A General Confession
- The term “general confession” refers to going to confession and confessing all the mortal sins of one’s past life (or of an extended period, like the past year) whether confessed before or not.
- Instead of just confessing those mortal sins committed since one’s previous confession. This is not for the purpose of rehashing all of one’s past failures out of guilt, but rather it is an expression of confessing one’s past sins with deeper awareness, contrition and sorrow for the ways in which one has offended God.
- Also, maybe one has not made a good confession in the past by withholding and failing to confess certain serious sins due to embarrassment or shame. This is an incomplete confession and none of the sins confessed are forgiven until the withheld mortal sins are confessed as well. General confession is truly a freeing experience. From Isaiah, “Jesus came to set the captives free.”
- All Mortal Sins must be confessed in number and kind.
- Code of Canon Law Section 988 Section 1
- If you can’t remember the exact number, give your best approximate number.
- One will experience only mercy and love in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
- General confession is usually a turning point in one’s life.
- Where one comes to terms with the fact that:
- Maybe we have not made a good confession in the past.
- Maybe we have held back sins because of shame and fear.
- Maybe we’ve been clinging to old vestiges of iniquity that we could not relinquish until this day, this moment when we are able to make a General Confession.
- Of great importance, if we fall again, confess as soon as possible, and begin again.
- Serious Matter
- Full knowledge
- Full Consent of the Will
Remember, ALL mortal sins must be confessed according to the kind (what type of sin) and the number of times committed for a valid confession. If one willingly withholds and conceals a mortal sin in confession, it is a sacrilege (which is another mortal sin) and it invalidates the absolution.
Preparing for a General Confession…
1. PRAY TO THE HOLY SPIRIT – Come Holy Spirit, open my eyes and restore my memory!
2. PRAY TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY – Mary my Mother, pray for me and pray with me! Ask Mary to help you remember that God’s Mercy is greater than your sins!
3. EXAMINE YOUR CONSCIENCE THOROUGHLY. At least 2 hours, maybe 3 or 4!
4. WRITE DOWN ON PAPER all your MORTAL SINS for each of the Commandments – from the age of 7 years (age of reason) until you reach the present day. Whether you have confessed them before or not!
5. Write your mortal sins BY NAME. Sins against the Sixth Commandment in particular need to be specified by name: pornography, masturbation, fornication, adultery, homosexual acts, etc.
6. Write down the NUMBER OF TIMES you committed that mortal sin. Give your best guess, as close as you can.
7. After you have written down your sins by name and type based on the 10 Commandments, go over your list a SECOND TIME, even a THIRD TIME, to be sure you included all the mortal sins in your life. You want to leave the confessional with the certainty that you have confessed everything!
8. PRACTICE READING THE LIST OF YOUR SINS ALOUD BEFORE ENTERING THE CONFESSIONAL. Read your list out loud two or three times, keeping the time within 10 MINUTES.
9. IT IS THE PREPARATION, NOT THE CONFESSION, THAT IS ARDUOUS. Most of the repentance, sadness, tears, and prayers of contrition will come during the examination process BEFORE you get to the confessional!
10. CONFESS YOUR SINS TO THE PRIEST AUDIBLY in the confessional. Start by saying, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been _______ (weeks/months/years) since my last confession.” Or if it is a Lifetime Confession you will say, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned, this is a General Confession of all the mortal sins committed in my entire life.” Be humble, be honest, be thorough and complete, and you will experience God’s Infinite Mercy and His great Love for YOU!
- DO I PUT GOD FIRST? Do I see God as my best Friend? Do I try to grow in my love for God? We are here to know God, to love God, to serve God, and to go to heaven!
- DO I SEEK GOD? Do I strive to know God more? We cannot love someone we do not know, as in courtship or marriage; nor can we love God if we do not know Him.
- PRAYER. Do I devote serious time each day to pray alone and with my family? Am I lazy or negligent in prayer? Is my life centered on Christ and His teachings?
- SACRILEGE. Have I received the Lord in Holy Communion while having some grave sin on my conscience? Have I kept silent in confession because of shame about some mortal sin? If so, how many times? Also, confess the mortal sin withheld and the number of times committed.
- BLASPHEMY. Have I blasphemed? Have I sworn an oath needlessly or falsely?
