than for wars!” We are digging our graves with our teeth.
REASONS FOR GLUTTONY? They are many! In the USA one of the primary reasons for gluttony is the simple availability of food and eating. Wherever you turn in any small, moderate or big city you are bombarded with Restaurants, all competing among themselves to get customers
Then there is the “All you can eat buffet”. We all know what these places are and the temptation that comes with entering the door! The temptation is very simple! This “All you can eat buffet” gives you an incredible price: Tuesday night is all you can eat for only $4.99! Wow!!! So what happens? Before you enter you promise that you will control your appetites! But then after finishing your 2nd huge platter, you reason: “Well I paid for it; why not go back and get my 3rd or 4th platter, even though after your 2nd you are already stuffed and your pants buckle have no further holes to adjust your bulging waist-line! Against reason and common sense you go to town! That very night and the following morning you regret having over-eaten and all of the Alka-Seltzer you down cannot remedy your wrong choice!
What a wonderful article. A brilliant take on a terrible problem in our country. I am going to print and save it.