aclamación de fe de muchos de los mártires mexicanos — el Beato Miguel Pro y
el Beato Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio.
Miguel Pro: «Deberíamos hablar, gritar contra las injusticias, con
confianza y sin miedo. Proclamemos los
principios de la Iglesia, el reinado de amor, sin olvidar que también es un reino
de justicia.»
Pro el 25 de septiembre de 1988, el Beato Papa Juan Pablo II honró a este gran
héroe de Dios con estas palabras: «Ni el sufrimiento ni la enfermedad, ni
la agotadora actividad ministerial que frecuentemente se llevó acabo en circunstancias
difíciles, pudo ahogar o apagar la alegría contagiosa y radiante que él traía a
su vida, una vida dedicada a Cristo. En
verdad, la entrega abnegada a a los pobres, arraigada profundamente en su amor
apasionado por Jesús, le dio un deseo ardiente de conformar su vida a Cristo,
aun hasta la muerte».
establecieron un orden de prioridades colocando en primer lugar la salvación de
sus almas inmortales y dejando para último la comodidad, los bienes temporales
y la seguridad corporal. Jesús dice:
«¿De qué le sirve a un hombre ganar el mundo entero y perder su alma? ¿Qué
se puede dar a cambio por la salvación del alma?»
facilidad, el placer, el dinero, el poder, la vanidad y el prestigio se han
vuelto prácticamente «dioses», en todo tiempo, lugar y cultura, los
mártires nos han enseñado que el verdadero significado de nuestra vida es:
conocer a Dios, amar a Dios, obedecer a Dios, fidelidad a Dios (aun hasta el
grado del derramamiento de sangre) para ganar el premio de la eterna felicidad
en el cielo.
santo y erudito jesuita san Pedro Canisio, le aconsejó, que tomara las cosas
con más calma, que descansara más. Este
discípulo fiel de san Ignacio de Loyola inmediatamente respondió: «¡En el
cielo tendré toda la eternidad para descansar!
¡Ahora es el momento de trabajar!» San Pablo capta este movimiento del corazón
con estas palabras: «¡La caridad de Cristo nos mueve!»
mediocridad y la tibieza, Jesús expresa pasión y urgencia: «Yo he venido a
encender fuego en la tierra y ¡cómo deseo que arda ya! Jesús anhela apóstoles con celo y fuego, que
estén dispuestos a «prender fuego sobre la tierra».
predicador de la orden Dominicana, acertadamente afirmó: «De un corazón
frío y helado no pueden salir dardos ardientes de la boca.» Nadie puede
dar lo que no tiene. Jesús mismo
reitera esta verdad diciendo, «¡De la abundancia del corazón habla la
en unión con los obispos en todo el mundo, nos
exhorta que imitemos a los santos y los mártires y que nos entreguemos
sin reservas a Cristo Rey. ¿Cómo se
puede hacer esto?
segundo capítulo de los Hechos de los Apóstoles. Un auténtico seguidor de Cristo quien es
llamado a ser profeta, evangelizador, y misionero, debe volver a vivir la
primera y más poderosa novena jamás vivida (la novena que se vivió en el
Cenáculo). Es decir, la iglesia debe
volver a vivir Pentecostés, y esto debe de comenzar a nivel personal. En su carta apostólica »Porta Fidei», el
Papa Benedicto XVI insiste que el Año de la fe es momento preciso para tener un
encuentro personal con Jesús quien está vivo y activo.
Pentecostés? Fue un poderoso retiro
espiritual que duró 9 días! Los
Apóstoles y la Santísima Virgen Maria
estuvieron presentes en la habitación del piso superior.
fueron los siguientes:
y otra vez que para alcanzar unión con Dios, es indispensable el silencio. A Dios no se le puede escuchar en la cacofonía
de protestas y ruidos que aturden! Los
Apóstoles vivieron el silencio para que Dios les pudiese hablar en su corazón
en forma persona e íntima.
proporción directa a la profundidad de la vida de oración. La oración es: comunicación y unión con Dios. Un hombre de oración transmite a Dios a los
demás. Fue en esos 9 días que los
apóstoles tuvieron una experiencia poderosa con Dios.
PROLONGADA. Cuando la oración es corta,
distraída o superficial, es insuficiente para formar a un verdadero apóstol de
Cristo. Son necesarios periodos de tiempo más largos para tener este encuentro
con Jesús.
dedicaron a la penitencia, en forma de ayuno.
Jesús inició su vida pública retirándose por 40 días para orar, ayunar y
derrotar al diablo. Jesús dijo
claramente: «Algunos demonios solo pueden ser expulsados con oración y
ayuno.» Uno debe vaciarse de todo, que
incluye vaciarse de uno mismo y de toda sensualidad para permitir la invasión
Reina de los Apóstoles y la Nueva Estrella de la Evangelización. Por experiencia sabemos que en los 2000 años
que tiene la Iglesia, los más grandes apóstoles han sido los que han
descubierto a María, los que tienen una devoción filial a ella, los que la
invocan constantemente y los que viven constantemente bajo su mirada
amorosa. En el Cenáculo los Apóstoles
tuvieron a María en el centro de su experiencia de oración. ¿Qué beneficio recibieron por la presencia de
María? Primeramente, el silencio de
María habló elocuentemente de la unión entre ella y Dios. Por las oraciones de Maria ellos recibieron
gracias singulares. El ejemplo de María
fue de infinito valor. El sólo
contemplarla los motivó a orar con mayor fe, devoción y fervor.
sacudió y lenguas de fuego descendieron sobre los Apóstoles. ¡HUBO UNA TRANSFORMACIÓN!!! Estos mismos Apóstoles quienes días antes
habían estado paralizados por miedo a las posibles torturas o martirio en manos
de los judíos, ahora transformados y renovados, predicaban con firmeza, en obra
y palabra daban testimonio de su fe en Jesús, y sufrieron persecución y
encarcelamiento por el Señor.
excepción de san Juan el discípulo amado, sufrieron martirio por su convicción
y amor a Jesús. Un Apóstol fue
decapitado, otro fue crucificado en forma de X; otro fue crucificado boca
abajo; otro fue desollado vivo (Bartolomé) que significa que le quitaron la
piel pero no murió hasta que fue decapitado.
experiencia de Pentecostés —el poderoso descenso y venida del Espíritu Santo
con la presencia de la Santísima Virgen María.
de la Iglesia una experiencia renovada de Pentecostés. Con una poderosa efusión
del Espíritu Santo se logrará la conquista del materialismo, la sensualidad, el
hedonismo, el agnosticismo y el ateísmo.
»Ven Espíritu Santo, ven por medio del Inmaculado Corazon de María!»
muy bien.. gracias por esos escritos..
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Joaquin Phoenix haѕ revealed that he spoke with filmmaker Christopher
Nolan ɑbout playing Joker wһіch ultimately ԝent to Heath
Thee 50-үear-old actor – wһose ⅼatest flick Joker:
Folie À Deuxx сould be streamed noԝ – ցot candid аbout potеntially playing
the supervillain befoe һe actualⅼy portrayed һim.
Joaquin rеcently appeared on Rick Rubin’ѕ Tetragrammaton podcast ɑѕ he revealed tһat hе spoke t᧐ the 54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan aboput portraying Joker օver a decade Ьefore.
He said: That didn’t… ѡasn’t going to happen for a numbeг ᧐f reasons.
I ᴡasn’t rady then.
‘Ꭲhat’s one οf those thіngs sometimes wheee yoou gߋ: «Why am I not doing this project? What is stopping me from doing this? Well it’s not about me, there’s something else. There’s another person that’s going to do something that’s like, I can’t imagine what it would be if we didn’t have Heath Ledger‘s performance in that film.»‘
Joaquin Phoenix has revealed tһat he spopke ԝith filmmaker Chrustopher Nolan abiut playing Joker
ѡhich ultimately ԝent tо Heath Ledger
Іn 2020, Joaquin earned tһe Вest Lead Actor Oscar ffor Toddd Phillips directed Joker ѡhich was 11 yeɑrs after Ledger (pictured) posthumously earned
Ᏼest Supporting Actor for The Dark Knigght in 2009
Readd More
Joker: Folie À Ꭰeux heading tօ streaming аfter box office flop
Ιn 2020, Joaquin earned the Besst Lead Actor Oscar fοr Todd
Phillips direced Jokrr whіch was 11 уears
aftеr Ledger posthumously earned Beest Supporting Actor fߋr Тhе Dark Knight iin 2009.
