“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
MONDAY, AUGUST 9th Mt. 17: 22-27 “As Jesus and his disciples were gathering in Galilee, Jesus said to them, ‘The Son of Man is to be handed over to men, and they will kill him, and he will be raised on the third day.’ And they were overwhelmed with grief.”
- Can you imagine following Jesus for three years, then hearing this? His disciples knew Jesus was the Messiah; He had worked enough miracles to convince them of that. Why would He prophesy His death? How could this be?
- The Apostles had no script, where they could look ahead to see how everything was going to turn out! Matthew is writing this Gospel and he says, “they were overwhelmed with grief!”
- Perhaps there have been times when we could not understand what God was doing in our lives, when we felt helpless and abandoned. Maybe we feel that way right now. This is Fr. Ed’s topic today: Desolation and how to conquer it!
The damp, misty, drizzling Monday morning in which we leave home with a headache and nose-drip, and everything seems bleak and dreary. Indeed, there are hours, perhaps even days in which we feel as if we are traversing a tunnel in which there is no outlet! Or if you like, days in which we feel as if we are meandering aimlessly through a dark interior, humid and foul jungle, entangled in an emotional and spiritual tug of war in which the battle seems all but lost. These images describe the interior state of soul that St. Ignatius calls Desolation.
Fr. Tim Gallagher, OMV, frequently asserts that nobody should be ashamed about experiencing this state of desolation or even finding oneself in this state. However, it is incumbent upon us to strive to use all the means at our disposal so as not to succumb to this state of being. Because if we do succumb to the state of desolation, this can wreak havoc in our lives. Indeed, it could lead to irreparable damage. Sad to say, many even make attempts against their lives when immersed in the dark, interior jungle of desolation.
Therefore, given that the reality of desolation is a universal phenomenon that characterizes all times, cultures, and persons, we will offer some concrete remedies so we can exit the dark night, the deep pit, the meandering misty jungle of our interior state of desolation. It must be said that many of our moral and spiritual pitfalls happen due to human fragility, but many also happen due to ignorance, a lack of intellectual and spiritual formation.
1. HUMBLE RECOGNITION OF THE STATE. Even though this point may appear to be obvious, it may not seem so when immersed in the state of desolation. We should humbly admit to ourselves, and to God who is always ready to help us, that we are in desolation. Our faith is low, as well as our hope and charity. Sadness, discouragement, even depression seem to be knocking and seeking entrance into our hearts. There is the overwhelming desire to simply chuck the towel in and abandon the fierce struggle. We must stop, even for a moment, and admit: “No doubt, I am in a state of desolation!”
2. PRAY IMMEDIATELY. As the devil battles to manipulate us, like puppets on a string, plunged in an intense state of desolation, the enemy will launch arrows of deceit with these poisonous words: “Pray? Why? That is a waste of time… it never helps you anyway!” Our reaction to the wily attack of the enemy of our soul should be agere contra—to react against the temptation and to pray immediately and all the more fervently! “Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.” (Ps. 124:8)
3. THANK GOD! Saint Paul states: “Give thanks to the Lord in all circumstances!” (1Thess. 5:18) True to himself, the devil will attack and try to persuade you with this idea: “Thank God now??? That is hypocrisy. You are not in the mood for that. You must be true to yourself!” However, by calling to mind some of the many benefits and blessings that God has showered upon you in the past, and thanking Him for them, can truly help to dissipate the mist of desolation imbuing your soul!
4. TALK IT OUT: BRING IT TO THE LIGHT! In desolation the devil works overtime. The devil always works, but in desolation he works time and a half. Satan tries to convince us, when we find ourselves cast into desolation, to keep it top-secret. Because by talking out our desolation with a spiritual guide or friend in the spirit, we humble ourselves, and the devil takes flight in the light of a humble soul!
5. WAY OF THE CROSS/STATIONS OF THE CROSS. One of my past spiritual directors told me that in his personal experience, when he found himself cast into an intense state of desolation, by making the Stations of the Cross, without fail the desolation was conquered. Our suffering compared to the sufferings of Jesus on Calvary are reduced to nothingness!
6. CONTEMPLATE GOD’S BEAUTIFUL BOOK OF CREATION. Still another tool or weapon in the imperious struggle to conquer desolation could be contemplating some aspect of God’s beauty in creation, even for a short interval. The glowing sunset or sunrise, the fluffy white clouds in a blue sky, the raiment of God’s beauty in a rainbow, the meadows decked with a variety of colorful flowers and the redolence of their heavenly fragrance, the recurring waves rolling onto the shore then receding, only to return again. Saint Ignatius was enthralled and captivated by the heavenly stars in the night sky. God’s beauty reflected in His creation can cast out the gloom of a dark and murky soul immersed in desolation.
7. INVOKE THE HOLY SPIRIT. In the classical prayer to the Holy Spirit, we beg for the grace to rejoice always in His consolation. What a marked contrast. The devil insists on chaining us to an interior cave of darkness called desolation. On the contrary, the Holy Spirit yearns to fill our whole being with an overflowing tide of consolation. The Holy Spirit is a God of joy, happiness and consolation. Pray this prayer often: “Come Holy Spirit, come to me through the Heart of Mary.” This short but fervent prayer can melt the icy glacier of desolation encrusted in our soul!
8. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/EXERCISE. I remember the wisdom and good advice of my Mother when I was a child. When she noticed that I was in a state of sadness, tension, disorientation that we call desolation, she would tell me to go outside and play. By intense engagement in some form of physical activity, no matter what the source of the desolation might have been, it evaporated and vanished. In desolation we cave in upon ourselves; physical activity is going out of self, often to others!
9. HUMBLY BEG FOR THE PRAYERS OF OTHERS. Jesus said: “Truly I tell you, if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Mt. 18:19-20) In desolation, humbly asking for prayers can be the means that turns the tide from desolation to consolation. If it were not for the prayers of Saint Monica, we would never have experienced the conversion of St. Augustine. In the movie Little Boy, this little guy’s prayers, said with fervor and faith, actually moved the majestic mountain. Prayers of other prayer-warriors can move the smaller mountains of our interior state of desolation.
10. MARY: OUR LIFE, OUR SWEETNESS, AND OUR HOPE. It is recorded in the life of Saint Frances de Sales that as a youth he traversed an intense period of profound desolation. Having lost sleep, much weight, and almost all hope, he entered into a Church dedicated to Our Lady of Victory in Paris, knelt in front of a statue of Mary and prayed the prayer the Memorare to Our Lady. “Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession, was left unaided….” Like a dark, dense cloud exposed to the sunlight at midday, his desolation evaporated, peace and joy invaded his soul. Frances de Sales went on to become a priest, Bishop, writer, Founder, Doctor of the Church, and a great saint. Thanks to the intercession of Mary, our life, our sweetness and our hope! May Our Lady, Cause of our joy, lift us from the dark valley of despair to the heights and summit of holiness and joy!