of the mercy of God. Remind them of the Parables of mercy in Lk. 15: the lost
sheep, the lost coin and the lost and found son, the Parable of the Prodigal
Son. Remember also that many women go
back for a second or third abortion, mostly because they have not experienced
the mercy of God. The Psalmist reminds us of the tenderness of the Heart of
God: “God is slow to anger but rich in kindness and mercy…” ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The devil tempts us to
believe that after sin— especially a serious sin (like that of abortion) that
God is angry and unwilling to forgive. This could not be further from the
truth. St. Paul teaches that where sin
abounds the mercy of God abounds all the more. Furthermore, one of the key
themes of the Diary of mercy in my soul of Saint Faustina is that the greatest
sinners have the greatest right to God’s mercy and that the greatest sinners
can become the greatest saints if they simply TRUST in His mercy. JESUS I TRUST IN YOU!
2. TEACH OUR YOUNG. It is incumbent upon parents to teach their children, and teens the virtue of CHASTITY—the
proper use of their body and that their body is truly the temple of the Holy
Spirit and should be respected and honored at all times; also that that they
should respect the bodies of others. Still more parents should teach their
children that there is a time for everything.
There is a time to plant and a time to gather; a time to weep and a time
to laugh, a time to work and a time to sleep; there is a time to have a
courtship and a time to avoid. There is a time for everything underneath the
sun. Often abortions occur among the youth because they are involved in
premature courtships, with raging hormones, uncontrollable passions and a
society that abets and encourages sexual license and expression without
limits! We must teach the young the meaning of the Beatitude: “”Blessed are the pure of heart, they will see God.
“(Mt. 5:8).
3. PRO-LIFE REMINDERS. We should surround ourselves and the world that we live with Pro-life reminders and there are many and thanks especially to the Pro-life Movement and its tireless efforts! Buy Pro-life checks! Where exteriorly on your lapel or pocket the “Precious feet” of the unborn baby. Display on Face-book the beauty of the unborn as well as the baby
already born. Of course we should never forget nor neglect catchy and
attractive Pro-life Bumper stickers, for example: “It is a child and not a
choice!” These reminders force people to
think. Believe it or not there are still many people who are still sitting on
the fence and as of yet do not have clear ideas on the topic of abortion and
Pro-Life. Let us try to win them over to the “Pro-life” side!
4. EUPHEMISMS/ MANIPULATION OF LANGUAGE. Be aware of how those who
promote abortion utilize euphemisms—manipulating language for their own
benefit—to trick and deceive. For example, “Pro-choice!” “Terminate-pregnancy”,
“My-Body” “Woman’s health center”. These and many other euphemisms can be
utilized to deceive the gullible and naïve into diluting the reality that
abortion is truly infanticide—killing an innocent child!
the Baptist and Jesus, the Son of God who would call Himself, THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THER LIFE! Check out this passage: (Lk. 1:39-45).
6. ADOPTION NOT ABORTION! A truly valid option or alternative to abortion is that of adoption. Even now there are thousands and thousands of couples that for various reasons could not have their own biological children
and are longing for a child of their own and desire to adopt. These couples are
screened, studied underneath a fine-tooth-comb to see if they would be good
parents. Therefore, the child to be born would be placed in an excellent
household and receive an excellent human formation and very often a good
Christian formation.
within her womb smiling, yawning, stretching her/is little limbs, sleeping,
sneezing or even scratching the little nose could be the determining moment to
help that mother to say “Yes” to life and to have and cherish that precious
little infant in her womb. Remember the famous case of Dr. Bernard Nathanson
who saw an ultrasound of a baby aborted and stopped aborting—after having been
ahead of the key abortion clinic in NYC that had carried out 80,000 abortions!
It all started by seeing, visualizing the image of the live baby. We live in a
world of images. Why not use live images through the Ultrasound to save the
lives of the most innocent?
and unfortunately they have been surrounded by “friends” (really enemies) that
convince them that the best decision is to abort the child. We must learn to
speak up. We must learn to express the truth with love. The child in the womb
cannot speak and therefore we must be the voice of the unborn child in the
womb. We must stop “Bullying”. The worst form of bullying in the world is the
bullying and the actual killing of the most innocent and defenseless— the
unborn child. Who knows how many women have had recourse to abortion because
timid Christians have failed to speak out. Remember the words of the Political
philosopher Edmund Burke: “So that evil progress it is sufficient that good men
do nothing!” In catholic moral theology we call this “Sin of omission”.
way or another. What to do?
travel to Washington to do a silent March of Protest. We want to manifest
publically but peacefully our love and defense for the unborn.
clinic to your home and once a week to silently protest by praying many
Rosaries and Chaplets of Divine Mercy.
to those confused women who are walking into the Abortion clinic to abort their
baby. Of course prayer is the key; however a timely word of wisdom, an image, a
word of encouragement, a smile of
love— all could help the confused woman to turn around and have the child!
woman who is pondering the abortion to give her the many other “Helps” that she
has to support her in her pregnancy and say “Yes” to life! Below are a series
of numbers to have at your fingertips: OPTION LIFE IF CARE/NET/HEARBEAT:
1-800-712-HELP (4357) NATIONAL LIFE CENTER: 1-800-848-LOVE (5683), OPTION LINE:
1- 800-712-HELP (4357). Post-abortion
syndrome (P.A.S.) RACHEL’S VINEYARD 1-877-HOPE-4-ME (467- 3463). NATIONAL
HELPLINE FOR ABORTION RECOVERY: 1-866-482 LIFE (5433) www. NationalHelpline.org.
These numbers can be invaluable help in time of need and emergency!
Pro-life group in the Parish. Many things can be done on a Parish level. Here are a few: Holy Hours of Reparation,
Pro-life Masses, DVD’s and movies like “October Baby? And “Bella” to enhance
the awareness on a parochial level of the value of the baby in the womb. Having
the “Baby”bottle” project wherein the parishioners give their coins or dollars
to women who say “Yes” to life but are struggling economically>
call to help them in their plight.
there is no greater prayer than the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Included in this is the Pro-life dimension. Why? Abortion is the innocent blood-shed of the babies. Holy Mass is the offering of the Blood of the Innocent Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. We offer Jesus begging mercy and pardon; we adore Jesus who descends from heaven in the Consecration of the Host; we receive Jesus in the moment of Holy Communion. These three key moments in Mass can be offered in reparation and prevention for the deluge of innocent blood that has been shed since the legalization of abortion 40 years ago in the decision Roe vs. Wade. Calculations estimate in between 52-53 surgical abortions!!!! However, we should never forget that one drop of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus that He shed on Calvary and is renewed perpetually in every Holy Mass is sufficient to repair for and save the whole
Holy Rosary, is obviously a “Pro-life” prayer. Pay attention to these words in the Hail Mary which were pronounced by
Saint Elizabeth to Mary in the mystery of the Visitation: “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus…” This powerful prayer that penetrates and consoles the most pure and Immaculate Heart of Mary lauds and praises the “Yes” of Mary that resulted in the Incarnation and the presence of the Unborn Baby Jesus in the womb of Mary. A beautiful practice for us to undertake would be to beg that through the praying of the Hail Mary in the context of the Rosary that 50 abortions would be repaired for as well as prevented every time we pray this powerful Pro-life prayer. What God can do with His power Mary can do with her prayer. God can never resist the prayers of Mary His Heavenly Mother.