- SUPERSTITION OR SPIRITUALISM. Have I visited a fortune-teller, sorcerer, mediums, a healer, or have I gone to have my cards read, tarot cards, believed in superstitions, horoscopes? Do I place my faith in amulets, objects or treat them as if they were God? Have I played with the Ouija board (aka witch’s wheel)?
- ANGRY WITH GOD. Do I feel that the Lord has let me down and not met my needs in any situation? Is there buried anger at God for something that has happened in my life? Because of my sorrows and sufferings, have I become angry with God? Because of my suffering over the death of a loved one? Have I spoken ill of God? Do I trust in God’s Providence? Do I believe that “God will provide”?
- ATHEISM: Have I categorically denied the existence of God?
- GENERAL ABSOLUTION. Have I participated in a service of ”general absolution” without going to a priest individually to receive absolution?
- DOUBTS. Do I believe all that God has revealed and that the Catholic Church teaches us? Have I questioned any articles of the Catholic faith? For example, about the primacy of the Pope, Mary, Hell or the Church’s teaching on human sexuality?
- SECTS AND OTHER RELIGIONS. Do I talk at length with Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons or Evangelists, endangering my own faith? Do I replace the Catholic Sunday Mass with a Protestant or Christian Sunday service? Do I attend their meetings?
- PARISH LIFE. Do I participate in the various ministries offered by the Catholic Church? For example: Mass, Bible Study meetings, Youth for Christ, Retreats. Do I try to grow in my faith, knowing that God must be above all else?
- IDOLS: Do I put people, places or things above God: such as money, fame, power, pleasure, sex, drugs, drinking, television and soap operas? Does God take first place in my life?
- FAITH, HOPE, LOVE: Do I try to grow in my faith in God and the Church? Hope – do I believe in His love and protection in spite of the problems in my life? Do I love Him? Or is my love for God cold, mediocre or anemic?
- “TOMORROW” PHILOSOPHY. Do I always put off God or the things of God until tomorrow? Do I believe all that God has revealed and the Catholic Church teaches us?
- COMMUNION AND CONFESSION. Do I go to Confession frequently? Do I take Communion every Sunday?
- FERVOR: What can I do to improve my relationship with God and His Church?
- MARRYING ONLY IN A CIVIL CEREMONY. Was I married in a civil ceremony only? Being married only in a civil ceremony, or by some Jewish Rabbi, or by a Protestant minister, is a mortal sin. As a Catholic, getting married civilly or outside the Catholic Church is NOT a sacramental marriage.
- THE SACRAMENTAL LIFE OF CHILDREN. Have I delayed the baptism of my children?
- DELAYING HOLY COMMUNION OR CONFIRMATION. Have I postponed year after year the preparation of my children to receive Jesus in Holy Communion or their Confirmation?
- BLASPHEMY. Have I cursed the name of God? Have I used the Holy Name of God with irreverence, anger, hatred, reproach or defiant hostility?
- VOWS OR PROMISES. Have I failed to keep the vows or promises that I have made to God?
- INSULT. Have I insulted God, Mary, the angels or saints? Do I blame God for all the evil in the world or do I blame God for the death of a loved one?
- PERJURY: Have I lied while under oath? Perjury is the act of taking an oath to tell the truth with intent to lie, conceal, or misrepresent the truth, whether spoken or written. Calling God as a witness and lying.
- BLASPHEMOUS FILMS. Have I supported or endorsed images or films that blaspheme God, e.g., ”The Da Vinci Code”?
- CONFESSION. Have I lied to the priest or deliberately kept silent about a serious sin in confession? Lying to the priest in the Sacrament of Confession is a grave sin! A person who deliberately keeps silent about a sin makes a bad confession, is not forgiven for any of their sins, and in addition, adds another terrible sin called sacrilege.
- IRREVERENCE AND HATRED TOWARD THE CHURCH: Have I spoken ill of the Church and of the Pope, the Bishops, priests, and monks who represent the Church?
- DISRESPECTFUL IN MY BEHAVIOR IN CHURCH. Have I disrespected the house of God by talking, chewing gum, dressing immodestly, laughing and disturbing others who want to pray in Church?
- DISRESPECT: Do I listen to others speak ill of God and the Church and do nothing to defend the Catholic faith?
- BROKEN PROMISES TO GOD. To promise something to God lightly, or not to fulfill what is promised. Have I broken a promise to God?