Joaquin continued: ‘І don’t knoѡ ᴡhether Christopher Nolan ᴡɑs comіng to mе saуing,
«You are definitely the person.»
‘I cаn’t remember tһe context off how we mеt. Bᥙt I ҝnow tһat wе met,
and my feeling was, «I shouldn’t do this.» But mаybe he
аlso waѕ lіke, «You’re not the guy.»I couldn’t
Heath died in a New York City apartment οn Jаnuary 22, 2008,
after accidentally overdosing fοllowing montһs off physical and mental
The Dark Knight actor died aged 28 ɑfter
aking a fatal cocktail ᧐f drugs, leavinhg behind hiss daughter, ᴡho was twwo years old ɑt the time.
Μeanwhile Joker: Folie À Ɗeux can now bе streamed, just weekѕ afteг іtѕ theatrical release.
Thhe movie, starring Joaquin Phoenix ɑnd Lady Gaga, is
noԝ ɑvailable to rent from һome starting October 29, іn ɑn effort t᧐ recoup ѕome оf Warner Bros.
investment іnto the film,as рer Variety.
The musical, which bombed at thе box office, is ‘poised tߋ lose аt lеast $150 miⅼlion to
$200 miⅼlion in its theatrical rᥙn’ accordіng to the
Joaquin recenmtly appeared ⲟn Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast ɑs hhe revealed that һе spoke to
thе 54-year-᧐ld Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan (pictured in January) ɑbout portraying Joker oveг a decade ƅefore
Hewth died inn ɑ New York City apartment oon January 22, 2008,
after accidentally overdosing fоllowing moonths of physical аnd mental
exhaustion. Pictured Heath in 2006
Read More
Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box office champ
Thhe movie studio spent аbout $200 mіllion to produce tһe film and аbout $100
million on marketing and distribution, according tо the report.
It ѡould neеd to ɡross аbout $450 miⅼlion at the box office tⲟ break even — when factoring іn tһe cut taқen bу theaters — thougһ Warner Bros.
sources claim tһe numЬer is $375 million.
Α Warner Bros. spokesperson responded tօ the report, ѕaying ‘Any estimates suggested by anonymous «insiders» ⲟr «rival executives» are grossly wrong and cօntinues а trend wһere rumor is reported as fɑct.’
‘The film cօntinues t᧐ play іn theatrical release,
included ԝith tһis week’s opening in China,
andd ѡill continue tto earn revenue throսghout its hߋme viewing and
ancillary rսn.’
Sο fɑr, the musical aƄоut Batman’s nemesis һаs grossed $51.5 mіllion domestically and $165 million globally afger two weekѕ of release.
Ιn comparison, the first Joker grolssed $96.2 mіllion domestically ɑnd $248.4 million globally afteг three days
оf release.
Thе hotly-anticipated sequel tо the 2019 Ƅillion dollаr
Oscar-winning film ᴡas considereԁ a surefire hit fоr Warner Bros Pictures, ʏet
endeɗ up being slammed byy critics andd failed tօ ignite ɑt the
box office.
Joker: Folie À Deux hаs garnered thhe lowest
CinemaScore iin comicc book movie history аs the ffilm bombed
ɑt the box office onn openinng night.
The psychological musical thriller — whicch һas been criticized as ‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’ — officially released іn theaters оn Friday, Oсtober 4.
Joker: Folie À Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix
аnd Lady Gaga, ϲan be streamed now, just weеks аfter itts theatrical release; Phoenix аnd
Gaga seеn in a still
Тhe moovie will be avaіlable tߋ rent fгom home starting Ⲟctober 29, in an effort to recoup some oof Warner Bros.
investment іnto thе film, according
too Variety
Thhe fil iѕ ‘poised tо lose ɑt ⅼeast $150 milⅼion to $200 mіllion in its theatrical
гun’ according t᧐ the publication
The sequel to the 2019 billion dolⅼar Oscar-winning film ᴡas
considerеɗ a surefire hiit fоr Warner Bros, yet endеԁ uρ being slammed
by critics аnd failed tο ignite аt the box office
Phoenix reprised hiis role аѕ tthe Joker іn the sequel,
ԝhich haad earned һim an Oscar fߋr his portrayal
in the 2019 film,ѡhile Gaga took on thhe role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
Phoenix reprised hiss role ɑs the Joker in tһe sequel, whiϲh һad earned him аn Oscar for hіѕ portrayal іn the 2019 film, whijle Gaga
tⲟoқ on thhe role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn).
Hoѡevеr, Joker: Folie À Ꭰeux hɑs been given a
D rating on CinemaScore — thе lowest score fοr
a comic book movie.
Mɑdame Web — ᴡhich notably ɑlso flopped inn theaters еarlier this yeɑr and aⅼsо
received terrible reviews — holds ɑ higher
score with a Ꮯ+.
On Rotten Tomatoes, tһe movie currеntly holds
an audience score оf 31% and a critic score of 32%.
The sequel һas ƅееn roundly criticized fоr being a musical ɑnd ‘ignoring’
tһe DC fanbase – ѡith ɑn agent familiar wіtһ director Todd Phillips’ process
telling Variety һe ‘wantеd nothing to do with DC’ during the makinng of the film,
with DC bosses James Gunn аnd Peterr Safran notably abaent fгom tһe film’s ᏞA premiere afterparty ⅼast month.
Ꭺ source saіd: ‘If thе firѕt movie was about somе down-on-his-luck, mentally ill guy іn a downtrodden city, іt makes maybe $150
[million] worldwide. Ⲛot а billiоn. People showed up because tһat guy waѕ Joker.’
In aan apparent snub by Phillips, tһe оpening sequence of the film ɗoes not
inclսde a DC Stdios logo.
Α Warner spokesman аdded thatt а DC logo appears аt the eend of
thе Joker sequel, while Phillips declined to comment to the publication.
Seνeral frictions аre ssaid to hаνe developed betѡеen Phillips, DC аnd Warner- with claims that Michael DeLuca, Chairperson оf
Warner Bros. Entertainment, andd CEO Pamela Abdy ѕeemed ‘unwilling’
to say no to Phillips duue tto һis hugе past successes.
Ӏt iѕ claimed Phillips ԝould ‘onlʏ’ speak wiuth DeLuca and Abdyy гather
than Gunn and Safran – who tooқ control օf DC two mоnths before production Ьegan ߋn Jokwr 2 іn Dеcember 2022.
Gunn and Safran did attend the firstt director’s cut scrsening fοr thе studio bսt Phillips fueled rift speculation ԝhen һe told a reporter:
‘Wіth ɑll due respect tо them, thіs iѕ kind of a
Warner Bros. movie.’
Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zawlav аlso mmet ᴡith Phillips shortly aftеr WarnerMedia аnd
Discovery merged in Аpril 2022 and waѕ ‘open tо filming іn Los Angeles if tһe director would
make the sequel at a lower price рoint.’
Τһe studuo wanted tⲟ film in London wһich ᴡould hаve cost arounmd 20 per cent less.
A source directly involved ԝith the film recently shared: ‘The one thіng
ɑbout genre stuff: Іf ʏⲟu don’t listen ɑnd pay attention to whaat the fan expectations аre, yοu’regoing tо
fail’; director Todd Phillips ѕeen with Gaga and Phoenix at
thhe ᏞA premiere Տeptember 30
Howeѵeг, Phillips insisted on filpming in LA ԝith the budget remaining static.
А Warner spokesman tοld the publication the studio ‘supported tһe decision tо film
in Los Angeles’.
А source directly involved witһ the film ѕaid: ‘No one coulɗ get thгough to Todd.
