St. Pope John Paul II, the Cure of Ars, St. Anthony, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. John Bosco were saints and they attracted others to follow them so that they could bring them to Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Beg Jesus right now from the depths of your heart for this one special and all-important grace: “Lord, make me a saint.” Saint Dominic Savio upon meeting Saint John Bosco said this: “You are the tailor and I am the cloth; make me a saint.” Let us beg the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier to help us to become the saint that God has designed for us for all eternity. The hard truth is this: we are all called to become saints. The proof is double: Jesus commanded it; and only the saints are in heaven (Of course with the faithful angels).
In a real sense, the greatest tragedy on earth is to fail in God’s mission for us and not become the saint that God has called us to be. One of the most important Documents in the Church in the Modern world is a Dogmatic Constitution with the title “Lumen Gentium” (Light for the People). This is considered by many the greatest of all of the Documents of the Second Vatican Council. In the very heart of this Document, Chapter V, the title of this Chapter is nothing less than “The universal call to holiness.” All are called to grow daily in holiness; all are called to become saints. There is too much mediocrity, tepidity, lukewarmness in the Church today. The world must witness men and women that are on fire for the love of God. Jesus Himself said: “I have come to cast fire on the earth and I am not at peace until that fire be enkindled.” Saint Ignatius’ last words to the great Apostle to the Indies, Saint Francis Xavier were: “Go set all on fire.”
This is manifested most concretely by having an insatiable hunger and thirst for Holy Mass and to receive the Eucharistic Lord into the deepest recesses of our souls. The Psalmistreminds us in these poetic and mystical words: “As the deer yearns for the running streams so my soul longs for you O Lord my God.” I do not believe that it would be far-fetched, much less heretical to offer a Eucharistic interpretation to the most prayed prayer in the world—the Our Father. One of the petitions in the Our Father, also known as the Lord’s Prayer is: “Gives us this day our daily bread… Would it be wrong to assert and to challenge believing Catholics to have an ardent hunger for the daily bread of the Eucharist??? No doubt our body needs daily bread to be sustained. However our soul supersedes in light years the importance of the body. Jesus reminds us with these clearand cutting words: “What would it profit a man if he were to gain the whole world and to lose his soul in the process? What can a man give in exchange for his soul?” By receiving the Holy Eucharist with lively faith, burning fervor (love) and frequency (on a daily basis) we are on the highway to holiness, the highway to heaven, and beyond the shadow of a doubt God will use as His companion, friend and collaborator towork ardently and strenuously for the salvation of immortal souls. Therefore, why not right now look at your weekly schedule and your daily schedule and check out the daily Masses close to your home and decide to set aside a half an hour a day for daily Mass and for the reception of daily Holy Communion.
You will never regret this decision and change in your life!!! Then after you have received Jesus with faith, devotion, fervor and passionate love in your heart in Holy Communion beg the Eucharistic Lord Jesus, who is the Holy of Holies to make you a saint. Beg the Lord through the intercession of Our Lady the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church, the Mother of the Eucharistic Savior to use you as an instrument to save an enormous harvest of souls. The harvest is rich and the laborers are few. Jesus is calling you right now to hearken to His wonderful but challenging call to work with Him in the salvation of immortal souls. Never forget: one immortal soul is worth more than the whole created universe! Jesus shed His precious Blood for the salvation of your soul and the souls of the entire universe!