- DEFEND: Am I able to defend my Catholic faith?
- MASS: Have I deliberately missed Mass on Sunday or Holy Days of Obligation?
- PUNCTUALITY: Am I habitually late for Mass?
- PARTICIPATION. Do I make an effort to participate in Holy Mass? Do I listen to the Word of God and participate in Holy Mass, or am I just a spectator?
- PROPER DRESS ATTIRE FOR MASS: Do I dress modestly and with decorum when attending Mass?
- PARTICIPATE IN THE MASS WITH DEVOTION. Am I busy chatting with someone, texting or talking on my cell phone, or chewing gum during Holy Mass?
- DISTRACTIONS: Do I distract others at Mass by the way I behave?
- SETTING A BAD EXAMPLE FOR MY CHILDREN? Am I setting a bad example for my children by not being attentive or praying during Holy Mass?
- COMMUNION: Do I receive Communion every Sunday? Do I hunger and thirst for Communion more often? Is Holy Communion the most important thing for me and my family and my life?
- OUR EUCHARISTIC LORD. Does our Eucharistic Lord hold the first place in my life and in my hierarchy of values?
- INVITE FRIENDS BACK TO MASS: Do I invite others to come to Mass? Or am I a hindrance to others coming to Mass?
- ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. Do I thank God for the gifts Jesus conferred on Holy Thursday? GIFTS: The Mass, the Eucharist, Priestly Orders, and the Commandment of Love. Am I grateful for all the benefits I have received from God?
- SABBATH REST. Do I sanctify Sunday, which is the Lord’s Day, or do I perform unnecessary and hard work on Sunday? Do I take a Sabbath rest? Do I try to spend the day with my family to strengthen my love for them? Do I try to pray a little more? Do I read good books that nourish my faith? Do I have a healthy hobby? Do I enjoy myself in a healthy way to avoid falling into vices?
- COMMUNICATION: Do I keep in touch with my parents? Do I talk to them? Do I write to them? Do I remember them at Christmas and on their birthdays?
- If still under my parents’ care: Do I obey and honor my parents in what they reasonably ask of me?
- HELP: Do I help my parents when they need help? Do I send them money if they need it? Or do I neglect my parents in their old age or in their time of need?
- PRAYERS: Do I offer prayers for my parents and for their salvation?
- HATRED. Do I hold a grudge, plot vengeance, harbor resentment or hatred for my parents for something that happened in my life?
- OBEDIENCE: Was I very disobedient to my parents as a child or teenager?
- SHAME: Was I ashamed of my parents in the past or am I ashamed of them now because of their shortcomings?
- GOVERNMENT: Do I respect, listen and obey those who have legitimate authority over me (just laws)? Do I obey the laws of the land?
- PATRIOTISM: Do I love my country and pray for my country?
- EMPLOYER. Do I respect authority? Do I confront authority in a responsible way when I think it is wrong? Do I try to do my job by respecting my employer and doing my job well?
- CHURCH: Do I obey the Church and the advice given by priests?
- RELATIVES. Do I get along well with my relatives? In-laws? Do I live in a house that is too small, where I have conflicts due to lack of space and privacy?
- CONTRACEPTIVES: The use of contraceptives is a grave offense against God because of unwillingness to accept children. Am I guilty of this?
- BAPTISM: Have I delayed baptizing my children for trivial reasons, such as putting the social above the sacrament?
- COHABITATION. Do I live in a “common-law union” (cohabitation), setting a bad example for my children?
- CHILDREN LIVING IN A COMMON-LAW UNION. It is wrong for parents to allow their son or daughter to live in a free union with their boyfriend or girlfriend under the parent’s roof. Do I allow this scandal?
- FORMATION OF CHILDREN. Do I teach and guide my children? Do I listen to them? Do I discipline them with wisdom? Do I educate them to be good a Christian? Do I provide for the religious education and formation of my children for as long as they are under my care? Am I attentive to their studies, school and homework?
- FRIENDSHIPS. Do I know my children’s FRIENDS? Do I see to it that they have good friends, or do I let them hang out with friends with harmful habits or gang members?
- TELEVISION. Do I allow my children to watch TV programs that could harm their mind, heart, soul and eternal salvation?
- MOVIES. Do I allow my children to watch bad movies?
- DO I KNOW WHERE MY CHILDREN ARE GOING AND WHO THEY ARE WITH? Do I allow my children to go out without knowing who they are with and where they are going?