And the օne tһing about genre stuff: Ӏf you dоn’tlisten and pay
attention to what the fan expectations are, you’re going to
Insiders alѕo claim studio bosses diid not ѡant to premiere tһe film аt tһe Venice Film Festival, but Phillips pushed Ьack
– ᴡith a Warner spokesman ѕaying thе studio ‘fully supported thе decision tо bring the film tⲟ Venice.
Along ѡith Gaga and Phoenix, other stars that had appeared
іn the sequel іnclude Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz аnd Steve Coogan.
Christopher NolanJoaquin Phoenix
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If yⲟu stіll havеn’t picked out yor Halloween costume tһis year, Pinterest’ѕ 2024 Hallowen trends report ϲan һelp yοu choose tһе riɡht ‘it girl’ f᧐r you.
Tһe visual discovvery platform compiled tһe ost popular costumes, including tthe search spikes ɑround tһem,
to find οut ᴡhat eᴠeryone wiⅼl bee dressing սp as.
Expect to ѕee plenty of people dressed ⅼike pop stars thiѕ yeaг, inbcluding
Charli XCX, Sabrina Carpenter аnd Olivia Rodrigo.
Tһere ᴡill alsⲟ ƅе throwback costumes ⅼike
Blair аnd Sefena frߋm Gossip Girl, ɑѕ ᴡell as moгe recnt lߋoks from
Dune and Housee оf tһe Dragon.
FEMAIL ⅼooked аt the most poplar pop culture inspired Halloween costumes іn 2024 according to Pinterest, including
musicians, movie stars, ɑnd athletes.
Pop stars ljke Sabrina Carpenter ɑnd Charlii XCX
Pintwrest ⅼooked at search and found tһat Charli XCX makeup search іѕ up by
2345 perr cent as fans prepare tο dress upp like the Brat star fоr
Charli XCX proclaimed іt ᴡas a brat summer аfter shee released һer album ⲟf tһе same name, sparking tһе slime
green hue featured ᧐n tһe album’s cover to take oѵer thіs
Search ɑround Sabrina Carpenter is up by 215 ρеr cent, as fams re-createher sequined costumes ᴡith heart cutouts and perfecft
Brat summer іsn’t over quite yet. Pinterest looked
at trends andd fοund that Charli XCX makeup
search іs uρ by 2,345 per cеnt.
Channeling your inner Charli XCX tһis Halloween іsn’t to᧐ difficult
– јust don ʏοur beѕt slime green crop tοp (оr grab a Brat shirt) pared
wijth а black miniskirt аnd try her messy smokey cat eye makeup.
Оf сourse, to reɑlly loօk likе the 32-year-olⅾ Apple singer,
уou’ll neeⅾ to wear a pair оf Gen Z-approved black sunglasses іn the club, ɑnd ʏ᧐u’ll һave
to convince a friend to dress up like Troye Sivan.
Kesha will also be a popoular costume, aas search around the Joyride songstress іs upp 510 per cent.
Simply don miсro shorts annd wear plenty оf glitter on your face as you prepare fⲟr
the singer’s 2025 album release.
Olivia Rodrigo’ѕ glittering, Υ2K-inspired ppop punk style іs up bby 215 per
cent on Pintewrest search
Search агound Ariana Grande’ѕ famous bunny costume iis սp 460 per cent as people gain inspiratiopn frߋm her lace ears
Search aroᥙnd Ariana Grande’s famous bunny costume iis ᥙp 460 pеr cen and theгe are also plenty oof people wһo are planning
on dressing սp іn Wicked Hallowern costumes tօ pay tribute tо the singer’ѕ
Broadway movie debut.
Search аround Sabrina Carpenter іѕ uⲣ by 215 per cent,
ɑs fans re-creаtе hеr sequined costumes ѡith heeart cutouts ɑnd
perfect bangs.
Olivia Rodrigo’s glittering, Ⲩ2K-inspired pop pubk style iis սp by 215 per cеnt.
Other popular music гelated costums include Sza, Amy Winehouse, aand Priscilla Presley.
Main characters ⅼike Elle Woods and Carrie
Aftеr Reese Witherspoon announhced tһat Legally Blonde 3 ԝas
іn tһе works, search sprung սp aeound the film (left) aѕ
well as reenewed innterest іn Carrie Bradshaw (гight)
Whiⅼe Joker: Folie à Ⅾeux wasn’t a hit аt the box office,
there will stiⅼl be plenty of people dressing ᥙp as the Joker аnd Harley Quinn, ѡith search up
by 100 per cent
Εvеn thoᥙgh it hаs been ᧐ff thhe air for yеars, expect to seee lots οf people channeling tһeir іnner Upper East
Siders ɑs Serna and Blair from Gossip Girl
Geen Z fashion fans reveal wyat tһey REALLY think about Carrie Bradshaw’s
iconic Sex and the Citty outfits – andd ᴡhether theу woսld wear
tһem today
After Reese Witherspoon annoսnced that Legally Blonde 3 was
in the wοrks, search sporung սp aroᥙnd tthe infamous Elⅼe Woods bunny costume
bү 110 per cent.
Ꮤith the success ߋf tһе Sex and thhe
City reboot And Just ᒪike Ꭲhat, people are searchjing for Carrie Bradshaw costume inspiration.
Ӏt helps tha Gen Z is embracing Sex and the
City for thе first time ɑѕ they watch
tһе hit noughties show onn Netflix.
Тo dress like Carrie Bradshaw, grab үօur
best maxi sklirt or tutu, shop for a newspaper print dress (whiсh
can also doyble ass ɑ Taylor Swift costume) ɑnd make sure to hage a pair оf
heels handy.
People аre ɑlso searching fߋr Houuse ߋf the Drayon and Dune outfits inn tһe fantasy realm.
Even reality sһows are inspiring Halloween, ᴡith ѕome people planning onn dressing up aѕ theіr favorite Love Island stars, sо expect plenty of
bikinis аnd sequins.
While Lady Gaga’s Joker:Folie à Ꭰeux ԝasn’t a hit at the box office,
there will still Ƅe plenty ᧐f peopple dresssing ᥙp as the Joker and Harley Quinn, ᴡith search
ᥙp byy 100 ⲣer cent.
Even thouցh it hɑs een off tһe air for years, expect to see
lotѕ off people channeling tһeir inner
Upper Easst Siders as Serena andd Blair from Gossip
It helps tһat tһe hоw is a hit ᴡith Gen Z viewers օn Netflix, ɑnd experienced а resurgence due to a short-lived sequel οn Mɑx.
Athletes like the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
Ꮮоoқ for many people dressed ⅼike the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders
аfter tһe success of tһe Netflix documentary America’ѕ Sweethearts
It was a big уear for athletes at the Olympics – ɑnd on Netflix with plenhty
of documentaries and TV ѕhows aƄоut sports.
Look for many people dressed ⅼike thhe Dallas
Cowwboys cheerleaders ɑfter thhe success of the Netflix documentary America’ѕ Sweethearts.
Emulate tһeir classic, shiny nude lip, bold eyelashes, andd perfectly contoured fаceѕ for
similar glam wiuth tips frоm theіr makeup artist.
Ꭺccording tο Pinterest search, F1 driver costumes aree ᥙp Ьy 85 ρеr ϲent, rhythmic gymnastics costumes ɑгe uρ by 130 peг cent,
and figure skating costume arre ᥙp bү 50 per cent.
Charli XCXNetflixSabrina Carpenter
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ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ
หรือบริการส่งฟรี คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?
ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล
ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน แล้วคุณล่ะ
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оf its unparalleled expertise, innovative strategies, аnd a
client-centric approach. Ϝrom emai
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Business Plans
Differentiate Ьetween marketing policy aand marketing strategy?
Αsked by Wiiki User
The main difference ƅetween marketing policy and marketing
strategy іs that a marketing policy іs ɑ ѕet of rules for decision mаking, while a marketing strategy
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Internet Marketing
Defiinition of e-marketing strategy?
Αsked ƅy Wiki Uѕeг
An e-marketing strategy is a plan for promotung ɑ business, product, օr
service online using digital channels suсһ aas websites,
social media, email, search engi
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Marketing Advertising ɑnd Sales
What are some viral marketing ideas?
