Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21ST Lk. 20: 27-40 “He is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all are alive.” The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Today is the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Temple. It was a source of great sorrow for Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, the parents of Mary, that they were unable to have children. According to tradition, Saint Anne made a promise to God that if He would bless her with a child, she would dedicate her child to Him, as women in the Old Testament had done before her. Therefore, again according to tradition, when Mary was three years old, her parents took her to the Temple and offered her to God.
- In this meditation, let us contemplate how Nature reflects the beauty of Mary. Mary, chosen to be the Mother of Jesus, Second Person of the Blessed Trinity made man through the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. Mary, daughter of the Father, Mother of the Son, and Mystical Spouse of the Holy Spirit. Mary, Mother of the Church and our loving Mother!
- At the end of the meditation, open up your heart in a colloquy or conversation with our Blessed Mother. Tell Mary how much you love her and share with her your deepest desires and greatest needs. She is always ready to listen and quick to come to your assistance!
- Then turn your thoughts and prayers to God the Father with praise and thanksgiving for this extraordinary plan for our salvation. “Therefore, the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Is. 7:14) or Emmanuel, meaning God is with us.
God is indeed the Creator of all that is good, true, and beautiful. In other words, behind the beauty of creation is truly present the Creator Himself who is God, the author and origin of all that is beautiful. The great mystics, we call them the saints, are able to see God in all things: in all circumstances and events, in victories and failures, in trials and crosses. Furthermore, the saints capture the beauty of God in His creation. This was one of the inspirations and the genius of Saint Francis of Assisi in his famous poem, The Canticle of Creation.
The mystical poets wax eloquent, especially when they proclaim the greatness and beauty of God in what Saint Louis de Montfort calls The Masterpiece of Creation—who of course is the Blessed Virgin Mary, indeed God’s exalted masterpiece.
Therefore, in a very simple and down-to-earth perspective, let us offer for your reading, reflection, meditation, and prayer some images in nature that can help us lift our gaze to Mary, the Masterpiece of Creation, and as a consequence, enter into communion with Mary and with God Himself. We must always be keenly aware of the fact that all the beauty of Creation is a mere reflection of the beauty of God, and Mary’s beauty far exceeds that of any other created being or thing.
1. STARS. One of the most famous mystical poets of the Church is Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. We invite all to meditate carefully on his literary and mystical masterpiece entitled Stellla Maris—meaning, Star of the Sea. Sailors years ago needed to lift their gaze to the Star of the Sea to lead them safely and securely to the port. So do we need to lift our gaze to Mary, Stella Maris, trusting that through her guidance and inspiration we will reach our eternal port, our heavenly Home. Biblically and symbolically the apocalyptic vision in the Book of Revelation points to Our Lady who is seen as a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head. (Rev 12:1)
2. RAIN IN ABUNDANCE. The abundant downpour of rain interpreted through a mystical lens can be viewed as graces that descend from on high through the intercession of Mary and enter into our soul, thereby producing beautiful flowers in our soul. These flowers are virtues: faith, hope, love, purity, humility, patience, and obedience, to name a few.
3. RAINDROPS. The deluge of sin in our modern world produces great sorrow in the Heart of Our Sorrowful Mother and from her heart wells up tears that rain down from heaven. So the next time you experience rain-drops descending from on high, why not unite your heart with the Sorrowful Heart of Mary, and beg pardon and mercy for our sins and for the many sins of humanity. With Mary, let us try to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus wounded due to our sins.
4. RESPLENDENT AND PURE WHITE CLOUDS. Traditionally, white points to the virtue of purity. Hopefully this will engage you in a meditation on Mary’s purity in heart, mind, body, and soul. As you look on high at those beautiful and pure white clouds may this stir in your whole being a desire to imitate Mary—to be pure in heart, mind, body, soul, desire and intention. “Blessed are the pure of heart; for they will see God.” (Mt 5:8)
5. BRILLIANT BLUE SKY. How can this not call to mind the blue mantle of Mary? How could this not cause to surge within our hearts a fervent appeal to Mary to protect us, to shield us, to envelop us in her heavenly mantle! Underneath Mary’s mantle, we indeed can find a sure refuge.