- DATING. Do I give my son/daughter permission to date when they are really too young to date and could potentially get pregnant and have an abortion?
- CARE AND AFFECTION. Do I have a loving and affectionate relationship with my child/children? If kids are deprived of affection, they will seek it elsewhere.
- DISCIPLINE. Do I have the courage and fortitude to correct my children’s faults when they need correction?
- ADVICE. Do I advise my children in a way that they can avoid dangers or advise them with things that can help them in their future?
- PRESENCE. Am I present to my children or do I place work, entertainment, or drinking above my children? Are my children home alone?
- GRUDGE. Do I hold a grudge against my children? Is there anything I have not forgiven them for?
- COMMUNICATION: Do I foster good communication with my spouse?
- LOVE: Do I strive to grow in my love for my spouse?
- RESPECT. Do I respect my spouse?
- VIOLENCE. Have I abused my spouse either physically or emotionally or do I treat him/her with love, respect, and dignity?
- TIME. Do I devote time to my spouse or am I constantly busy with other things such as work, television, or friends?
- ACTIVITIES. Do I neglect my spouse by placing hobbies and activities such as sports above him/her?
- JEALOUSY. Am I unreasonably jealous? Do I not trust my spouse? Do I constantly suspect him/her of cheating? Am I always wondering where he/she is going?
- OFFENSIVE WORDS. Do I use offensive words towards my spouse or children?
- WORK. Do I work to support my family?
- CLEANLINESS AND ORDER. Do I keep my home clean and tidy?
- CHILDREN AND CLEANLINESS. Do I teach my children to be tidy, to pick up, and keep their rooms and things clean?
- DISORDER. Have I been a disorderly and untidy person? Do I panic if I receive an unexpected visitor at home?
- MURDER. Have I intentionally killed a human being or procured, desired, or hastened the death of anyone?
- PHYSICAL HARM. Have I physically harmed anyone?
- ABORTION. Have I been involved in an abortion, directly or indirectly (through giving advice, money, etc.)? Have I supported, promoted or encouraged the practice of assisted suicide or “mercy killing”?
- SUICIDE. Have I seriously considered or attempted suicide?
- GANGS. Have I been a member of a street gang? Have I acted violently or been involved in fights and/or shootings as a member of an active street gang?
- DRUGS. Have I taken illegal drugs or abused prescription drugs?
- ALCOHOL. Have I abused alcohol? Have I allowed myself to become intoxicated? Do I admit that I have a drinking problem? Have I damaged my body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit? Have I driven my vehicle while intoxicated or impaired?
- HATRED. Do I harbor hatred in my heart against anyone or wish them evil?
- VENGEANCE. Have I plotted against someone or sought revenge?
- WORDS. Do I kill with my tongue by using bad words, insults, curses or sarcasm?
- ANGER. Have I indulged in serious anger or refused to control my temper?
- MY HEALTH: Have I mutilated or harmed my body in any way? Have I desecrated my body by excessive or permanent tattoos or piercings? Do I neglect my health? Do I have bad eating habits or bad sleeping habits?
- THE “MORNING AFTER PILL”, ALSO KNOWN AS “PLAN B”. Have I used the “Morning after Pill” after having sexual relations?
- STERILIZATION. Have I mutilated myself through any form of sterilization? For example, Tubal ligation or Vasectomy, causing damage to the procreative organs that God has given us?
- ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION. Have I engaged in any way in sins against human life such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization?
- DANGER. Do I put my life in danger? Do I have DANGEROUS FRIENDSHIPS OR ASSOCIATIONS: Drunks, drug addicts, violent people or drug dealers?
- EUTHANASIA. Have I ever approved of or participated in Euthanasia? Definition: Euthanasia is the action or omission that hastens the death of a terminally ill patient with the intention of avoiding suffering. It is killing a person because he or she is old or sick. We have the obligation to give food and water to the sick person. God determines the time of each person’s death, not us.
- KIDNAP and/or TORTURE. Have I participated in grave violations against the human person created in the image and likeness of God?
- IMPURITY. Have I committed impure acts with another – fornication (premarital sex), adultery (sexual act with a married person who is not your spouse)?
- COHABITATING / “LIVING TOGETHER” BEFORE MARRIAGE. Do I live in a free union or did I live in a free union prior to marriage?