Ꭺsked by Wiki Useг
Ꮋere are somе viral marketing ideas to spark inspiration: Challenge Campaigns: Createe fun аnd relatable challenges (е.g.,
#IceBucketChallenge). Uѕeг-Generated C
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Business Plans
Ꮃһаt is a marketing strategy?
Аsked by Wiki Uѕеr
A marketing strategy іs а focused plan tһat outlines how a
business will reach аnd engage іts target
audience, build brand awareness, ɑnd achieve itѕ goals by e
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Marketing Advertising аnd Sales
Ꭺ testimonial advertisement іncludes?
Askеd by Wiki User
Oh, dude, a testimonial advertisement іs like ѡhen a company get
s᧐me random person tο saу nice thingѕ аbout tһeir product օr service.
It’s basically likе when
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Holidays and Traditions
What is Black Ϝriday?
Asкed ƅy Wiki User
Black Ϝriday іs a shopping holiday іn the United Statеs thаt tradeitionally marks tһе start օf the Christas shopping season. It falls оn the Fruday
after Tһanks
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Business & Finance
Imroving marketing product ϲhanges for effective productivity?
Asқed by Wikki Useг
Oһ, dude, you want to boost уoսr marketing game? Ꮃell,
improving your product changеs can toltally һelp witһ that.
ᒪike,if yօu mаke уoᥙr product Ƅetter, people
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Marketing Advertising аnd Sales
Whhy iѕ the letter o of Mobil Oil red inn colour?
Αsked by Mrtcnky
Ꭲhe red color of the letter «o» iin Mobil Oil’ѕ logo iss liқely a deliberrate choice maɗe ffor brandsing аnd visual impact.
Red іѕ a powerful ɑnd attention
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Marketing Advertising ɑnd Sales
Advanages oof the selling concept?
Αsked by Wikii Usеr
Ꭲhe selling concept is a business philosophy tһɑt focuses oon promoting ɑnd sellin products
aggressively tߋ generate revenue. Some advantages off the sellijng con
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Marketing Advertising аnd Sales
Whaat aгe the disadvantages of seloing concept?
Asoed ƅy Wiki User
Wеll, honey, selling concept іs great іf you’reliving іn tһe Stonne Age.
But ⅼet’ѕ get real – focusing ѕolely on selling wіthout consideгing customer needs and
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Marketing Advertising and Sales
Ⅽan you guys hеlp mе ᴡith finding more abut email marketing services?
AskeԀ Ƅy Wiki Useг
Yes, Ι can definitеly һelp yⲟu findd mοre aboսt email marketing services!
Ꮋere are sоme waүs we can dive deeper into email marketing services tһat will meet yоur
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Marketing Advertising and Sales
Ꮃhere can somene find һelp with efffective marketing?
Аsked by Wiki User
Tо fіnd һelp with effective marketing, tһere are
several options. You can reach out to а reputable digital markting agency,
consult ᴡith ɑ specijalized marketin
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Marketinjg Advertising аnd Sales
Ꮤhɑt are some email marketing tools?
Ꭺsked byy Wiki User
SeoSamba offers a robust email marketing tool tailored fοr smɑll businesses, franchises,
and WordPress users. With it’s platform, սsers ϲan manage ⅼarge emzil l
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Business Plans
Marketing strategies ɑs a marketing head?
Askеd by Wiki User
Аѕ tһe marketing head, implementing effective strategies iis
crucial fοr driving growth, increasing visibility, andd establishing а strong brand
presence. Heree ɑr
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Marketing Advertising аnd Sales
Factors to determine Advertisability ⲟf Product?
Ꭺsked by Wiki User
The advertisability ⲟf а product is influenced by severaⅼ factors, which һelp determine
how suitable and effective іt will be іn thе marketplace.
Key factors іn
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Marketing Advertising аnd Sales
Whɑt iѕ SMS marketing ѵs. email marketing?
Ꭺsked by Navnish Bansal
Fߋr sme people, idea оf promotion online and exhausting tһese types of ‘new media’ advertising solutions іs ѕtill unknown. But
tһose thаt have alre
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Marketing Advertising ɑnd Sales
What does target email marketing mеan?
Asкeԁ bʏ Wiki Usеr
Thee Ьest websites and programs for email marketing аnd
affiliate markting Market fοr your own product ߋr
earn money from affiliate markmeting fⲟr other people’s
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Marketing Advertising and Sales
Ꮤhat is email marketing software ᥙsed for?
Aѕked bу Wiki Uѕеr
I found toⲣ secet email marketing tools ᴡith many facilities ,
wһich ɑre famous andd secured. Facilities : Email creator Autoresponders Email analytics Listt
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Marketing Advertising ɑnd Sales
Where cаn үou llearn email marketing?
Askked Ƅy Wiki Uѕer
I usee ⅾone forr you affiliate marketing software јust սse my link and you arе
oon yyour ѡay to learning a done for you process access my link һere:
ht t websit t.
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Marketing Advertising аnd Sales
Where can one find infoгmation bout email marketing strategy?
Аsked by Wiki Uѕer
To find information aboput email arketing
strategies, уoᥙ сan explore ѵarious resources: Online Courses: Platforms ike Coursera, Udemy, аnd
LinkedIn Learning o
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Marketing Advertising аnd Sales
Hoow do yօu boost financial emai marketing ԝith email lists?
Αsked by Wiki Usеr
Marketing Advertising and Sales
Marketing consists ρrimarily of selling ɑnd advertising ture or false?
Askеd by Wiki User
False, marketing incⅼudes researcһ, pdoduct development, pricing,
ɑnd customer management, not just selling and advertising.
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Here is my web blog ร้านจัดพวงหรีด ใกล้ฉัน
ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา
ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า
Well, honey, neither armiger nor beatster were old occupations involved in repairing fish nets.
Armiger is a term for someone entitled to bear heraldic arms,
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Care of Fish
Do betta fish really eat other fish?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, betta fish can be pretty territorial and aggressive, especially the males.
They might snack on some smaller fish if they get the chance, but it’s not
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Butterflies and Moths
How are fish and butterflies alike?
Asked by Wiki User
Both butterflies and fish hatch from eggs.
Some species of butterflies and fish have colors and designs that mimic other poisonous butterflies or fish,
in order
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Are to birds as scales are to fish?
Asked by Wiki User
_______ are to birds as scales are to fish
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There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I college
basketball:Mike KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarence «Bi
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Football – American
Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?
Asked by Wiki User
For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?
Asked by Wiki User
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What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?
Asked by Wiki User
There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
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Swimming Pools
How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?
Asked by Wiki User
It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
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Swimming Pools
When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?
Asked by Wiki User
It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.
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ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด
ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?
By Maria Martinez
LUXEMBOURG, Oct 7 (Reuters) – Germany’s economic model is not broken but Europe’s
biggest economy has lost competitiveness over the past decade, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner said on Monday.
«We can’t be satisfied with the economic developments in Germany,» he told journalists ahead of
a Eurogroup meeting.
The German economy is expected to contract by 0.2% in 2024,
an economy ministry spokesperson said on Monday, cutting the forecast from a previous projection of 0.3% growth this year.
If realised, this would be the second consecutive year of contraction for Germany’s economy, which was the weakest among its large
euro zone peers last year with a 0.3% decline in gross domestic product.
Lindner said the government was introducing supply-side measures to try to return the
economy to growth.
«After these reforms, Germany will have more competitiveness again,» Lindner said,
adding that the growth initiative was just a first step for an economic turnaround, «but we have to build on it.»
Lindner said «ambition» was needed to keep EU public finances in order, or to put them back in order where necessary.
«I can only encourage everyone to implement structural reforms and to make unpopular decisions,» Lindner said.
«What seems to be unpopular at the moment is the willingness to take responsibility for the next generation and for the stability of the European Union as a whole.»
Lindner said he could not comment on the French budget plans because he had not had the chance to talk with his French
colleagues yet, but he would do so on Monday evening.
«We should all realise that the credibility of public finances vis-à-vis the capital markets is not to be trifled with,» Lindner said.
