God asked Solomon to ask for anything and he would receive it. Instead of asking for money, power and prestige and personal glory, Solomon asked instead for a wise and discerning heart so as to govern properly the people entrusted to hm. God was pleased with this and indeed gave him a wise and discerning heart, but also riches, power and prestige.
Like Solomon. we should beg for true “Wisdom”.
What is Wisdom? It is a gift of the Holy Spirit and according to St. Thomas Aquinas, it is the greatest of the 7 gifts. A concise, easy to memorize , definition of “Wisdom” is TO RELISH THE THINGS OF GOD. The Psalmist expresses it with these words: ‘Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. ” Jesus expresses it as such: ” Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything will be given to you beside.” This being said, what are manifestations to detect a truly “Wise” person? Here is the check list! The truly “wise” person relishes and rejoices in the following activities.
1. PRAYER. He is drawn to union with God in prayer. He has established a set time to pray and faithfully defends that time. The Cure of Ars said that the basic duty of man on earth is to pray and to love.
2. THE WORD OF GOD. Jesus responded with determination to the devil’s temptation that man does not live on Bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. The truly wise person breaks open the bread of the word and nourishes himself on it daily. “Give us this day our daily bread.”
3. SPIRITUAL FORMATION. He is keenly aware of how much there is to learn about the treasures of his faith and rejoices in studying the faith.
4. RETREATS. He recognizes the need to leave the world and to be with the Lord in silence for a prolonged period. Jesus started off His public ministry with 40 days in the desert and then launched into the active ministry. “First come and be with Jesus; then go out to the whole world.” This is the proper order!
5. WILL OF GOD. A truly wise person strives to seek the will of God in his life and then begs for the grace to carry it out faithfully. “Thy Kingdom come they will be done..”. Any endeavour done outside the will of God is barren and fruitless!
6. SAINTS FRIENDSHIP. Wise people spend time with those of like interests! The wisest persons who ever lived were the saints. Indeed we imitate those with whom we associate. Saintly people will read the lives of the saints and imitate their example! Saints! True models of heavenly wisdom!
7. TRUE MOTIVATION! Truly wise people are constantly asking themselves before acting and making decisions this question: “Will this action or decision draw me closer to heaven as well as others?” If so, may it be done!
8. HUMILITY. A truly wise person realizes that he does not know it all, but humbly seeks counsel and advice from a Spiritual Director who can shed light on his darkness. St Teresa of Avila had several saints that she consulted!
9. PEARL OF INFINITE PRICE. True wisdom pursues the “pearl of infinite value” and that is the Most Holy Eucharist. If in the course of the day, the Eucharist has been received worthily, then that person carries within his heart, mind, and soul the “Wisest of the Wise” Jesus! Truly wise people have a double nourishment: the Bread of the Word, and the Bread of Life. They eat from the two tables. (Vatican II, Sacrosanctum Concilium)
10. MARY, THE SEAT OF WISDOM. One of the many beautiful titles for the Blessed Virgin Mary is “Seat of Wisdom”. Indeed true love and devotion to Mary fosters love and obedience for Jesus. The last words recorded of Mary in the Bible, in the Wedding Feast of Cana, were among the wisest words ever pronounced: DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU. (Jn. 2:5)
If the world would simply take to heart these last words recorded of Mary, “The Seat of Wisdom” and put them into practice, salvation would be universal; all would be saved! May Mary attain for all of us true Wisdom and eternal life!