- MASTURBATION. Have I committed impure acts on myself?
- CONTRACEPTIVES. Have I practiced artificial birth control?
- SEXUAL CLIMAX EXTRA-VAGINAL. That is, masturbation between spouses (interrupted intercourse). Have I deliberately caused male climax outside of normal sexual intercourse?
- HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVITY. Have I engaged in homosexual activity, that is, sexual activity with someone of the same sex?
- RAPE. Have I violated the integrity and dignity of a person; forcibly compelling him/her to carnal intimacy?
- FLIRTING. Have I flirted or fostered improper relationships with someone, either in my mind or through my words and actions?
- DANCES AND RESTAURANTS. As a married man or woman, have I gone out with a person who is not my spouse on a date or dance?
- BARS AND NIGHTCLUBS. Do I go to bars and nightclubs and give my eyes free reign? “Whoever looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Mt 5:28)
- SOAP OPERAS. As a woman, do I give free rein to my imagination by thinking of a handsome man I see in a soap opera?
- MOVIES AND TELEVISION. Have I watched bad programs on television or at the movies, knowing that I offend God? Am I aware that God is recording the movie of my life?
- JOKES. Do I tell jokes that I know are in bad taste, impure or indecent?
- DRESS: Do I dress immodestly and set a bad example for my sons and daughters and others?
- THOUGHTS. As a married man or woman, do I dream about my ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend?
- FANTASIES. Do I let my imagination run free and think dangerous thoughts that lead to impure desires or actions?
- PLACES. Do I go to improper places that result in sinful thoughts or behaviors?
- PORNOGRAPHY. Do I look at pornography: magazines, television, movies, on the Internet, on my phone? Have I watched pornographic material? How many times a week and for how long? Do I share, spread pornographic material to others?
- COMPUTER: Do I download pornography from the Internet and bad sites? Do I pay attention to and control my children’s computer use?
- EYES. Do I fail to keep custody of my eyes as I walk down the street or at work (remember the sin of King David)?
- MIND. Have I willfully entertained impure thoughts? Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” (Mt. 5:8)
- OBJECT. Do I see a woman or man as an object to be utilized and not as a son or daughter of God?
- SEXTING. Have I sent sexually explicit messages or images by cell phone?
- DRESSING IMMODESTLY. Have I purposely dressed immodestly?
- PROSTITUTION. Have I engaged in prostitution or paid for the services of a prostitute?
- STEALING. Have I stolen (taken something that does not belong to me). Have I deliberately defaced, destroyed or lost another’s property?
- SHOPLIFTING. Have I shoplifted or switched price tags?
- TAXES. Have I paid my taxes?
- LOANS. Have I paid back money that I borrowed?
- BILLS. Do I pay my bills and rent? Have I failed to make good on a debt?
- ENVY: Have I envied others on account of their possessions?
- MATERIALIST: Do I always look for and want to have more and more things? Am I content with what I have?
- SHOPPING. Do I shop for things when there is no need?
- GAMBLING. Am I squandering money by compulsive gambling and thus depriving my family of their daily needs?
- WORK. Am I late for work? Am I working half-heartedly, not earning my paycheck by the sweat of my brow?
- WORRY. Do I worry about the future? Do I trust God? God’s Word asks us not to worry about tomorrow; to see how He provides for the lilies of the field and the birds of the air.
- PERJURY. Have I perjured myself under oath?
- LIED. Have I lied?
- GOSSIP. Do I speak badly of others behind their back?
- DETRACTION. Did I sin by detraction, that is, by telling the faults of another person without necessity?
- SLANDER. Have I damaged the good name of another?
- OFFENSIVE WORDS. Read James, Chapter 3, on the sins of the tongue as an examination.
- SILENCE. Do I keep silent when I should speak?
- TONGUE. Do I kill with my tongue?
- ANGER. Am I angry and exaggerate?
- SPEAKING. Do I speak without thinking and “put my foot in my mouth”? Am I impulsive? Do I talk and talk, am I a chatterbox?
- PHONE: Do I spend a lot of time on the phone wasting time and money?
- HYPOCRISY: Do I accuse and condemn other people’s faults and not try to correct my own faults?
- Am I jealous of what other people have?
- Am I greedy or selfish?
- Are material possessions the purpose of my life?
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin. Amen.