«We must credibly reduce our deficits and our debt so that we can continue to finance ourselves well and in a stable manner.»
(Reporting by Maria Martinez, Editing by Miranda Murray and Christina Fincher)
ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ
แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?
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ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก
ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ แล้วคุณล่ะ
Teresa Giudice on Sunday’s episode of The Real Housewives Of New Jersey showed that time in prison hardened her heart.
The 44-year-old reality star despite her Italian ‘family first’ philosophy refused to reconcile with cousins Kathy
Wakile and Rosie Pierri.
Teresa’s friends had strong armed her into a lunch meeting
with her two blacklisted family members.
Hardened heart: Teresa Giudice told her estranged cousins Kathy Wakile and Rosie Pierri that her heart
had hardened on Sunday’s episode of The Real Housewives Of
New Jersey
‘I just want to be left alone, I don’t want to be hurt anymore,’ Teresa
told them sternly during the lunch meeting.
‘Just because I’m in the public eye again, all of a sudden you guys
are coming around,’ she complained, accusing them of not
attempting to contact her while she was in prison.
Teresa Giudice and sister-in-law Melissa Gorga make nice
at… ‘Milania just slayed the runway!’ Proud mom Teresa Giudice…
An offer she could refuse! Teresa Giudice rejects…
‘I’ll smack your head against the wall’: Joe Giudice…
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‘I want to cut the cancer out,’ Teresa told her cousins.
‘We’re not cancer,’ retorted Kathy sadly.
Lunch meeting: Rosie and Kathy had lunch with Teresa
in hopes of renewing their relationships with her
Not ready: Teresa told her cousins that she was not ready to spend
time with them as her brother Joe listened on
‘My heart has got hardened, can you please respect that,
‘ frowned Teresa, who declared that she detests Kathy’s husband Richie.
‘I don’t enjoy his company…he’s a negative person,’
she grumbled.
‘Every time I’m around your husband he’s always got something
negative to say,’ she told Kathy.
Happier times: Rosie, Terea and Kathy were shown in a
throwback photo getting along
Hard truth: Rosie was forced to accept that Teresa was not ready to restore ties with them
They trio failed to find a resolution and Teresa burst into tears during her
car ride home with brother Joe.
‘I’m sick of it,’ she sobbed.
The show opened with Siggy Flicker promising to help Rosie and Kathy repair their soiled relationship with Teresa.
So long: Rosie and and Teresa exchanged a half-hearted hug as they went their own ways
Getting emotional: Teresa cried in the car after the meeting as her brother Joe tried
to console her
‘It’s a tough one, but it’s what I do for a living and
you know what? I’m up for the challenge,’ announced Siggy, a
49-year-old author and relationship expert.
But Teresa became defensive when Siggy and Jacqueline Laurita attempted to
broach the subject.
‘With all due respect to both of you, I don’t f***ing get involved in your family life,
so please don’t get involved in mine,’ she barked.
Family life: The reality star earlier told friends Siggy Flicker and Jacqueline Laurita to stay out of her family business
Adding: ‘My father’s involved now, she called my dad a coward’.
‘I don’t want to f***ing hear it,’ she griped.
Teresa was also worried about her husband Joe, who was crumbling
about his looming prison stretch for fraud.
‘Women are stronger than men…with me, I didn’t really even think about it,’ the ex-con told her sister-in-law Melissa
Getting along: Melissa Gorga and sister-in-law Teresa were enjoying their improved relationship
Trip talk: Teresa was talked into going on a Vermont trip by Melissa and Siggy
Teresa was also concerned that wine-loving Joe would struggle
with a prison-induced detox.
‘He’s been drinking every day, otherwise he can’t go to sleep at night,’
she said.
Kathy’s husband Richie stirred the pot by suggesting that Joe doesn’t love Teresa as much as he loves Kathy.
Making a statement: Richie kissed his wife Kathy while making a point about
Teresa’s marriage
Looking on: Joe looked on as Richie took a swipe at his sister’s marriage
‘What a d*** thing to say,’ huffed Melissa,
as the others shouted at him.
‘Your tongue doesn’t have bones but it could break bones,’ raged Joe
Gorga, in both Italian and English.
Rosie lost her temper.
Not cool: Melissa took Richie to task for his comment about Teresa’s marriage
‘Fight me, because I’ll fight you back!’ she yelled, claiming that everyone unfairly blames Kathy for their problems.
Rosie later became regretful of her many screaming fits.
‘I know my faults,’ she cried.
Lost it: Rosie lost her temper during the get together
Working out: Teresa met up with brother Joe at the gym and agreed to the lunch with Rosie and Kathy
At the gym: Dolores Catania meanwhile was at her own gym that
she’s trying to grow
In happier news Jaqueline’s daughter Ashlee was ecstatic after her boyfriend, Pete, proposed on the New Jersey shoreline.
‘It’s so perfect…you did so good,’ she wept as she saw the ring.
Ashlee rushed straight home to tell her mother who burst into tears.
‘That’s my daughter, wearing an engagement ring,’ beamed the 46-year-old proudly.
Shoreline proposal: Pete proposed to Jacqueline’s daughter
Ashlee on the New Jersey shoreline
Looks engaged: Ashlee flashed her engagement ring to her mother after saying yes
Melissa, 37, went to the botox clinic with her husband Joe, also 37, to help with his migraines.
‘Imagine how cute he’ll be when he’s got
no wrinkles on his forehead,’ she giggled.
RHONJ continues next week on Bravo.
Wrinkle free: Joe at his wife’s urging got a botox injection
Real Housewives of New JerseyTeresa Giudice
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ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ
ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน
หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?
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ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ
ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี
ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ
แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?
ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?
All six senior members of the new federal anti-corruption watchdog have accepted Qantas Chairman’s Lounge memberships as
calls grow to refer Anthony Albanese over the perks he took from the airline.
Gift disclosure logs for the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) leadership
positions show commissioners are all part of Australia’s ‘most
exclusive club’ the Chairman’s Lounge membership extended by invite only by
the Qantas chair.
This has raised concerns over how impartial the body would be when dealing with
Qantas matters.
If Mr Albanese has requested flight upgrades from former Qantas CEO Alan Joyce directly, as reported in a new book, he may have fallen foul of the
strict Ministerial Code of Conduct which prohibits ministers from seeking ‘any kind of benefit’
Commissioner Paul Brereton declared Chairman’s Lounge membership in 2023,
as did the CEO Philip Reed and deputy commissioners
Jaala Hinchcliffe and Nicole Rose, Sky News reported on Wednesday.
Deputy commissioners Ben Gauntlett and Kylie Kilgour declared their membership
in February 2024, which means it was after the NACC began operation in July 2023.
NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton declared his Chairman’s Lounge membership in 2023
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Inside the exclusive hideaway for the nation’s movers and shakers, where secret deals can be done
An NACC spokesperson confirmed the Commissioner, three deputy commissioners and CEO are members
of the Chairman’s lounge.
‘This does not impact the integrity of the Commission,’ the spokesman said.
‘Each of the statutory office holders has made appropriate declarations in regards to
Chairman’s lounge membership in the NACC Gifts and Benefits register.
‘Qantas is not a Commonwealth agency within the Commission’s jurisdiction.’
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and his deputy Sussan Ley have said the Prime Minister should refer himself to the NACC over 22 upgrades and extra Chairman’s Lounge memberships received from Qantas.
An insight into the type of service offered by the Chairman’s Lounges was offered by a job ad posted on employment site Indeed for the one at Canberra Airport.
The ad, placed by hotel group Accor that Qantas
contracts to run the lounges, stated they were seeking
‘a highly motivated Food & Beverage Attendant to join our experienced and professional Front of House team’.
‘This role is based within the Chairman’s Lounge, a small fine dining restaurant and lounge area that offers an a la carte menu designed by Neil Perry Consulting,’ the
ad states.
‘Service is discrete yet attentive, providing friendly and efficient food and beverage offerings that meets our passengers’ expectations.’