6. BEAUTIFUL ROSE. Among the many mystical and poetic images for Mary is that of the Rose. Indeed, in the Litany of Loreto, Mary is invoked as the Mystical Rose. Dante, in his literary masterpiece The Divine Comedy also writes about the Mystical Rose. He ascends from Hell through Purgatory and reaches heaven accompanied by Saint Bernard. As Dante arrives at the heights, he lifts up his gaze and is mesmerized, captivated by the beauty in the scene he encounters. He is peering into a Rose; it is the Mystical Rose. Of course this beautiful Mystical Rose is the Blessed Virgin Mary. Beyond this exalted vision is the Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
7. THE ROSARY. It is no great surprise that the Rosary we pray to Mary is related to the Mystical Rose, for the Rosary is comprised of fifty prayerful roses offered to Mary. Every Hail Mary is a mystical rose that fills Mary’s heart with unspeakable joy.
8. THE GLEAMING MOON. The moon reflects the light and beauty of the sun. So it is that the moon is symbolic of Mary whose purpose is to reflect and glorify the “sun”. Who is this sun? None other than Jesus, who is indeed, “The Sun of God” and the “Light of the world”.
9. FRAGRANT FLOWERS OF THE FIELD. Flowers are both beautiful and fragrant. Therefore, in the course of your nature walk, as you come across a garden or a meadow with a variety of colorful and fragrant flowers, lift up your mind, your heart, and your affections to Mary, colorful and fragrant in her virtues. Reflect upon the beauty of Mary in her holiness. Beg Mary, known also as the Lily of the Field, to instill within your heart an ardent yearning to be holy as your heavenly Father is holy!
10. GENTLE WOMAN: GENTLE BREEZE. As the gentle breeze caresses your tired and weary face, remember Mary who, though strong, is the essence of gentleness. Mary is the gentle woman who has won the Heart of God Himself. The gentle breeze also elicits a remembrance of the Holy Spirit. Mary has an intimate association with the Holy Spirit, and of course with the Blessed Trinity. For Mary is the Daughter of God the Father, the Mother of God the Son, and the Mystical Spouse of the Holy Spirit. Our Lady can unite us with the Heart of God. Indeed she is the quickest, shortest, easiest route to God.
To conclude, let us have our eyes, our ears, and our minds open to the all-abiding Presence of God reflected in the beauty of nature, as well as in the Blessed Virgin Mary! As Saint Louis de Montfort expresses with love and admiration: “Mary is the Masterpiece of God’s creation.” The power, beauty, and magnificence of Mary’s presence resounds from north to south, from east to west, and it is through Mary’s presence that God Himself is glorified as she herself proclaimed: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my soul rejoices in God my Savior.” (Lk 1: 46-47) May Mary’s symbolic reflections in nature help us to praise God the Creator!
Stella Maris
Ave, Maria! O Maiden, O Mother,
fondly thy children are calling on thee!
Thine are the graces unclaimed by another,
Sinless and beautiful, star of the sea!
Ave Maria! The night shades are falling;
softly our voices arise unto thee;
earth’s lonely exiles for succor are calling,
Sinless and beautiful, star of the sea!
Ave, Maria! thy children are kneeling,
words of endearment are murmured to thee;
softly thy spirit upon us is stealing,
Sinless and beautiful, star of the sea!
Ave, Maria! thou portal of heaven,
harbor of refuge, to thee do we flee;
lost in the darkness, by stormy winds driven,
Sinless and beautiful, star of the sea!
Pray for thy children who call upon thee;
Sinless and beautiful, star of the sea
Copyright 2020 Oblates of the Virgin Mary
St. Peter Chanel Church, Hawaiian Gardens, CA