“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
THURSDAY, March 18th Jn. 5: 31-47 “The works that the Father gave me to accomplish, these works that I perform testify on my behalf that the Father has sent me.”
In the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the very heart of the Exercises is the contemplation of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In a the 30-day month Exercise Program close to 12 days are dedicated to contemplating the Public Life of the Lord Jesus.
THE FRUIT. The fruit or grace that Ignatius insists that we beg for is this: “Intimate knowledge of Jesus, that we love Him more ardently, and follow Him more closely.” What a beautiful, inspiring and uplifting grace. In a word, the heart of the Spiritual Exercises and the very heart of the life of the Christian is the Person of Jesus Christ. However, we must both beg and strive for greater knowledge of the Lord and greater love for the Lord. And the logical consequence will be ardent desire to follow Him fully, totally and unreservedly!
PUBLIC LIFE OF JESUS. The Public life of Jesus lasted approximately three years, but these short years would change the face of the earth—changing human history and the world’s condition drastically and radically! Jesus’ Public life can be divided into three fundamental activities: preaching, performing miracles, and exorcisms—that is to say, casting out devils!
MIRACLES OF JESUS. To give further proof to His Divinity, Jesus performed abundant miracles. To the incredulous Jesus stated clearly: “If you do not believe in my words, then at least believe in my works.” That is to say, in His miracles! With great concision, Jesus’ miracles could be divided into two categories: miracles over nature, and miracles of healing of human ailments or sicknesses. Jesus’ miracles manifested His great love, compassion and mercy for suffering humanity, as well as His power over nature. Meaning out of love for the suffering, Jesus would at times go beyond or transcend the natural laws that He Himself imposed on nature—being God the Creator of all the universe and the laws that govern the universe.
KNOW, LOVE AND FOLLOW JESUS THROUGH A SERIES OF MIRACLES. The following Biblical passages present a series of Biblical or Gospel contemplations taken from the life of Jesus, the Son of God, the Son of Mary, the Divine Physician, and our Best Friend. The Biblical verse will be presented with the title of the miracle and then a brief reflection. The ultimate end or purpose of this Spiritual Exercise is, as stated earlier, that we will really get to know Jesus, so as to love Him all the more ardently, and thereby be ready and willing to follow Him more closely! Let’s dive in!
1. THE WEDDING FEAST OF CANA (Jn. 2: 1-12). Jesus performs His first Public miracle through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mediatrix of all graces. He turns water into wine. Jesus, through Mary’s prayers, can turn your water into wine too. Meaning? Jesus and Mary can help you with your problems—either resolve them or help you cope with them. Entrust yourself to the loving care of Jesus and Mary; they will never fail you!
2. HEALING OF THE PARALYTIC (Mt. 9: 1-8). Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. A word and a touch from Jesus can heal and strengthen damaged or even ruined limbs. Just as Jesus heals the paralytic so that he can walk, the same Jesus can strengthen your limbs such that you can jump and leap with praise and joy in the Lord. Beg the Lord Jesus to heal you now and help you walk firmly on the straight and narrow path that leads to heaven.
3. HEALING OF THE TEN LEPERS (Lk. 17: 11-19). Lepers were considered the outcasts of society. Contagious as the disease was, incurable in the sight of all physicians, lepers were marginalized by society and lived an almost hopeless and desperate, as well as precarious existence. People would flee from a leper like the plague! Jesus heals ten lepers at once by His word alone! Sad to say, only one returns to render Jesus thanks, and he is a Samaritan, hated by the Jews. Leprosy symbolizes sin. Therefore, in a real sense we are all lepers. But Good News: there is a Doctor who is always available—Jesus, the Divine Physician. Bring your moral leprosy to Jesus and He will heal you!
4. HEALING OF THE CENTURION’S SERVANT (Lk. 7: 1-10). Jesus heals a servant who suffers intensely. However, the healing is performed chiefly through the love, concern and compassion of His master, the Centurion. The healing depended on his deep faith imbued with profound humility. “Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof, but your word alone will heal him.” Why not bring to the Heart of Jesus someone you know who needs healing with great trust in Him. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU!
5. HEALING OF BARTIMEUS—THE BLIND BEGGAR (Mk. 10: 46-52). Bartimeus, the blind beggar sitting on the road-side cries out to Jesus insistently, even though they try to silence him. As a result of his insistence, Bartimeus is brought to Jesus and healed of his blindness. How true it is that all of us have certain blind-spots in our spiritual journey. However, Jesus is the Light of the World who came to cast out the darkness. Why not beg Jesus to remove the blinders from your spiritual vision so that you can contemplate the Face of Jesus in time and for all eternity. “Blessed are the pure of heart; they will see God.” (Mt. 5: 8)
6. HEALING OF THE DEAF-MUTE (Mk. 8:31-37). Not only do we suffer from a certain spiritual blindness, but we also suffer often from a certain spiritual deafness. As a consequence, this causes an impediment in our speech. In a word, we do not always say what we should say, when we should say it, as well as use the proper tone of voice in expressing the words and ideas that emanate from our heart. As Jesus said: “From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (Lk. 6: 45) Why not beg Jesus for the grace of healing so that you can sincerely hear His Word and then and truthfully and charitably communicate it to others!
7. CALMING OF THE STORM (Mt. 8: 23-27). The only time reported in the Gospels of Jesus sleeping in the midst of a violent storm—how ironic, but what a deep message! In the midst of a storm on the lake, the terrified Apostles wake Jesus up. Jesus first rebukes the Apostles for their lack of faith, and then rebukes the violent winds which cease and the storm abates immediately. We all have storms in our lives, some small, some moderate, and others very violent! Why not beg the Lord Jesus to calm these storms? He was omnipotent 2000 years ago, and He still is to this very day, this very moment. Your prayer might be: “Lord, be with me in the storms of my life, and subdue the violent storms that threaten to capsize the boat of my soul.”