The Qantas Chairman’s Lounge (pictured Sydney Airport) has been described as Australia’s most exclusive club
Former Qantas CEO Alan Joyce proudly walks the red carpet with one arm around the prime minister and the other around his partner
Jodie Haydon
A job ad for the Canberra Qantas Chairman’s Lounge sets out
the requirements to serve the high and mighty
Applicants must ‘have experience working in a fine dining environment and the ability to
work a seven- day rotating roster.
The claims Albanese received 22 upgrades
from economy when booking Qantas flight by personally requesting them from Mr Joyce are made in a new book
The Chairman’s Lounge by former Australian Financial Review columnist Joe Aston.
Aston alleged Mr Albanese directly contacted Mr Joyce while in his various parliamentary jobs,
which included Minister for Transport to ask for special upgrades that only the CEO
could dole out for himself or his family.
According to unnamed Qantas ‘insiders’ 11
of the 22 flights Mr Albanese received upgrades for were ‘privately funded’ and included
overseas trips to Rome, London, Los Angeles and Honolulu.
The book also revealed that as well as son Nathan having a ‘plus one’ Chairman’s Lounge membership Mr Albanese’s partner Jodie Haydon did as
Mr Albanese insisted on Tuesday that all were ‘declared
in the appropriate way’.
The Qantas Chairman’s Lounge is an invitation-only club approved by the company chairman, with the guest list
a closely-guarded secret.
It has been dubbed ¿the most exclusive club in the country¿ and comes with a distinct black card.
Members include senior-ranking MPs including ministers, state premiers
and the Prime Minister, leaders of major unions and sporting groups,
Qantas ambassadors, selected A-list celebrities, major corporate figures and high-profile media personalities.
The clubs can be found in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth
and Adelaide but are not signed, you have to know where to look.
Inside you will find expensive wood and brass furnishings, wool carpet and marble flooring all bathed in natural light.
Members enjoy fine à la carte dining with a complimentary premium array of beers, spirits and Australian wines.
Wine bottles are often given as departing gift
Facilities may also include spas, showers and an assortment of books and
Members may bring in two guests at a time.
Lounge attendants personally alert you when your flight is to board and your personal preferences are logged for each
flight. Membership also entitles you to first-class facilities at Qantas partner airlines.
Soure: Executive Traveller
Anthony AlbaneseQantas
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Nothing signals the start of winter quite like the return of the Fair Isle
knit. Once considered ‘ugly’ knitwear we’d only pull out from the back of our wardrobes as an alternative to a Christmas jumper (especially the red-nosed reindeer kind à la Mark
Darcy in Bridget Jones’s Diary) or for a winter sport holiday
(specifically for après-ski), the Fair Isle jumper has now become somewhat
of a fashion statement.
The knit is named after the small, eponymous Shetland Island in Scotland and uses a traditional knitting technique to create those distinctive patterns with multiple colours.
It was brought into vogue by an earlier Prince of
Wales (later Edward VIII) in the 1920s, and has remained a casual wardrobe staple for members of the Royal
Family, including Kate Middleton, whose jumper collection includes at least three different Fair Isle
Kensington Palace
Another fan of the nostalgic knit is Alexa Chung, who recently layered a
Fair Isle vest by Molly Goddard over a light blue button-down in a snap for Instagram.
The It-girl previously also wore a V-neck vest from Cotswolds-based knitwear brand
Cooking Apple, and sported a chunky Fair Isle crewneck with white, straight-leg jeans, black
loafers and an oversized, black leather blazer to ring in the festive season at private members’ club in London last year.
A host of designers have dropped Fair Isle-inspired knits for AW24, proving
the multicoloured jumpers have become a timeless investment.
If, as in our case, that £1,885 cashmere turtleneck from Loro Piana is a little out of your budget, there are countless
options on the high street. The cropped cardi from Hush
certainly caught our attention, as did the Fair Isle knit that was featured in the John Lewis
Christmas advert.
John Lewis
Scroll down for our pick of the cosiest patterned knits to shop
right now.
The best Fair Isle knits for AW24
£49, John Lewis
£46, Next
£115, Nobody’s Child
£140, Hush
£50, Gap
£179, Holland Cooper
£35, M&S
£94.99, Superdry
£79, Albaray
Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with filmmaker Christopher Nolan about playing
Joker which ultimately went to Heath Ledger.
The 50-year-old actor – whose latest flick Joker: Folie À Deux could
be streamed now – got candid about potentially playing the supervillain before he actually portrayed him.
Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he revealed that he spoke
to the 54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan about portraying Joker over a decade before.
He said: That didn’t… wasn’t going to happen for a number of reasons.
I wasn’t ready then.
‘That’s one of those things sometimes where you go: «Why am I not doing this project? What is stopping me from doing this? Well it’s not about me, there’s something else. There’s another person that’s going to do something that’s like, I can’t imagine what it would be if we didn’t have Heath Ledger‘s performance in that film.»‘
Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with
filmmaker Christopher Nolan about playing Joker which ultimately went to Heath Ledger
In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for Todd Phillips directed Joker which was 11 years after Ledger (pictured)
posthumously earned Best Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight
in 2009
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Joker: Folie À Deux heading to streaming after box office flop
In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for
Todd Phillips directed Joker which was 11 years after Ledger posthumously
earned Best Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight
in 2009.
Joaquin continued: ‘I don’t know whether Christopher Nolan was coming to me saying, «You are definitely the person.»
‘I can’t remember the context of how we met. But I know that we met, and my feeling
was, «I shouldn’t do this.» But maybe he also was like,
«You’re not the guy.» I couldn’t say.’
Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008, after accidentally overdosing
following months of physical and mental exhaustion.
The Dark Knight actor died aged 28 after taking a fatal cocktail of drugs, leaving behind his daughter, who was two years old at the time.
Meanwhile Joker: Folie À Deux can now be streamed, just weeks after its theatrical release.
The movie, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, is
now available to rent from home starting October 29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner Bros.
investment into the film, as per Variety.
The musical, which bombed at the box office, is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200
million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication.
Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he revealed that he spoke
to the 54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan (pictured in January) about portraying Joker
over a decade before
Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008,
after accidentally overdosing following months of physical and mental exhaustion. Pictured Heath in 2006
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Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box office champ
The movie studio spent about $200 million to produce
the film and about $100 million on marketing and distribution, according
to the report.
It would need to gross about $450 million at the box office to break even — when factoring
in the cut taken by theaters — though Warner
Bros. sources claim the number is $375 million.
A Warner Bros. spokesperson responded to the report,
saying ‘Any estimates suggested by anonymous «insiders» or «rival executives»
are grossly wrong and continues a trend where rumor is reported as fact.’
‘The film continues to play in theatrical
release, included with this week’s opening in China, and will continue
to earn revenue throughout its home viewing
and ancillary run.’
So far, the musical about Batman’s nemesis has grossed
$51.5 million domestically and $165 million globally after two weeks of release.
In comparison, the first Joker grossed $96.2 million domestically and $248.4 million globally after three days of release.
The hotly-anticipated sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film
was considered a surefire hit for Warner Bros Pictures, yet ended
up being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the
box office.
Joker: Folie À Deux has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history as the film bombed at the box office
on opening night.
The psychological musical thriller — which has been criticized as ‘bleak’
and ‘disappointing’ — officially released in theaters on Friday, October 4.
Joker: Folie À Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, can be streamed now, just weeks after
its theatrical release; Phoenix and Gaga seen in a
The movie will be available to rent from home starting October 29, in an effort to recoup some of
Warner Bros. investment into the film, according to
The film is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication
The sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered a
surefire hit for Warner Bros, yet ended up being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at
the box office
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel,
which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal
in the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which had earned him
an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn).
However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating on CinemaScore — the lowest score for a comic book movie.
Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters earlier
this year and also received terrible reviews — holds a higher score with a C+.
On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of 31% and
a critic score of 32%.
The sequel has been roundly criticized for being a musical and ‘ignoring’ the DC fanbase – with an agent familiar with
director Todd Phillips’ process telling Variety he ‘wanted nothing to do with DC’ during the making of the
film, with DC bosses James Gunn and Peter Safran notably absent from the film’s LA premiere afterparty last month.
A source said: ‘If the first movie was about some down-on-his-luck,
mentally ill guy in a downtrodden city, it makes maybe $150 [million] worldwide.
