know not what they are doing.”
14. RELIGIOUS INDIFFERENCE. There underneath the cross the soldiers shot dice to see who could win the garments of Jesus—total indifference to the Person and mission of Jesus. How much Jesus suffers this very day due to religious indifference, apathy and a non-chalant “who-cares” (“whatever”) attitude of life. Jesus came to cast fire in a world cloaked in a dense cloud of indifference! May God have mercy on us for taking Him for granted!!! Lord Jesus set my heart on fire for love of you and the salvation of immortal souls.
15. LOVE NOT LOVED. Possibly the greatest interior agony of Jesus was the hard and cruel fact of His mission of love being rejected. Jesus gives freedom to every individual on earth. Therefore, He forces Himself on nobody. His love not being accepted, especially His love manifested by His suffering, caused Jesus mortal anguish.