nor even listen willingly to wrong that was spoken.”
8. MARY MOST HOLY: THE MODEL OF SAINTS — Saint Vincent Palotti, founder of the Palottines:
“Those who have great devotion to Mary not only will be saved but also will, through her intercession, become great saints. Furthermore, their holiness will grow from day to day.”
9. MARY AND THE MOST HOLY ROSARY — Saint Francis de Sales, author of Introduction to the Devout Life and Treatise on Love, and Doctor of the Church:
“My most pleasant task is saying my Rosary and praying to my heavenly Mother. It is the most pure joy of my heart.”
*Saint Pope John Paul II also asserted that the Holy Rosary was his favorite prayer!
10. MARY AS THE STAR OF THE SEA— Saint Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor and author of the Summa Theologica:
“The Blessed Virgin Mary is called the Star of the Sea. Those who sail the ocean seas are guided to the port they seek by carefully observing the stars. In the same way, Christians are guided to the heavenly glory by keeping their eyes on Mary.”
Friends of Jesus and Mary, spend some time in silent ponder and reflection on these few short but substantial sayings of the saints on their love, devotion, and limitless confidence in the person and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Like Saint Juan Diego, who encountered Our Lady of Guadalupe, may you cast all of your fears, worries, anxieties, sicknesses, doubts, struggles, even failures into the Hands and Heart of Mary who is truly your Mother, as well as your life, your sweetness, and your hope. Never was it known that anyone who fled to her protection was left unaided!