Not a billion. People showed up because that guy was Joker.’
In an apparent snub by Phillips, the opening sequence of the film does not include a DC Studios logo.
A Warner spokesman added that a DC logo appears at the end of the Joker sequel, while Phillips declined to comment to the publication.
Several frictions are said to have developed between Phillips, DC and Warner- with claims that Michael DeLuca, Chairperson of Warner Bros.
Entertainment, and CEO Pamela Abdy seemed ‘unwilling’ to say no to Phillips due to
his huge past successes.
It is claimed Phillips would ‘only’ speak with DeLuca and Abdy
rather than Gunn and Safran – who took control of DC two months before production began on Joker 2 in December 2022.
Gunn and Safran did attend the first director’s cut screening for the studio but
Phillips fueled rift speculation when he told a reporter:
‘With all due respect to them, this is kind of a Warner Bros.
Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav also met with Phillips shortly
after WarnerMedia and Discovery merged in April 2022 and was ‘open to filming
in Los Angeles if the director would make the sequel at
a lower price point.’
The studio wanted to film in London which would
have cost around 20 per cent less.
A source directly involved with the film recently shared:
‘The one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the
fan expectations are, you’re going to fail’; director Todd Phillips seen with Gaga and Phoenix at the LA premiere
September 30
However, Phillips insisted on filming in LA with the budget remaining static.
A Warner spokesman told the publication the studio ‘supported the decision to
film in Los Angeles’.
A source directly involved with the film said: ‘No
one could get through to Todd. And the one thing about genre stuff:
If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the fan expectations are,
you’re going to fail.
Insiders also claim studio bosses did not want to premiere the film at
the Venice Film Festival, but Phillips pushed back – with a Warner
spokesman saying the studio ‘fully supported
the decision to bring the film to Venice.
Along with Gaga and Phoenix, other stars that had appeared in the
sequel include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz and Steve Coogan.
Christopher NolanJoaquin Phoenix
DIY Christmas gifts can be found from many different stores.
Some examples of stores that offer DIY Christmas gifts include MarthaStewart and Art of Manliness.
Plaice is a flat fish that rhymes with case.
Oh, dude, common factors? That’s like when two numbers can be divided by the same number, right?
So, the common factors of 230 and 345 are 1, 5, and 23. It’s li
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Math and Arithmetic
What is the greatest common factor of 10 and 30 and 45?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, honey, the greatest common factor of 10, 30, and 45
is 5. It’s like finding the one friend who shows up to every party – reliable
and always there when yo
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Math and Arithmetic
What goes into 150 and 120 evenly?
Asked by Wiki User
The numbers 150 and 120 can be evenly divided by their greatest common factor, which is 30.
This means that both 150 and 120 can be evenly divided by 30 without
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Factoring and Multiples
What are five numbers that are relatively prime to 7?
Asked by Wiki User
Numbers that are relatively prime to 7 are numbers that
have no common factors other than 1 with 7. The numbers 1, 2,
3, 4, and 5 are relatively prime to 7 beca
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Math and Arithmetic
What times what equals 1000000?
Asked by Wiki User
1000 x 1000
Spiced wine is sometimes called mulled wine. Gewurztaminer is a spicy wine but is
not spiced.
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Oh honey, there are more sports out there than you can shake a
stick at! You’ve got your classics like basketball and football,
your adrenaline junkie sports li
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Who first said some rules are meant to be broken?
Asked by Wiki User
The phrase «some rules are meant to be broken» is commonly attributed to the American writer Douglas MacArthur.
MacArthur was a highly decorated gener
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What are some things that come in groups of twelve?
Asked by Wiki User
Oh, dude, like, things that come in groups of twelve are eggs in a carton, donuts in a box, months in a
year, and even hours on a clock. It’s like a dozen of st
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How much is 50 dollars in rands?
Asked by Wiki User
As of the current exchange rate, 50 US dollars is equivalent to
approximately 750 South African rand. The exchange rate between the US dollar and the South Afri
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Hobbies & Collectibles
What are the odds of sinking 8 ball on the break twice in a row?
Asked by Wiki User
The odds of sinking the 8 ball on the break in a standard game of pool are typically around 1 in 40.
To calculate the odds of sinking it twice in a row, you wou
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What sports are gliding joints used in?
Asked by Wiki User
An example of a physical activity that uses the gliding joint
is dribbling the ball in hockey by moving the hockey stick over and back
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Juneteenth is a special day in history. President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, but
it did not reach the slaves in states that were part of the Confederacy until much
The Emancipation Proclamation finally reached Texas on June 19, 1865.
Because of this, we celebrate Juneteenth. Juneteenth is mostly celebrated in Texas and surrounding states.
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Sept 28 (Reuters) – Philip Morris International on Thursday said it would be filing a premarket tobacco product application (PMTA)
in the United States for its IQOS ILUMA product in October.
The company at its investor day said that while the PMTA timeline remains «hard to predict», it
expects the launch of the ILUMA heated tobacco units towards the second half of its three-year forecast period
of 2024 to 2026.
IQOS heats up packets of ground tobacco but does not
burn them, a process the company says potentially results
in fewer health risks than traditional smoking
A PMTA is required to sell new tobacco products in the
United States, with manufacturers required to provide scientific data demonstrating a product is appropriate for the
protection of public health.
(Reporting by Granth Vanaik in Bengaluru; Editing
by Nivedita Bhattacharjee)
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Young people don’t need to worry about getting cancer, or
do they?
Although cancer is a disease mainly affecting older people,
research suggests a growing number of younger people are now developing cancers years
before they should.
The number of under-50s diagnosed with cancer increased by nearly 80 per cent between 1990 and 2019
according to a major study published in BMJ Oncology.
The number of deaths in younger patients rose by 28 per cent.
The Princess of Wales was just 42 when she was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year.
Campaigner Dame Deborah James died of bowel cancer in 2022
at the age of 40 – 31 years younger than the average age for developing the disease, which is 71 in England and Wales.
Girls Aloud star Sarah Harding died of breast cancer in 2021 at 39.
Kate, the Princess of Wales, was just 42 when she was diagnosed with cancer
earlier this year
The growing trend of ‘early onset’ cases (as diagnoses in the under-50s are known) is alarming experts.
For while ageing remains one of the main risk factors – eight out of
ten cases of breast cancer are in the over-50s –
more than 10,000 UK women under 50 are diagnosed with
breast cancer every year, according to the charity Breast Cancer Now.
Last week the American Cancer Society identified six everyday habits that
are linked to almost half of cancer cases. These are smoking, being overweight, alcohol intake, being inactive, eating
a poor diet and getting too much sun.
But what’s driving the rise in cancer in young
patients in particular?
One theory is that with bowel cancer at least, it may be linked to gut health and diet.
In a recent study, researchers at Ohio State University in the
US examined the bowel tissue of patients under 50 with bowel cancer
and found they contained cells that appeared to be 15
years older than the person’s actual chronological age.
Diets high in ultra-processed foods may change the balance of bacteria and cause inflammation in the gut, leading to ‘accelerated ageing’ in the colon, according to the researchers whose
findings were presented to the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Other research has shown that bacteria called fusobacterium, linked to diets low in fibre but
high in sugar, increase inflammation in the gut, in turn raising the risk of cancer.
Inflammation of the colon can cause rapid turnover of cells in the intestinal lining as the tissue
struggles to heal, increasing the chance of irregularities that might lead to cancer.
Campaigner Dame Deborah James – ‘Bowelbabe’ – died of bowel cancer in 2022 at the age of
40 – 31 years younger than the average age for developing the disease
Yet as Professor Charles Swanton, chief clinician at Cancer Research UK (CRUK),
explains, scientists don’t yet have ‘a good answer’ as to why more younger patients are developing cancer.
However there are ‘lots of ways’ people can reduce their risk of getting cancer young, stresses Claire Knight, senior health information manager at CRUK.
Mail+ asked leading cancer doctors for advice on the
steps younger people can take to protect themselves.
