Monday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time
“For greater things you were born.” (Ven. Mother Luisita)
MONDAY, OCTOBER 12TH Lk. 11: 29-32 “There is something greater than Solomon here… there is something greater than Jonah here!”
- Jesus is no mere king … no mere prophet! He is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, one in being with the Father and the Holy Spirit, who took on a human body and human nature to suffer and die on the cross for our sins. He comes not only as our Savior, He comes as our Beloved! There is no person on earth who knows us, as Jesus knows us! No one who loves us, as Jesus loves us!
- Jesus desires intimate communion with us. He invites us to talk to Him throughout the day, include Him in our thoughts, ask Him the questions that so often trouble us. Share our feelings with Him, tell Him when we’re happy, sad, angry, confused, hurting. Speak to Him as if He is really there, because He is really there! And in the recesses of our heart, we will hear Him speak to us. He wants us to feel His loving embrace and find our rest in Him.
- Jesus wants to walk with us and help us fulfill His holy will in the duties of our state in life, in the sufferings we endure, in the inspirations we receive and carry out. But just as the angel waited for Mary’s Yes, Jesus waits for our Yes. There can be only one person on the throne of our heart – we decide whether or not that person is Jesus! And where there is Jesus, there is His Mother and our Mother, Mary!
FAITHFUL FRIENDS ALWAYS. Jesus and Mary are your best friends, always, in all places and in all times. You can talk to them and confide in them always! Jesus and Mary are always ready and willing to listen to you and to talk to you as friends do. At the Last Supper, Jesus said to the Apostles (as well as to you and me): “I call you FRIENDS.” His friendship has not changed in over 2000 years and it will never change. Jesus and Mary have a great longing, a great desire, in this precise moment to enter into a conversation of Friendship with you.
Now place yourself in the Presence of Jesus and Mary. Imagine that they are looking at you with great tenderness, kindness, and love. Lift your eyes, as well as your heart, to the images of Jesus and Mary. Now open up your heart and talk to Jesus and Mary. Tell them everything that is on your mind, everything that is in your heart. They are the best of listeners.
SOME HELPS TO ENTER INTO CONVERSATION WITH JESUS AND MARY. As a means to help you, imagine that Jesus and Mary, with great love for you, are asking you some very simple questions. Respond to these questions in your own words. Your words can be simple, uncomplicated, humble, and sincere. Here we go with our loving conversation with Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary, His Mother and your Mother!
1. WHO ARE YOU? Why not start with the basics. Jesus asks, “Who are you”? That is a good question. Who are you in the eyes of the world? Are you a man or woman, younger or older, single or married, father or mother, brother or sister? Do you work, go to school, stay at home with the kids, or possibly you’re retired? Now, who are you in your own eyes? What do you think of yourself? Are you happy with who you are? If you could change one thing about yourself, what would that be? Now, who are you in the eyes of Jesus and Mary? Do you think about the fact that Jesus suffered and died on the cross as Mary suffered beneath the cross – all for love of you? Do you really know how precious you are in their eyes? They are listening very attentively to your answers, to your words, even to the movements of your heart. You can speak to Jesus and Mary as long as you want. They are in no hurry. Right now you are the most important person in the world to them.
2. WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND NOW? In all times and places something is crossing our mind. Right now, why not express to Jesus and Mary the thoughts that are crossing or running through your mind. Talk to them about these thoughts. Do these thoughts bring you joy or sadness, peace or anxiety? Talk sincerely about your thought world. Perhaps things that you cannot talk to anyone else about. Jesus and Mary do not mean for you to carry your burdens alone.
3. ARE YOU FEARFUL? We all go through moments of fear and about many things. Perhaps over the past few days there has been something in your life that has caused you to enter into a state of fear. This is an excellent topic of conversation between you and Jesus and Mary. Often the Apostles had fears; all people have fears in their lives. So do you and so do I. Bring these fears to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Jesus calmed the fears of the Apostles in the storm; He can calm your fears too!
