Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.”
Of all the women in the history of the created universe, of all of humanity in all the centuries of history, for all time as well for all eternity, the greatest is the person of MARY. Never has there been a woman depicted in art more often than Mary through the course of human history—Ancient times, Middle Ages, Renaissance period, and Modern times. Mary is the most widely painted woman in the vast expanse of world history, most notably in Iconography (form of imagery, writing, and prayer) in the Eastern Church, as well as in the Latin Church.
LITERATURE. In literature and poetry Mary is a central figure. The Glories of Mary by Saint Alphonsus Ligouri is a Marian Masterpiece that everyone should read to know and love Mary better! One of the most touching Marian poems was penned by the Mellifluous Doctor, Saint Bernard, entitled STELLA MARIS—Mary, the Star of the Sea. Then there is the literary masterpiece of Anatole France, The Juggler of Our Lady, from which commentaries, movies, and writings abound in galore! Of course one of the greatest works of literature of all time, composed by Dante, the Divine Comedy, introduces Mary in many cantos or stanzas. For example, in Purgatory, Mary is presented in counter-position to the Capital Sin of Sloth, in that Mary moved in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Then, as his literary poem nears its majestic conclusion, Dante ascends with Saint Bernard to the sublime and mystical heights of Heaven where Mary is depicted as THE MYSTICAL ROSE, beyond which the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—is encountered in the Beatific Vision!
MUSIC. Mary has her place in music. Many writers of music over the course of the centuries have composed such hymns as the Ave Maria in Latin—the official language of the Catholic Church, the Hail Holy Queen, Immaculate Mary, and Sing of Mary, just to mention a few. These are gems among the precious jewels in the traditional Catholic musical heritage.
ART. In the realm of art, in paintings and icons as mentioned, but also in other art forms, Mary has been depicted and portrayed in her beauty, her elegance, her purity, and her magnetism over the past 2,000 years. One of the most famous and loved is the Pieta, sculpted by Michelangelo. In a modern form of art, many films of Mary have been produced, timeless classics that inspire us.
NAMES. Even with respect to naming a girl-child, the name of Mary in one form or another has won favor and acclaim. Mary, Maryann, Rose, Lourdes, Fatima, Guadalupe, Concepcion, Assumpta—are some of these beautiful names! What a blessing to have as one’s patron saint, Mary the Mother of God.
IN THE TRINITY. Mary has a central and intimate place, as well as role, in the very heart of the greatest Mystery of Christianity—the Most Blessed Trinity: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Mary is the Daughter of God the Father; Mary is the Mother of God the Son; Mary is the Mystical Spouse of God the Holy Spirit. In sum, Mary is the living Tabernacle and Sanctuary of the Blessed Trinity!
IN THE CHURCH. The Council Fathers of the Second Vatican Council gave Mary a very special role. The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium, Chapter VIII, presents the Blessed Virgin Mary as THE MOTHER OF THE CHURCH. Once pronounced in the Assembly of the Council Fathers, there resounded an applause that was explosive and seemed to never end!
IN THE LIVES OF THE SAINTS. The saints have a very deep, tender, and loving devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. For that reason, among the many titles in the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary is that of Queen of the angels and saints! However, as in seeing beautiful colors emanate from a diamond through the process of refraction, or a rainbow painting the sky as sunlight breaks through after a torrential downpour of rain, Mary radiates God’s eternal beauty in the wide range of her various titles. Some of these are: Our Lady of Good Counsel (Saint Augustine), Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Saint Alphonsus Liguori), Our Lady Help of Christians (Saint John Bosco), Our Lady of Divine Mercy (Saint Faustina Kowalska), Our Lady, Queen of all hearts (Saint Louis de Montfort). In other words, each and every individual saint loved Mary but was able to contemplate her beauty and majesty in a different dimension.
IN THE BIBLE. Biblical typology or symbolism abound with respect to the person of Mary! Mary is seen as the Conqueror of the Ancient Serpent; Mary is depicted as the Second Eve; Mary is viewed as the Ark of the Covenant; Mary also is the Daughter of Zion; Mary can be seen as Queen-Mother as with Solomon and Bathsheba; then in Isaiah, Mary is the Virgin who has conceived a child who would be called Emmanuel—God with us!
WHAT ABOUT YOU AND ME: WHO IS MARY FOR US??? Saint Therese of Lisieux, one of the most known and loved of the modern saints, asserted with respect to Mary: “It is true that Our Lady is Queen of Heaven and earth, but she is more Mother than Queen.” We all need a mother. The qualities of a mother are many: she gives birth, nourishes, protects and defends, clothes, corrects, heals, educates, comforts and consoles, listens to and gives advice, but first and foremost a true mother loves her child from the very depths of her heart! With respect to our Mother Mary, It cannot be said with greater unction and eloquence than in these words of Saint Augustine, son of Saint Monica: “If we were to take the love of all the mothers of all times and all places, the love of Mary our Mother would be greater than the love of all these mothers together!” With these moving words of Saint Augustine, may we have a total, unreserved, unlimited, loving trust in the Blessed Virgin Mary who indeed is the Mother of God, the Lord Jesus Christ; the Mother of the Church (Lumen Gentium, Chapter VIII, Vatican II); but most especially, your Mother and mine, in time and for all eternity!!!
OUR HOPE AND DESIRE. Our hope and desire is that your mind, heart, and soul will be filled with a tender, filial, confident, loving and total self-giving of your whole being to Jesus through the loving hands of Mary. Our hope, desire, and prayer is that your growing knowledge and love for Mary will set your heart on fire with love for Jesus, her Son, so that when you die you will be welcomed by Jesus and Mary into heaven. We pray that one day you will be a splendid jewel in the crown of Mary to contemplate the Face of God—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—for all eternity!!!
Copyright 2021 Oblates of the Virgin Mary / St. Peter Chanel Church, Hawaiian Gardens, CA