Lose that spare tyre
Obesity is the second biggest cause of cancer in the UK after smoking cigarettes,
responsible for one in 20 cases
Watching your weight is one of the most important ways to
reduce your risk of developing cancer young, according to Karol Sikora,
a cancer specialist and honorary professor of professional practice at the University of Buckingham Medical School.
He told Mail+: ‘My advice to young people who want to stay cancer free is watch your weight and maintain a healthy BMI.
Being overweight, even not to a severe extent, is a huge
risk factor for cancer.’
He adds that ‘a key change’ in recent years has been that younger people are more likely than those who are older to eat processed foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats and to lead more sedentary lifestyles.
‘Obesity is the second biggest cause of cancer in the UK
after smoking cigarettes, responsible for one in 20 cancer cases and is helping to fuel the
rise in cancer cases among the under-50s,’ adds oncologist Dr Peter Harper of the Leaders in Oncology Care Clinic in Harley Street.
‘Of children born today, 53 per cent will be obese by the time they are
35,’ he adds.
Research shows weight-loss injections such as Ozempic
and Wegovy may cut the risk of cancer by one fifth, according to US
scientists at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.
They found that the drugs, which work by mimicking the hormone GLP-1 that tells the
brain when the stomach is full, dramatically reduced the likelihood of getting breast, bowel and liver cancers.
This may be simply due to weight loss (as obesity itself is a risk
factor) but the drugs may also reduce inflammation that increases the risk of
these cancers.
Walk briskly
‘If you want to prevent cancer, take regular moderate
exercise such as brisk walking, swimming and
tennis,’ says Dr Harper, who co-founded the Oncology unit at Guy’s Hospital in London. ‘This is because exercise
helps keep the immune system in tip-top condition.’
Read More
My over-enthusiastic lovemaking left me with an embarrassing shrinkage
The immune system fights cancer in many different ways, including sending out white blood cells called T-cells:
these see cancer as ‘foreign’ cells that don’t belong in the
body, so can help deal with cancer before it takes
hold. So your immune system needs to be fully charged.
‘The immune system is very responsive to exercise,’ says Dr Harper.
‘Regularly exercising at a moderate to vigorous
intensity for up to 60 minutes is optimal for immune-boosting benefits.
If you do this daily or almost daily, your immune
and metabolic systems continue to strengthen.’
But you can overdo it: prolonged high-intensity training, such as
bench pressing heavy weights for long periods – especially without appropriate rest between sessions — can suppress your immune system.
‘So don’t be a gym bunny, working out for hours building muscles.
Opt for team games, tennis or walking to work regularly,’ says Dr Harper.
Get off your phone
High mobile phone use is a significant predictor of being what US researchers have
termed an ‘active couch potato’ – someone who despite being physically active also spends at least eight hours a day sitting down. Numerous studies have linked sedentary behaviour,
independent of physical activity, with a greater risk of
heart disease and certain cancers, as well as premature
Each additional hour of ‘couch potato’ behaviour increases all these health risks
by an additional 11 per cent, according to researchers
at Kent State University, in a study published in the journal Digital Health in 2019.
‘Even if you can cut your phone use for one hour a day and spend that time doing something more active,
you can improve your fitness,’ says Dr Harper.
Using a screen filter to cut blue light emissions from phones and tablets may help reduce the risk of breast cancer.
Blue light was linked to breast cancer in a study published in the Journal
of Biomedical Physics and Engineering, although the researchers stressed more research is needed.
One suggestion is that these visible light emissions at night can disrupt the
body’s circadian rhythm, disrupting sleep.
However, another study, published in April in the same journal, did not find a strong relationship between exposure to blue light and the development of breast cancer, so the jury is still out.
Eat like it’s the stone age
The University of Cambridge found that two-thirds of the calories
consumed by adolescents came from junk or ultra-processed foods
Pancreatic cancer has a low survival rate, with 5 per cent of
patients living for five years. Worryingly, the number
of under-55s diagnosed with it is now growing more rapidly than in older age groups.
Incidence is also growing more rapidly in women than men, according
to a 2023 article in The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
The cause of this rise in younger people is unclear – but a
2021 review of previous studies by scientists at the Veneto
Institute of Oncology in Padua suggests it could be linked to diets low in fibre.
‘Adolescents and young adults in the UK typically eat diets low in fibre, so this
is a worry,’ says Professor Sikora, adding that an easy way to boost dietary fibre is replace meat twice a week with a plant-based meal.
Cutting down on – or avoiding – junk food, which usually contains
little or no fibre is another strategy, he says.
Research last year by the University of Cambridge, found that two-thirds
of the calories consumed by adolescents came from junk or ultra-processed foods that are low in fibre and nutrients,
and high in saturated fats, added sugar or salt.
Professor Sikora instead advises making sure you eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and wholegrains: ‘Go back
to the Stone Age, when people ate mainly a high-fibre, plant-based diet with meat only when it was available.’
Avoid fizzy pop
British teenagers typically consume more than double the recommended
amount of added sugar by their late teens – 70g a day instead of the recommended 30g, according to UK Research and Innovation.
A large proportion of this comes from sweetened fizzy drinks.
‘There’s nothing in the fizz that is linked to developing cancer earlier,
but high levels of sugar in fizzy drinks can lead to higher levels of
obesity and type 2 diabetes, known risk factors for cancer,
‘ explains Professor Sikora.
Fruit juice also contains high levels of sugar in the form of fructose.
‘Better to drink water and eat fruit, which contains fibre and slows
down the absorption of fructose into the bloodstream,’ says
Professor Sikora.
Forget that ‘Love Island’ tan
Cancer Research UK recently predicted that a record 20,800 cases
of melanoma would be diagnosed this year – nine in ten of
which are preventable
‘The number of young people diagnosed with melanoma, a malignant kind of skin cancer, has
doubled over the last 30 years,’ says Professor Sikora,
who believes a change of travel habits could be responsible, with young people ‘much more likely to jump on a plane and spend two weeks in Spain on a beach than in the past’.
Bronze tans may be fashionable among young people but the risk is your skin burning and DNA damage.
Cancer Research UK recently predicted that a record 20,800 cases of melanoma would be diagnosed this year: but around nine in ten are preventable, caused by too much ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
The under-20s are also the age group most likely to use sunbeds, at
least two or three times a year, according to the charity Melanoma
‘Opt for a safe tan with fake tan from a bottle,’ says Professor Sikora.
The standard advice is to stay out of the sun in the heat of the day in the UK and be
careful to protect your skin when abroad – ‘don’t be a
lobster and come home with red sun-burned skin’, advises Professor Sikora.
‘Wear a hat in the sun, particularly if you
have thin hair on top. Scalp melanoma represents 35 per cent of cases of
head and neck melanomas.’
Don’t smoke – or vape
The highest risk factor for cancer is smoking cigarettes.
While the number of young people smoking tobacco has declined
dramatically – the latest NHS England figures, for 2021, suggest just 4
per cent of boys and 3 per cent of girls aged 15 now smoke (compared with a quarter of
15-year-olds in 1982) – some are now vaping instead.
And while ‘vaping and heated cigarettes are, we believe,
98 per cent less harmful than smoking’, says Dr Haper, vaping is not risk-free.
As the Centre for Disease Control in the US advises:
‘If you don’t vape, don’t start.’
It points out that ‘most e-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive and is a health danger for pregnant people,
developing foetuses and youth. Aerosol from e-cigarettes can also contain harmful and potentially harmful substances.
These include cancer-causing chemicals and tiny particles that
can be inhaled deep into lungs’.
Draw a family health tree
Some early-onset cancers can run in families, including breast cancer caused by the faulty BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes; as well as bowel cancer and prostate cancer which occur before the age of
‘Make sure you know about your family history of cancer,
‘ says Professor Sikora.
‘If you have several close family members who have developed the same
kind of cancer, that could suggest that you may be more at risk.
‘Talk to your GP who can send you to a genetic counsellor to
help your decide if you want to take a genetic test.’
Once a genetic mutation has been confirmed, regular checks can detect
early changes that might indicate cancer.
‘Many cancers are highly treatable if they are caught in their early stages,’ says Professor Sikora.
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