4. WHAT MIGHT BE SOME FEARS? Fears can come in many shapes and forms, colors and shades. Never forget that both Jesus and Mary love you always and are always ready to listen to you and help you. Here are a few that might be your fears right now. Your future? Maybe you are fearful about your future. We are living in challenging times. Maybe your future is uncertain and this causes fear. Talk to Jesus and Mary about this. Ask them to help you place your future in their loving and caring hands. Or it could be that you or one of your family members has a serious health problem and that makes you fearful. Ask the Divine Physician for healing in mind and body, always trusting in His Divine Providence to know what is best for each person. Remembering that when He gives a cross, He promises to help us carry it! Maybe your fears are for spiritual well-being – yours or someone else’s. In this case, usually what is needed is a Soul Doctor and a good Confession. If it is for yourself, don’t put it off! The enemy wants to steal your soul – and that is how he does it! He paralyzes us with fear! Ask a friend to go with you, so you won’t back out! If your fear is for someone else who is putting off Confession and Conversion – prayer and penance are your weapons. Jesus says some demons are only driven out by prayer and penance!
5. OTHER FEARS? Family tensions and problems! Your fears might be in your home, in your own family. Maybe there is tension, turmoil, anger and bitterness among some family members and this is a constant cause of fear and anxiety in your mind and heart. Open up your heart to Jesus and Mary and talk to them about these family tensions and fears. Talk to Jesus and Mary about your family members. Most likely there is one family member who is most in need of prayers. Beg Jesus and Mary to help you pray for them and bring peace to your heart! Jesus and Mary are always attentive to your prayers and willing to help you carry the cross.
6. WOUNDS OF THE PAST/WOUNDS IN THE PRESENT. Because of the Original Sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, we all live in a world that is deeply wounded. And that means that we too are wounded and most likely we have wounded others. Most likely, even now, you carry a wound in your heart. Past or present, being abused in any number of ways leaves huge, gaping wounds. Now is the time to bring these wounds to the Sacred Heart of Jesus that was wounded by the lance that pierced His Heart causing blood and water to gush forth, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary who suffered in her heart all that Jesus suffered in His Body as she stood beneath the cross. Being physically beaten, emotionally abused, rejected, perhaps abandoned—all of these situations leave wounds that can be very deep.
7. JESUS THE WOUNDED HEALER. Jesus is the wounded-healer. In prayer we can bring these many and possibly huge wounds to Jesus. The Bible says: “By His wounds we are healed.” (Is. 53:5) Do not be afraid to open up and talk to Jesus about your wounds because by His wounds we are healed. Call to mind the many sick, suffering, and wounded people who came to Jesus while He walked the earth. Jesus was moved to pity and compassion and He healed them, if they trusted in Him. Imagine that you are one of those wounded and sick persons in the time of Jesus: the blind, the deaf, the mute, the leper, the paralytic! Like them, go to Jesus now and ask for healing! Go to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and also ask her to heal you. Mary is known as Refuge of sinners, Health of the sick, and Mother of mercy and consolation. Turn to Mary as your loving Mother and open your wounded heart and talk to her – let her console you! One more step is necessary. Beg Jesus and Mary for the grace to pray for those who wounded you – pray for their eternal salvation. Something as simple as three Hail Marys for them every day. Praying for them will bring peace to your soul – the captive you set free will be yourself! Moreover, the mercy you show them will be showered upon you for your sins by your loving and Merciful Savior, for He cannot be outdone in generosity!
8. YOUR TEMPTATIONS. Now, here is another topic to talk with Jesus and Mary about: your temptations! Do not be ashamed in your conversation with Jesus and Mary to talk to them about your temptations. Everybody in the world is subject to temptations and until the very end of our life. The devil never goes on vacation. A temptation is not a sin until we give in to it. Bring to Jesus and Mary the temptations you may be experiencing. Here might be a few. Temptations to give in to discouragement—bring this to the Heart of Jesus. “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Mt. 11:28) Temptations to give in to impurity—bring this to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Temptations to laziness—it is not always about avoiding work we have to do; sometimes it is just avoiding the work we don’t like to do! Talk to Mary about this, who went in haste to help her elderly cousin Elizabeth, pregnant with St. John the Baptist. Temptations to anger and impatience—turn to Jesus who carried the cross patiently and beg for His help. Temptations to lie—turn to Jesus who said: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Temptations to disobey—to do our will instead of God’s will! Run to Jesus who was obedient even to death and death on the cross! Bringing your temptations to Jesus and Mary are great ways to overcome the devil!