8. JESUS (AND PETER) WALK ON WATER (Mt. 14: 22-33). In the deep darkness of night, in the midst of a stormy sea on Lake Galilee, the Apostles perceive a specter, appearing to be a ghost, walking towards them on the water. Terrified, they panic! Jesus tries to calm them down saying: “Get ahold of yourselves! It is I.” Peter responds: “Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water.” Jesus says: Come!!!” Imagine this…Peter stepping out of the boat and walking with Jesus on the water! But then he begins to sink and cries out: “Lord, save me!” Jesus stretches out His hand, grasps the hand of Peter, and saves the Apostle from sinking and drowning! Perhaps we can identify with Peter? Perhaps we have been asked by the Lord to leave our comfort zone, relinquish our security blanket, and walk in the dark on the cold water? Peter’s problem was precisely this: Peter focused more on the problem then on the problem-solver—the Lord Jesus! Why not bring your problems to Jesus, the problem-solver right now? Remember! Our chief problem is that we forget to bring our problems to the One who can solve all problems—Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Let us begin to truly place our trust in Him!
9. MULTIPLICATION OF THE LOAVES AND FISHES (Mk. 8: 1-10). The crowds were following Jesus the whole day and had no food, no provisions, nor means to acquire the necessary sustenance. Handed a little bread and less fish but given with much love, Jesus performed an extraordinary miracle. He multiplied the loaves and the fishes with such quantity that not hundreds, but thousands ate to their fill and there were even many left-overs that were not to be wasted. What love, tenderness (that of a Mother) and compassion flowed from the Heart of Jesus! Why not bring to the Heart of Jesus your needs and He will fill you to your heart’s content!
10. HEALING AND EXORCISM OF THE MAN POSSESSED BY MANY DEMONS (Mt. 9: 32-33). Gashing himself with stones, crying out like a lunatic or madman, living in the solitary loneliness of a grave-yard, Legion suffers from diabolical possession. But it is not just one devil, but a large number that have taken up their abode in his soul. Jesus casts out all of the devils into a herd of swine grazing on the hillside, and they rush into the sea and drown. The possessed man is totally healed and wants to follow Jesus, but Jesus tells him to announce the good news to his relatives and friends. Why not talk to Jesus about the demons in your life and beg Jesus to cast them out. At the mere name of Jesus and Mary, a throng of devil’s quake with a dreaded fear!
11. RAISING OF THE SON OF THE WIDOW OF NAIM (Lk. 7: 11-17). Moved to the very depths of His heart, Jesus touches the bier where the dead body of a widow’s only son lays in the shadow of death. Immediately, the young man rises and Jesus gives him back to his mourning mother. Our Lady is a widow and she will lose her only Son—Jesus crucified for our sins and our salvation. Contemplate these powerful Biblical truths and talk to Jesus and Mary about them! Thank Jesus and Mary for their sacrifice of love for you! How precious you are to them!
12. RAISING OF THE DEAD DAUGHTER OF JAIRUS (Lk. 8: 40-56). Entering into the room with His three Apostles Peter, James and John, Jesus takes the hand of the 12-year-old dead girl and cries out: “Talitha-cum: young girl arise!” Upon the power of Jesus’ few words, the dead girl returns to life and is given back to her parents. How many of us have children—teens or young adults or even adults—who are dead in sin, who have willingly chosen to walk away from the loving embrace of God the Father, and embrace some false-god instead! Why not turn to Jesus who can bring the dead to life and beg for the spiritual restoration of your son or daughter.
13. THE RAISING OF LAZARUS (Jn. 11:1-44). One of the most powerful miracles in the life of Jesus! He finds His friend, Lazarus, dead and buried, laid in the tomb for four long days. Weeping copious and profuse tears, the sisters—Mary and Martha, gently complain to Jesus that if He had been present during the sickness of Lazarus, their brother never would have died. And Scripture says: “Jesus wept!” Going to the tomb, He has the stone removed and cries out in a loud voice: “LAZARUS, COME OUT!!!” Wrapped in burial bandages, the dead man rises and walks out of the tomb! Jesus transforms a terrible tragedy into a glorious victory! Why not go to the Sacrament of Confession, especially now before Easter! And bring some other sinner with you. Then, in the teaching of Saint Augustine, you yourself will have a LAZARUS EXPERIENCE—passing from spiritual death to life in the spirit!
14. JESUS HEALS THE MOTHER-IN-LAW OF PETER (Mt. 8: 14-15). The fever of Peter’s Mother-in-law is intense. Jesus enters the house and takes her by the hand; the fever leaves her immediately and she gets up and begins to wait on Him. May the Lord bless the mothers-in-law of the world! One point: immediately upon receiving healing, this good woman, without losing a moment, begins to serve Jesus. Why not bring your sicknesses to Jesus, and once healed, serve the Lord Jesus all the more!
15. THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS (Lk. 24: 13-35). After the crucifixion and death of Jesus, two forlorn, desolate, and disoriented disciples leave Jerusalem and head towards Emmaus. A stranger catches up to them, walks with them, listens to them, and talks to them explaining all the Scriptures about the Messiah. Arriving at their destination, they invite the stranger to stay with them, for the day is nearly spent. He enters their home and sits down at table to break bread with them. Only then are their “eyes opened” and they recognize the stranger is Jesus risen from the dead, and He disappears from their sight. They marvel: “Were not our hearts set on fire in His Presence?” Why not beg the Lord Jesus to take the blinders from your eyes and set your heart on fire with love for Him, so that you can set the world on fire with love for God and the desire for His Kingdom! “Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in in heaven.” (The Our Father)