Imagine this Biblical scene! Jesus is on the shore engaged in a deep dialogue with His heavenly Father, after a long and hard day´s work. The Apostles have been compelled to enter the boat, but the wind is against them; they seem to be paralyzed by the winds and the sea.
Frustrated, tired, cold, hungry, and doubtful, the Apostles are possibly questioning why did Jesus send them out in the lake in the first place. Or at least why’d did Jesus fail to accompany them on what seems to be a useless and futile pursuit of going nowhere fast.
Suddenly, apparently out of nowhere, the Apostles spot in the distance a figure, that appears to be human, of someone that seems to be walking on the waters. But this could not be; this is impossible!
The mysterious figure gradually draws closer to their sight. They can no longer doubt that it is a human person that is really walking on the waters. Terrified, their fears and anxieties cry out: It is a ghost, a ghost, a ghost!!!
Jesus then lifts His powerful and reassuring voice that it is not a ghost but it is Him. The bold and audacious and impetuous Peter, wanting to prove that it is Jesus for himself tells Jesus to make him walk on the water.
COME! Jesus commands! Imagine this contemplative and graphic scene. Peter lifts his foot and places it on the water; incredulous, the Apostles gaze at Peter in sheer disbelief. Is Peter really doing what their eyes are seeing? Maybe some rebuked Peter for a sheer act of stupidity, trying to walk on water; who does he think he is?
PETER WALKS. In any case, Simon Peter indeed did walk on the water, at least for a short time, and we repeat for a short time. However, very quickly Peter sinks into the waves and is heading downward. We must ask the simple question: why was Peter walking at least for a short time and now sinking deeper and deeper???
EYES ON JESUS, EYES OFF JESUS! The response to why Peter began to sink is clear: Peter took his eyes off Jesus; he took his gaze off Jesus. Peter focused more on the waves, the wind and the external environment than on Jesus. This provoked in Peter’s heart overwhelming fears, doubts, insecurities and he sunk.
PROBLEMS AND PROBLEM-SOLVER. Put in other terms, Peter ended up focusing more on the problem than on “THE PROBLEM SOLVER”. Obvious to us it must be, Jesus is the Problem-solver. Only Jesus can help us in our problems, intervene in our problems, and help us to resolve and conquer our problems.
LORD SAVE ME!!! As Simon Peter sank deeper into the waves of his own doubt and lack of faith, he lifted his voice and cried out: LORD, SAVE ME!!! Jesus was waiting for Simon Peter to call out for help, but Jesus wanted Peter to take the initiative. Quick to resound to our problems, needs and distress, Jesus lifts one hand a gently rebukes Peter for his lack of faith. Then with the other hand, Jesus stretches out and grabs Peter by the hand. Immediately, Peter rises from the sinking waves, walks on the water again and enters the boat with Jesus. Then the boat crosses quickly to the shore; the Apostles, led by Peter, sound and safe.
This Gospel contemplation of Peter walking and sinking in the waves, should draw us into our own spiritual worlds, our own hearts, mind and souls and lead us to ask ourselves the simple question: how do I deal with the problems that knock at the door of my heart? Can I identify with Simon Peter who walked at least a short time on the rocky waters and then sank?
SIMON PETER AND MY PERSONAL STRUGGLES. All of us can definitely identify with the person of Simon Peter. Trials, tribulations, sufferings, setbacks, darkness and sometimes confusion, pain and even doubts– all of these art times can assault us. Like Peter we can easily lift our eyes and fail to focus on the face and eyes of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Indeed, when this happens we start to sink and sink and sink.
BRING YOUR PROBLEMS TO JESUS. A certain proud, machoistic, independent individualism can grip us and impede us from really growing in our Christian faith. And it is this: we decide that we are going to save ourselves. The heresy Pelagianism asserts that the human person can indeed save himself by sheer force of will-power, even without divine intervention. False! Only Jesus Christ can save us from sinking into the depths of the waves of our own human limitations. Many have been contaminated with another heretical philosophy– THE MESSIAH COMPLEX!!! Like Pelagianism, the person that embraces the MESSIAH COMPLEX firmly believes that the Messiah has come and exists and that he himself is the Messiah. Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen expressed it succinctly: “There is a God and it is not you!” Therefore, we should never fear turning to Jesus with our problems, whatever they may be? There is no problem too small, or too big that Jesus looks at with indifference. On the contrary Jesus wants to help us with all of our problems, in all times, in all places, if we allow Him and give Him permission.
JESUS SAVIOR. Many are the names or titles that Jesus has, many from Sacred Scripture: Good Shepherd, Master-Teacher, Light of the World, Bread of Life, Son of God, Son of Mary, Alpha and omega, Divine Physician, and many more… However, one of the most important titles that we can give to Jesus is SAVIOR!!! Actually the name Jesus means: God saves. Jesus came to save all of humanity, but all of us individually However, Jesus cannot save us unless we allow Him to!!! Being a gentleman, Jesus never will force Himself upon us, but will respect our freedom, our free will.
SAVE ME LORD, JESUS!!! Why not start now and begin a new life. Focus your attention on Jesus. When the waves seem to descend upon you to the point of engulfing you nd burying you, cry out in a loud and confident voice: SAVE ME LORD, JESUS!!! As in the case of Simon Peter, Jesus will stretch out His strong but gentle hand and grasp you by the hand and save your from sinking in your own misery. Walking hand in hand with Jesus the Savior we will arrive safely to the shore or salvation, our heavenly home.
MARY’S PRAYERS. May the powerful prayers and intercession of Mary attain for us a limited trust snd confidence in Jesus the Savior.
Father Ed Broom, OMV, is Associate Pastor of St. Peter Chanel Church in Hawaiian Gardens, California. He is a member of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary and was ordained by Saint John Paul II on May 25, 1986. Fr. Ed teaches Catholic Ignatian Marian Spirituality through articles, podcasts, a radio show, retreats and spiritual direction.