9. EVEN YOUR SINS! Now this is a very important topic of conversation: your sins! Jesus did not come for the perfect; He came to save sinners. The name JESUS means God saves! The worst thing we can do is to fail to TRUST in Jesus, in His love and His mercy. Therefore, bring even your failures, your sins, to the most Merciful Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Tell Jesus that you love Him and you are sorry for these sins. Tell Him that you want to change. Beg Jesus for the grace and the strength to change. Then tell Jesus and Mary of your desire to go to confession. The prophet Isaiah encourages us with these words: “Though your sins be like scarlet, I will make them as white as the snow.” (Is. 1:18) Say these words often to Jesus, words that give great consolation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary: JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU!!! Also, none of us know the day or the hour we will die. Therefore, never go to bed without doing an examination of conscience and making a perfect act of contrition —that is to say, contrition of love, contrition for hurting the One we love and who loves us most in the world—with a firm purpose of amendment, meaning to avoid the persons, places, things, or circumstances that led us to sin —and the firm intention to go to confession as soon as possible. If we were to die in that state, our sins would be forgiven.
10. YOUR PLANS, YOUR GOALS, YOUR DREAMS. At every stage of life, we should have plans, goals, and even dreams. You should have long term goals, short term goals, and dreams to accomplish. Jesus and Mary are very interested in these. Open up your heart and talk to Jesus and Mary about these noble aspiration and goals. As we get older, the aspirations of this life should begin to give way to aspirations and longing for our eternal life! Jesus and Mary are very interested in your goals and dreams, in your future here and in eternity! Open up and talk to them about your future!
11. THANKSGIVING: AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. Jesus and Mary rejoice when we tell them these two words: THANK YOU! Therefore, try to get in the habit of thanking Jesus and Mary for so many gifts that they have given to you. In sum, what do we have that we have not received from God? Nothing! Except our own sins that we have freely chosen. Stop, look up to Jesus and Mary and pour out your heart in gratitude!
12. IMITATE THE ONE GRATEFUL LEPER. On one occasion ten lepers came to Jesus and He healed the ten, but only one came back to give Jesus thanks! May you be that one grateful leper! Thank Jesus and Mary for your life—thank you, Jesus. Give thanks for your health—Lord Jesus, thanks! Thanks for your family—Lord I lift my hands in thanks! For freedom—Jesus once again thanks! For your Catholic faith—Lord, from the depths of my heart, thanks!!!
13. BECOME THE BEGGAR BEFORE JESUS. Beggars would sometimes approach Jesus and He would often grant what they requested. Now it is your turn to become the beggar. Jesus said: “Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. (Mt. 7:7) Any need that is in your heart, open up and become a beggar before Jesus. He loves to help humble and trusting beggars!
14. BEG FOR OTHERS. Do not limit your prayers to yourself. Rather, go outside yourself and beg for others’ intentions, for others’ needs. Beg for your family members certainly. Then beg for world peace; beg for starving children; beg for the sick and the dying; beg for the homeless and the orphans. Beg also for the suffering souls in Purgatory to be released to Heaven! Beg for the conversion of poor sinners, of dying sinners. Many graces descend upon the world due to the prayers of beggars!
15. LOVE JESUS AND MARY. The most important sentiment that can flow from our hearts is that of love. Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Never forget how much Jesus and Mary love you. However, in your own words you should tell them how much you really do love them. Love is the bond of perfection. Saint John of the Cross says: “In the twilight of our lives, we will be judged on love.” In your own words, tell Jesus and Mary how much you love them. Beg them for the grace to love them more and more each day. Beg Jesus and Mary for the grace to love them now, tomorrow, and forever in heaven!
O God, you are my God, for you I long;
for you my soul is thirsting.
My body pines for you
like a dry weary land without water.
So I gaze on you in the sanctuary
to see your strength and your glory.
For your love is better than life,
my lips will speak your praise.
So I will bless you all my life,
in your name I will lift up my hands.
My soul shall be filled as with a banquet,
my mouth shall praise you with joy.
On my bed I remember you.
On you I muse through the night,
for you have been my help,
in the shadow of your wings I rejoice.
My soul clings to you;
Your right hand holds me fast. (Ps 63:1-8)
Copyright 2020 Oblates of the Virgin Mary
St. Peter Chanel Church, Hawaiian Gardens, CA